2023-10-19 GSWG Meeting Notes

2023-10-19 GSWG Meeting Notes

Meeting Date

The GSWG meets bi-weekly on Thursdays at 11:00-12:00 PT / 18:00-19:00 UTC. Check the ToIP Calendar for meeting dates.

Zoom Meeting Link / Recording


Main Goal of this Meeting


Agenda Items and Notes (including all relevant links)

TimeAgenda ItemLeadNotes
5 min
  • Start recording
  • Welcome & antitrust notice
  • Introduction of new members
  • Agenda review
  • Antitrust Policy Notice: Attendees are reminded to adhere to the meeting agenda and not participate in activities prohibited under antitrust and competition laws. Only members of ToIP who have signed the necessary agreements are permitted to participate in this activity beyond an observer role.
  • New Members:
    • Wendy Seltzer introduced herself as a new member and expressed her interest in governance. Scott Perry welcomed her and suggested connecting outside of the meeting to discuss their work in governance.
5 minsReview of action items from previous meetingChairs

Request for participation in the interim review of the vLEI Ecosystem Governance Framework

5 minsAnnouncementsTF Leads

News or events of interest to Governance Stack WG members:

  • IIW updates
20 minsIIW Trust Spanning Protocol Presentation

A walk-through of the ToIP Trust Spanning Protocol for Muggles slide deck that we gave at IIW is the fastest way to lay the groundwork for the Governance Architecture discussion.

15 minsToIP Glossary Review

A walk-through of the ToIP Glossary document is now ready for WG review.

5 minsAny other business

5 mins
  • Review decisions/action items
  • Planning for next meeting 


Prompt: Please provide a detailed account of the GSWG 2023-10-19 meeting.


Based on the provided context, the GSWG (Governance Stack Working Group) meeting on October 19, 2023, started with a discussion about attendance and a reminder about adhering to the meeting agenda and antitrust policy. The attendees included Drummond Reed, Scott Perry, Wendy Seltzer, Mary Lacity, Neil Thomson, Callum Haslam, Bree Blazicevic, and Keerthi Thomas.

The conversation then shifted to general greetings and small talk among the attendees. Scott mentioned that he had submitted a speaker application for Secure World and had been accepted as a speaker for the IoT grand slam event. He also requested that the governance architecture task force start taking a revised view of the governance side of the trust over IP stack diagram.

Drummond Reed then took the floor to present two topics. The first topic was a presentation on the Trust Spanning Protocol for Muggles, which aimed to explain the technology at a level that non-technical individuals could understand. Drummond shared slides and described the importance of the Trust Spanning Protocol as the keystone of the stack for interoperable decentralized digital trust infrastructure.

The second topic was the Trustworthy Glossary, which Drummond described as the second generation of tooling for the governance stack. He mentioned that the glossary work was going on in the Concepts and Terminology Task Force and would serve as a feed source for the glossary architecture for the working group and others in trust over IP.

Throughout the presentation, there were interactions and questions from the attendees, including discussions about different DID methods, the importance of confirming the governance of VID issuers, and the logic behind acronyms in the glossary.

The meeting concluded with positive feedback and excitement about the topics presented. 

Please note that the provided context is a meeting transcript and may not capture every detail or discussion.

Prompt:  Please provide a detailed account of Drummond's GSWG 2023-10-19 presentation.

Response: In the GSWG (Governance Stack Working Group) meeting on October 19, 2023, Drummond Reed presented the Trust Spanning Protocol and the ToIP Glossary. The presentation began with an overview of the Trust Spanning Protocol, considered the keystone of the Trust Over IP (ToIP) stack. The protocol provides a framework for defining and discovering trust task protocols that enable interoperable, decentralized digital trust infrastructure. It allows for verifiably authentic and optionally confidential communication between two endpoints, with the ability to nest channels for different communication contexts. The presentation also highlighted the importance of direct connections and the use of intermediaries for correlation privacy.

Following the Trust Spanning Protocol presentation, Drummond Reed discussed the ToIP Glossary. He explained that the Glossary combines an actual set of terminology for ToIP and tooling for compiling and curating glossaries from various sources. The Glossary is designed to work with any source, including GitHub-based term wikis and Google Docs. It allows for ingesting terms, intermediate formatting, curation, and export into glossaries needed for specific deliverables. The Glossary includes cryptographic keys, digital credentials, and legal entities. It also allows for cross-linking and interlinking of terms for easy navigation and reference.

The presentation provided a detailed account of the Trust Spanning Protocol and the ToIP Glossary, highlighting their significance in developing decentralized digital trust infrastructure.

Prompt: How did Scott explain Trust Registries at the GSWG 2023-10-19 meeting?

Response: Scott Perry explained that trust registries are authoritative sources for trust graphs or other governed information that describe one or more trust communities. A governance framework typically authorizes them and are critical in establishing and maintaining trust relationships. Trust registries can be machine-driven and discoverable, and they play a crucial role in validating and verifying trust relationships within a decentralized digital trust infrastructure. Scott also mentioned that trust registries can be specific to different roles or components within the governance stack and can be tied to a governing authority for a particular context or purpose.

Addiotnal Resources

Screenshots/Diagrams (numbered for reference in notes above)



  • Sample Decision Item

Action Items

  • Sample Action Item

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