2022-07-14 GSWG Meeting Notes

2022-07-14 GSWG Meeting Notes

Meeting Date

The GSWG meets bi-weekly on Thursdays at 11:00-12:00 PT / 18:00-19:00 UTC. Check the ToIP Calendar for meeting dates.

Zoom Meeting Recording


Main Goal of this Meeting

1) Share status updates on GSWG related activities and work items, 2) discuss forming a Governance Architecture Task Force, 3) agree on meeting schedule for the rest of the summer.

Agenda Items and Notes (including all relevant links)

TimeAgenda ItemLeadNotes
5 min
  • Start recording
  • Welcome & antitrust notice
  • Introduction of new members
  • Agenda review
  • Antitrust Policy Notice: Attendees are reminded to adhere to the meeting agenda and not participate in activities prohibited under antitrust and competition laws. Only members of ToIP who have signed the necessary agreements are permitted to participate in this activity beyond an observer role.
  • New Members:

Review of action items from previous meetingChairsNone
5 minsAnnouncementsAll

News or events of interest to Governance Stack WG members:

  • The ToIP Mini-Summit is co-located with the Linux Foundation Open Source Summit Europe being held Wednesday Sept 14th from 2:30-5:30PM UK. Co-located with the Open Source Summit is the Hyperledger Global Forum taking place from Sept 12-14. ToIP a Community Partner with the Hyperledger Global Forum.
  • Mary Lacity recommended the webinar held yesterday by Avast and Intesie Group on eIDAS 2.0. One of her major takeaways was that eIDAS 2.0 is challenging because it is both very technical and legally challenging. It is also challenging because they are trying to develop the toolkit before the legislation is finished. 
  • Judith Fleenor announced that the new AI & Metaverse Task Force has had its second meeting and decided to meet in the alternate week slot of the Human Experience WG on Thursdays at 10:00-11:00 PT / 17:00-18:00 UTC.
  • Daniel Bachenheimer pointed to the blog posts summarizing Identiverse and London Identity Week.
10 minsToIP Canonical Use CasesDrummond explained a proposal for the EFWG to write—with the assistance of the GSWG and other ToIP WGs—a set of "canonical" use cases that we can all refer to. More information will be sent out (most likely to the All-Member mailing list) once they have defined a formal deliverable.
10 minsToIP Tech for Muggles

ToIP Tech for Muggles is a second proposed white paper/presentation that would accompany the proposed Technology Architecture TF deliverable called ToIP Primer for Policymakers. See KERI for Muggles and ACDC for Muggles for examples.

  • ACTION: Nicky Hickman to add "muggles" to the market-facing ToIP vocabulary being compiled by the Human Experience WG.
10 minsGovernance Architecture Task Force


The current Governance Template TF is proposing to relaunch in September as the Governance Architecture Task Force with a new focus on producing templates for specific ToIP-compliant GF components, vs. layer-specific GF templates. This TF would coordinate with the Technology Architecture Task Force to map GF templates to technology architecture components and functions.

  • Savita Farooqui said that this is the same approach that the IEEE Blockchain Governance WG is taking. Each layer has its distinct components, and here is the governance framework you can apply to each component.
  • Nicky Hickman : +100 governance is functional in the context of business, social and economic interactions AND is contextual where context is the ACTOR (#essif) components in the system.
  • ACTION: Drummond Reed to connect Savita Farooqui  with the existing  Governance Template Task Force members to schedule one or more meetings to prep for the launch of the Governance Architecture Task Force in September.
  • Savita made the point that governance is not just about the policies. She shared the model of "4P+I": People, Process, Policies, Practice + Incentives. Practice is the application of policies, i.e., putting the policies into practice.
  • Nicky Hickman suggests that there is also E (economics) and S (social). Savita said she was thinking those were was part of incentives.
5 minsGovernance mental modelDrummond Reed 

See this draft mental model on governance from Rieks Joosten. He cannot join us today, but we should begin to study it and plan for a meeting with him on it after our break.

5 minsSummer meeting scheduleChairs

It has been proposed that we take a summer break, recognizing "vacation season", and reconvene at our first meeting in September.

DECISION: The GSWG will take a summer break until September—our next plenary meeting will be Thursday Sept 8th.

ACTION: Drummond Reed to notify Elisa to remove the ToIP Calendar entries for our summer break.

5 minsAny other business

5 mins
  • Review decisions/action items
  • Planning for next meeting 


  • DECISION: The GSWG will take a summer break until September—our next plenary meeting will be Thursday Sept 8th.

Action Items

  • ACTION: Nicky Hickman to add "muggles" to the market-facing ToIP vocabulary being compiled by the Human Experience WG.
  • ACTION: Drummond Reed to connect Savita Farooqui  with the existing  Governance Template Task Force members to schedule one or more meetings to prep for the launch of the Governance Architecture Task Force in September.
  • ACTION: Drummond Reed to notify Elisa to remove the ToIP Calendar entries for our summer break.