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GSWG Plenary and Kick off to Layer Specific Governance Template building efforts.
Agenda Items and Notes (including all relevant links)
Agenda Item
4 min
Start recording
Welcome & antitrust notice
Introduction of new members
Agenda review
Antitrust Policy Notice:Attendees are reminded to adhere to the meeting agenda and not participate in activities prohibited under antitrust and competition laws. Only members of ToIP who have signed the necessary agreements are permitted to participate in this activity beyond an observer role.
New Members:
Joachim Miller works in compliance in London.
Jeff Braswell has spent six years on the board of directors of GLEIF.
Phil Wolfe has been participating in the Ecosystem Foundry WG and Human Experience WG.
1 mins
Review of action items from previous meeting
ACTION: Scott Perryto draft layer generic templates for layer specific governance framework templates and companion guides to be developed.
10 mins
News or events of interest to Governance Stack WG members:
Working actively on blog post on eIDAS 2.0 effort, also considering making an official submission to toolbox but needs to be in next 8 days, outlines what we could help with. Anyone who can work on this or is interested then go to eIDAS blogpost channel on slack
Consortia are forming in the EU in response to funding opportunities offered by the EU government. There is a fever of activity around this right now.
The EU announced requirements for ID&V / KYC / AML at both ends of any cryptocurrency transaction - this creates and greater need for ToIP efforts. See this story in Protocol.
Bitcoin 2022 conf - Miami wants to be the crypto capital of USA.
Senate Education Committee hearing will be on April 20th. Letters will be due on April 15th by noon. The letter can be addressed to the chair, Senator Connie Leyva.
Review of Generic Governance Framework Templates and Companion Guides
Scott Perry
Overall Objective:
GATF governance metamodel spec, published - foundation - part of architecture spec for a GF. Already have a spec and companion guide, but is not necessarily useful for GF creators. Typically they come in at a layer and need more guidance at each layer
Need templates for every controlled doc e.g. for TA & Certification, for Risk Assessment
This week we look at all the x layer docs that cover mainly primary doc and for core requirements section
remaining = 'glossary' - passed to the CTWG to provide template
Legal agreements will be pulled at layer specific area
All purposes of templates are you just come in and fill it out - no explanations
Use companion guide as reference
Aim for quick, easy and efficient use
Should we allow for a ToIP compliant framework - could help ToIP matter more in the marketplace - this is a gap in market around governance
This might be the primary reason for using the meta-model, will also be other non-ToIP compliant users who will use in their own governance & jurisdictional models - utility of the template is the key
Use suggesting mode to be clear in the documents
Based on Sovrin Foundation original GF
Included some generic content to explain all layers and as we get into layers will be more specific
One consideration - more modular deployment, just a module for e.g. just governance around issuance for DL's. Much more atomized - using a fraction of governance meta-model, so need to be sensitive to perspective that you might not have a small aspect of the governance metamodel
Could be multiple GF's that reference same glossary - early adoption GF could have a small glossary that's separate
All terms wikis have scope can be very small
Encourage re-use - x-pollinate and this is the way
Primary doc = WHAT?
Requirements controlled docs = RULES = HOW
UFWG Alex Tweeddale has begun completing Layer 1 template
How do we establish TF to take generic docs to next level? need self-organizing groups to complete templates at each layer for primary doc + companion guide. Joachim supporting L1.
other considerations e.g. GF for verify the verifier
these are very needful in the market especially for TA
3 reasons to participate & contribute
directly relevant 2 your work
indirect but adjacent knowledge and learning that will create a new business opportunities
connections & networking are very valuable
query re format - g-docs might not be best tool, especially w/ DID per GF requirement
in BCGOV using ML for Human readable versions as github repo
could be important for all layers to use similar tech to allow for interop