GSWG Meeting Pages

The GSWG currently holds bi-weekly Zoom webmeetings for the NA/EU time zones alternating between plenary meetings reviewing overall Working Group and Task Force progress on deliverables and special topic meetings. In addition it supports a monthly ToIP WG update meeting for APAC timezones. See the specific scheduling details of each meeting in the sections below.

You can get a calendar invite to any meeting via the ToIP Calendar page, and you can subscribe to the mailing list at

GSWG Meeting Structure

NA/EU Plenary - Every fourth Thursday — 14:00-15:00 EDT / 18:00 - 19:00 UTC

See the GSWG Meeting Page template for the standard plenary meeting structure.

NA/EU Special Topic - Every second Thursday — 14:00-15:00 EDT / 18:00 - 19:00 UTC

Agenda focused on in-depth discussion of a topic or issue affecting the GSWG community

  • Emerging Trends Affecting GSWG
  • Highlight of Emerging Player - Impact on GSWG Deliverables
  • Future GSWG Topic or Deliverable
  • GSWG Process or Tool

APAC Special Topic - To be scheduled as needed

Agenda focused on emerging topic or in-depth issue affecting the GSWG APAC community

  • Emerging Trends Affecting GSWG APAC
  • Highlight of APAC Emerging Player - Impact on GSWG Deliverables
  • Recruiting / Aligning APAC into GSWG efforts

Index of Meeting Notes and Recordings