2024-04-04 GSWG Meeting Notes

2024-04-04 GSWG Meeting Notes

Meeting Date

The GSWG meets bi-weekly on Thursdays at 11:00-12:00 PT / 19:00-20:00 UTC. Check the ToIP Calendar for meeting dates.

Zoom Meeting Link / Recording


Main Goal of this Meeting

Bi-weekly Plenary reviewing Task Force updates.

Agenda Items and Notes (including all relevant links)

TimeAgenda ItemLeadNotes
5 min
  • Start recording
  • Welcome & antitrust notice
  • Introduction of new members
  • Agenda review
  • Antitrust Policy Notice: Attendees are reminded to adhere to the meeting agenda and not participate in activities prohibited under antitrust and competition laws. Only members of ToIP who have signed the necessary agreements are permitted to participate in this activity beyond an observer role.
  • New Members:
5 minReview of action items from the previous meetingsChairs
  •  Scott Perry  - Will solicit interest in creating a Verifier Requirements Guide
  •  Judith Fleenor  Follow-up on how to solicit feedback from the marketplace
    • How is Spec-up going to fit into the average members' workflow, or do we continue with Google Docs
    • Can we get Issuer Requirements Guide feedback from market Issuers'? Same for other docs in draft state and solicit feedback
5 minAnnouncements

TF Lead

News or events of interest to Governance Stack WG members:

Neil Thomson 

  • A mechanism for adding content to a file as Verifiable Data
  • Schema describing ecosystem: Example. Educational institution 
  • Authorization chain 

DIF C&C WG - Trust Establishment Weeks Monday/Weekly
Invitation link for meeting:

Scott Perry 

  • Appears to be a relationship to the Trust Registries
  • Would be helpful if Sam Curran, who works on DIF doc would attend Trust Registries

Judith Fleenor 

  • The plan after the last IIW was for DIF & ToIP to work together 
  • But DIF focuses more on schemas
  • ToIP focuses more on protocol
  • Now is a good time for the two to get back together

Neil Thomson On the topic of personal AI, the DIF Travel Profile working group is defining a schema and protocol for "owned and operated" personal travel profiles to replace traveller service profiles held by travel services.

5 minTask Force UpdatesChairs

Drummond Reed 

20 minsToIP Trust Canvas Update
  • Review John Phillips latest slide deck
  • Pretty much done & will use it at IIW to explain ToIP
  • See the "Scott Perry Infinite Cycle of Work."
  • Judith Fleenor & Neil Thomson :
    • We need another slide to explain how the ToIP components build ecosystems and how they connect ecosystems
  • Mary Lacity
    • Anytime you put tech first, it puts business people off, so lead with the ecosystem
    • Q. Is there a one-to-one relationship between ToIP Stack and Ecosystem?  Drummond Reed Yes
  • Drummond Reed : Ecosystems of ecosystems thanks to ToIP protocols
  • Carly 
    • "Ecosystems may draw on specific 'objects' that have their own tech and gov. For example, I am an ecosystem and I use google wallet. My ecosystem does not govern the wallet, my ecosystem does govern the selection of that wallet."
  • Scott Perry : The canvas is a model for educational purposes
  • Neil Thomson : There is nothing to stop having the same sequence mixed and matched for audience - start from a business ecosystem -> technical and technical -> ecosystem
  • Judith Fleenor You could rearrange slides to address specific audiences
  • Mary Lacity :Selling to business people. They have to deal with their own governance and figure out how to work with others
  • Judith Fleenor : "Ecosystem Instance" addresses that
  • Scott Perry Companies like MasterCard are familiar with governance & this model is necessary for companies new to ecosystems
  • Drummond Reed Initially uses Canvas as guide, but can also be used to deep dive in How To
10 minsReview Issuer Requirements Guide IIW Presentation
  • Orient audience on where Issuer Requirements fit into ToIP diagram (2nd gen)
  • Encourage the use of Risk Assessment with a few rows filled out
  • Reinforce the need for Governance Accountability
  • Presenting a high-level outline of the guide
  • The last paragraph of the blog describes how to access the document and how to submit issues
  • Need to add that info to IIW site
  • Add a screenshot of how to submit the GitHub Issue based on a template
5 minAny other business

5 min
  • Review decisions/action items
  • Planning for the next meeting 



Screenshots/Diagrams (numbered for reference in notes above)

1. Network

2. Data interoperability across labor market

3. What needs to be trusted

Decentralized network 


Action Items


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