Issuer Governance Requirements Task Force

Issuer Governance Requirements Task Force


As with all Joint Development Foundation (JDF) projects hosted by the Linux Foundation, overall governance and strategic direction for the ToIP Foundation are provided by Issurer Governance Requirements Task Force.


Issurer Governance Requirements Task Force 

Listing of meetings notes & recordings

For all authoritative meeting logistics and Zoom links, please see the ToIP Calendar.


Issuer Requirements Task Force (NA/EU call) – currently ever week on Weds 10 AM EST, 7 AM PST

Change to every two weeks starting May 17

Issuer Requirements Task Force (APAC call) – every two weeks Tues  9 PM EST, 6 PM PST which maps to Weds 11 AM AEST (Melbourne Australia)

Starting Tues, May 16


Link to current draft: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zrBKAMGgWcXnj4fzOOdyBBZbkRbjpE3k/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=108677846726640960846&rtpof=true&sd=true

Chairs / Leads


For the protection of all Members, participation in working groups, meetings and events is limited to members, including their employees, of the Trust over IP Foundation who have signed the membership documents and thus agreed to the intellectual property rules governing participation. If you or your employer are not a member of ToIP, you may not participate in meetings by verbal contribution or otherwise take any action beyond observing.  To join ToIP and be able to contribute, please fill out the light weight membership application on our website here

Intellectual Property Rights (Copyright, Patent, Source Code)

The WG inherits the IPR terms from the JDF Charter. These include: