2020-11-12 GSWG NA/EU Meeting Notes

2020-11-12 GSWG NA/EU Meeting Notes

Meeting Schedule

  • November 12, 2020

November 12, 2020



1 minWelcome & Antitrust Policy Notice

2 minsIntroduction of new membersChairs
7 minsIntroduction to the UID NUM TeamTim Carswell
  • Introduced by Dave Luchuk
10 minsGSWG wiki structuring
  • What to do with old wiki pages?
  • How to structure new pages in the hierarchy tree?
  • Sync with best practices from the Ops Team 
15 minsGSWG Governance Architecture TF updateDrummond Reed
10 minToIP Process & Roles TFScott Perry
  • Finalizing Process & Roles Descriptions
  • Discussion of Class Definitions and Min Viable Credential Policy 
5 mins

Proposal for new deliverable: 
ToIP Governance Stack Design Principles

Example inputs:

  • Part of proposed package of 5 initial deliverables:
    1. ToIP Governance Stack Design Principles (GSWG)
    2. ToIP Technology Stack Design Principles (TSWG)
    3. ToIP Governance Architecture TSS (GSWG)
    4. ToIP Technical Architecture TSS (TSWG)
    5. Design and Architecture of the ToIP Stack (white paper) (joint)
8 minsOntario Market Consultation
  • Request from the Government of Ontario on  their emerging model for digital identity in the province.
2 minsWrap-up / Action Items / Next MeetingTBD
  • Are we skipping U.S. Thanksgiving?
  • Topic for Dec 10 meeting: Decentralised identity architecture &
    regulatory compliance—presentation by Alex Tweeddale


  • link to the file



  • UID-NUM Introduction


  • UID NUM founder Tim Carswell gave an introduction
    • Just joined ToIP Foundation
    • Grigory Miloradov and Vincent Bergin also joined the call
    • +87810 is a unique global mobile phone number range allocated to UID NUM
    • It is not affiliated with any specific country, unlike other number ranges (e.g., +1 in the US)
    • Their particular focus is digital identity
    • The mobile phone number can be a digital identity at 3 levels
      • Doing business with PKI by generating encryption keys
      • Bank pseudonym identity which includes personal data as required
      • Highest level of verification requires revealing the phone number itself plus personal data
    • Have some commercial traction which could lead to broad uptake
      • Identity transactions
      • Financial transactions
      • Telecom industry
    • Scott Perry asked how the UID NUM team might benefit from the ToIP Foundation and the ToIP stack
      • Tim explained that David Luchuk suggested that UID NUM might benefit from engaging with the GSWG
      • Scott suggested that the UID NUM team might want to call a special topic meeting at some point if they feel it makes sense
  • Drummond Reed gave an update on the GSWG Governance Architecture TF
  • Scott Perry gave an update on the GSWG Process and Roles TF
    • The Governance Layer Roles page was discussed extensively at the last meeting
      • Scott has been making updates based on that feedback
      • This will be a Definitions document, i.e., these definitions will be fed into the Concepts and Terminology WG
      • Scott is seeking feedback and other contributors—if you contribute, please add your name to the Contributor section
      • Looking to complete this document within the next month
    • Also discussed the Classes of Verifiable Credentials wiki page
      • Very lively discussion in the last meeting
      • Unsure of future status - currently on hold
    • Also discussed Identity and Verifiable Credential Risks
    • Paul had a suggestion about "schemas" on the Governance Process and Roles
  • Drummond Reed explained a proposal for a package of 5 overall deliverables between our WG and the Technical Stack WG
    • The five deliverables
      1. ToIP Governance Stack Design Principles (GSWG)
      2. ToIP Technology Stack Design Principles (TSWG)
      3. ToIP Governance Architecture TSS (GSWG)  <== already underway
      4. ToIP Technical Architecture TSS (TSWG)
      5. Design and Architecture of the ToIP Stack (white paper) (joint deliverable of GSWG and TSWG)
    • He explained why the five belong together as a "package" to serve as an in-depth explanation of the purpose, structure, and goals of the ToIP stack (and thus of the mission of the ToIP Foundation)
    • The reception was positive, so the decision was to move these into Pre-Draft Deliverable stage (added to Decisions, below)
  • Scott Perry and Darrell O'Donnell gave a report on a request to the ToIP Foundation for consultation from a governmental entity that is currently underway (with a deadline early next week). Please contact Darrell O'Donnell via Slack if you wish to assist with this tiger team project.
  • Our next meeting will be in one month, Thursday December 10th


  • Decided to delete the Draft Questionnaire page
  • Decided to proceed with preparing Pre-Draft Deliverables for: ToIP Governance Stack Design Principles and Design and Architecture of the ToIP Stack (white paper)

Action items

  • Paul Knowles agreed to add definitions of "Schema Bases" and "Overlays" under Schemas section on GSWG Process and Roles Task Force
  • Drummond Reed will add wiki pages for Pre-Draft Deliverables for: ToIP Governance Stack Design Principles and Design and Architecture of the ToIP Stack (white paper)
  • Drummond Reed will coordinate with the Technical Stack WG on the proposed five-part package of deliverables (see notes above)

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