2024-09-19 GSWG Meeting Notes

Meeting Date

The GSWG meets bi-weekly on Thursdays at 11:00-12:00 PT / 19:00-20:00 UTC. Check the ToIP Calendar for meeting dates.

Zoom Meeting Link / Recording


Scott Perry

Drummond Reed

Neil Thomson

Judith Fleenor

Mary Lacity

Bree Blazicevic

Ester Cunha


@Callum Haslam

Steven Milstein

Keerthi Thomas

Main Goal of this Meeting

Bi-weekly Plenary reviewing Task Force updates.

Agenda Items and Notes (including all relevant links)

TimeAgenda ItemLeadNotes
5 min
  • Start recording
  • Welcome & antitrust notice
  • Introduction of new members
  • Agenda review
  • Antitrust Policy Notice: Attendees are reminded to adhere to the meeting agenda and not participate in activities prohibited under antitrust and competition laws. Only members of ToIP who have signed the necessary agreements are permitted to participate in this activity beyond an observer role.
  • New Members:
5 minAnnouncements

TF Lead


Judith Fleenor

  • Identity Week:
    • Last year, totally federated
    • This year, a lot more about Mobile Driver Licenses, wallets, digital identification
    • TSA: Working on streamlining airport security check
      • There are a few airports, but more upcoming
  • Kudos to Carly Huitema for well a presented Ecosystems of Ecosystem. Youtube coming soon
10 minTask Force UpdatesChairs

Technical Architecture Task Force 

  • Network on networks. Ecosystems relying on ecosystems
20 minWorking session 'ToIP Governance Metamodel Spec V2' revisions

Revisions for 'ToIP Governance Metamodel Spec V2'

  • What's required to upgrade the existing documents
  • Drummond Reed
    1. Implement Terminology with ToIP Glossary
    2. Updates in Tech Stack,
      • Diagram
      • Terminology
    3. Need to educate more about ecosystems of ecosystems & focus less on singular organization
      • Judith Fleenor
        • V3 Diagram will be available soon
        • What existing ToIP artifacts can help with Ecosystems of Ecosystem
      • Scott Perry
        • Creating a set of trustworthy credentials within one ecosystem that others can rely upon from outside replying parties
        • How to rely upon credentials not issued under your purview 
        • "Here's your info. Now what do I do with that?"
      • Carly Huitema
      • Scott Perry
        • Trust Registry Protocol should be included
      • Drummond Reed:
        • Need Trust Task Protocols too
  • Judith Fleenor
    • Start with items 1 & 2
  • Neil Thomson
    • Uncomfortable with no closure on common interoperable credential exchange
    • We have Issuer Requirements but no Issuer or Holder requirements
    • TSP protocol should extended to credential exchange 
  • Judith Fleenor:
    • Maybe combine task force of Concepts & Terminology and GSWG task force to update V2 terminology
  • Scott Perry will looking into creating that task force
    • Drummond Reed
      • Tools is ready
      • There is a learning curve to learn 
    • What's required to get started?

10 minDiscussion on GANDrummond Reed

Drummond Reed will discuss the soft launch of the Global Acceptance Network (GAN)

  • GAN is a temporary name 
  • Soft launch for Digital Public Infrastructure (DPI)
  • Global DPI Summit in Cairo is coming up
  • Network of ecosystems for the verification of digital credentials just like credit card industry
  • It's not about technology, It's 10 % tech, 90% governance
  • Accenture has workforce credentials
  • GEN credentials for consumers 
  • Interoperable trust is the Trust Registries and GAN is the network of those registries
  • 27 founding members agreed to put funding forward
  • Phase 1: https://gan-formation.s3.amazonaws.com/GAN%20Phase%201%20Governance.pdf
    • Get 100 members
    • Initial technical infrastructure
    • GAN Gov Framework V1
    • Like ICAAN for Trust
  • Presented The Ecosystem-of-Ecosystems Model for Decentralized Trust Infrastructure
    • "GAN Clusters" of ecosystems like organizations & consumers
    • "The Challenge of Verifying Digital Credentials"
    • "Verfiiable Data Registries"
  • ToIP High Assurance VIDs Task Force starting up
  • "Hierarchical vs Heterarchy (pair-wise, uni/bi-directional"
5 minAny other business

5 min
  • Review decisions/action items
  • Planning for the next meeting 


Action Items