Calendar of ToIP Meetings

Calendar of ToIP Meetings

The shared Trust over IP calendar is no longer hosted directly here on the ToIP wiki. It has moved to the LFX platform here:

Please see this calendar for the recurring series of All Member, Steering Committee, Working Group and Task Force meetings that are open to all members.

Note that all ToIP meetings are now held using the LFX platform. To create your LFX Account, go here:

Lastly, all participants in ToIP meetings should note the following IPR requirements:

NOTEFor the protection of all Members, participation in all Foundation activities including Working Group and Taskforce meetings is limited to members, including their employees, of the Trust over IP project who have signed the membership documents and thus agreed to the intellectual property rules governing participation. If you or your employer are not a member of the working group, we ask that you not participate in Working Group activities beyond observing.




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