2022-03-24 GSWG Meeting Notes

2022-03-24 GSWG Meeting Notes

Meeting Date


Zoom Meeting Link / Recording


Main Goal of this Meeting

GSWG Plenary and Kick off to Layer Specific Governance Template building efforts.

Agenda Items and Notes (including all relevant links)

TimeAgenda ItemLeadNotes
4 min
  • Start recording
  • Welcome & antitrust notice
  • Introduction of new members
  • Agenda review
  • Antitrust Policy Notice: Attendees are reminded to adhere to the meeting agenda and not participate in activities prohibited under antitrust and competition laws. Only members of ToIP who have signed the necessary agreements are permitted to participate in this activity beyond an observer role.
  • New Members:
1 minsReview of action items from previous meetingChairs
5 minsAnnouncements

News or events of interest to Governance Stack WG members:

Avast has purchased SecureKey, a Canadian security services company.

AWS has expressed interest in joint marketing for utility layer governance.

Apple has started promoting digital credentials in wallets.  Mobile Driver's license are currently a closed system which presents a challence to interoperability.

40 minsIntroduction to Layer Specific Governance Templates

Scott Perry

Drummond Reed

Alex Tweeddale

Kyle Robinson

  • Walk through the Project Overview
  • Discuss work started partnering with the UFWG
  • Establish Task Force Scheule and off-line processes
  • Goals and objectives for next meeting

Links to documents:  https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uLs-m1Oor7g8GYNNnWtoZ2b9JOrK-xvW2ql__zuSbQg/edit#

Kyle's presentation referred to this wiki: https://github.com/bcgov/bc-vcpedia/wiki

First Scott explained that the next steps to build on the ToIP governance metamodel is to begin developing layer-specific templates.

  • The natural place for this to start is with ToIP Layer 1 public utilities. Utility Foundry WG co-chairs Alex Tweeddale and Lynn Gray Bendixsen are here to talk to that today.
  • Kyle Robinson will talk about the needs at Layer 3.

Second, Kyle gave a presentation about the governance framework work they are doing in British Columbia.

  • He began by showing a view of the 4-layer ToIP stack that fills in all of the requirements for a full operational instance of the stack (see screenshot #1 below).
    • The left side shows the technology stack implementation that BC Gov is using.
    • The right side shows the different governance frameworks involved.
  • He then showed a diagram from the ToIP interactive model that fills in the different parties involved in the digital trust ecosystems being developed in British Columbia (see screenshot #2 below).
    • Kyle stressed that an "ecosystem" can be very simple.
    • Also, two ecosystems can intersect with each other and produce synergies without any formal recognition of each other.
    • Nicky Hickman: I love the idea of fuzzy boundaries - I guess this is where the semantics comes in - the same credential might mean something in different ecosystems. Contextual and dynamic policy & governance
  • Stephen Curran asked a question about separation and avoiding dependencies. He asked for examples of Layer 3 specific credential governance frameworks (CFGs).
  • Kyle then showed examples from the BC Gov "verifiable credentials wiki" at https://github.com/bcgov/bc-vcpedia/wiki of how educational credentials work in BC Gov governance frameworks that are in development.

Finally, Scott Perry said that he is going to create 8 placeholder documents:

  • 4 layer-specific templates
  • 4 Companion Guides

He stressed that they will be "messy" for quite a while, however that's where we will start to aggregate all the pieces that will eventually go into the final deliverables.

4 5 minsAny other business

5 mins
  • Review decisions/action items
  • Planning for next meeting 





Action Items

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