Utility Foundry Working Group

Utility Foundry Working Group


The Utility Foundry Working Group (UFWG) supports the emergence, alignment and operation of public, Layer 1 utilities that provide the cryptographic basis of trust for digital identities, decentralised identifiers (DIDs) key management and Verifiable Credentials (VCs). 

Call information

Zoom link

Calendar invite

Time: 11am PDT, 2pm PDT, 8pm CET, 5am AEDT 

Time zone calculator


To facilitate an interoperable community for Layer 1 public utilities among governance authorities, implementers, operators, and service providers for Trust over IP. The WG will provide process guidance for the establishment and monitoring of new ToIP Layer 1 utility projects, whether hosted at the Linux Foundation or external to it. Other WG activities will include creating template RFPs for service providers, maintaining a list of affiliated Foundry Service Providers, identifying areas of collaboration and alignment between associated and/or disparate Utilities, and where possible serving as a center of competence for the education and promotion of the role of ToIP Layer 1 utilities.



US/EU: Meetings are held bi-weekly, every other Tuesday at (TBC)

APAC: Meetings are held monthly, every  Tuesday ,(at 11.30) IST first week of the month.

See the Meeting Page for agendas, notes and recordings from all meetings. 


Name of DeliverableDeliverable TypeLink to
Draft Deliverable

Public Utility Directory

GuideGitHub link

This is a list of all the active Layer 1 utilities which currently have representative members at ToIP

Ongoing Deliverable (15-02-2022)

A Framework for Evaluating Layer 1 Utilities

GuideGoogle DocsThis document identifies the key differences and considerations between the core Layer 1 utilities for clients/customers looking to adopt a ToIP compatible SSI solutionOngoing Deliverable (15-02-2022)

List of Considerations when choosing a Public Utility

SpecificationWiki PageThis document identifies the considerations customers should look at when picking a Layer 1 UtilityOngoing Deliverable (15-02-2022)
Comparison of Utilities TableGuideGoogle sheetsThis table lays out each different Layer 1 Utility and the differences between them. This will help end-customers decide which Utility to use.Ongoing Deliverable (15-02-2022)

Decentralised Identity Architecture and Regulatory Compliance

GuideGoogle DocsThis document lays out what should and what should not be written to a Layer 1 Utility from the perspective of GDPR compliance.Ongoing Deliverable (15-02-2022)

Chairs / Leads

  • Co-Chair: Lynn Bendixsen (Indicio)

  • Co-Chair: Alex Tweeddale (cheqd)

  • Former Lead: Jessica Townsend (Accenture)
  • Former Lead: Andre Kudra (esatus)
  • Former Lead: Mathieu Glaude (Northern Block)
  • Former Lead: Vinod Panicker (Wipro)

How to join

You can join this WG by signing up for the Foundation mailing list at lists.trustoverip.org. Our mailing list is utility-foundry-wg@lists.trustoverip.org.

Members as well as observers are welcome (with the important caveat below).


For the protection of all Members, participation in working groups, meetings and events is limited to members, including their employees, of the Trust over IP Foundation who have signed the membership documents and thus agreed to the intellectual property rules governing participation. If you or your employer are not a member of ToIP, you may not participate in meetings by verbal contribution or otherwise take any action beyond observing.  To join ToIP and be able to contribute, please fill out the light weight membership application on our website here

Intellectual Property Rights (Copyright, Patent, Source Code)

The WG inherits the IPR terms from the JDF Charter. These include:

Task Forces

  • TBC

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