2022-02-10 GSWG Meeting Notes

2022-02-10 GSWG Meeting Notes

Meeting Date


Zoom Meeting Link / Recording


Main Goals of this Meeting

1) Learning Path outline with Carly, 2) Governance frameworks for governments (see IRS / ID.me controversy), 3) Switching to a monthly meeting schedule.

Agenda Items and Notes (including all relevant links)

TimeAgenda ItemLeadNotes
5 min
  • Start recording
  • Welcome & antitrust notice
  • Introduction of new members
  • Agenda review
  • Antitrust Policy Notice: Attendees are reminded to adhere to the meeting agenda and not participate in activities prohibited under antitrust and competition laws. Only members of ToIP who have signed the necessary agreements are permitted to participate in this activity beyond an observer role.
  • New Members:
    • Kyle Robinson, contractor with the BC Gov Mines Digital Trust Group; needs to write governance frameworks at Layer 3 and 4 for sure, and possibly Layer 2.
5 minsReview of action items from previous meetingChairs
  • ACTION: CHAIRS to put the Learning Pathway Outline Drafting as our first agenda item for the next meeting.
5 minsAnnouncementsTF Leads

News or events of interest to Governance Stack WG members:

  • The DID Conference Korea 2022 is happening on February 22, 9-5 Korea Standard Time (4PM to 1PM Pacific Time)
    • Many speakers from ToIP
    • All talks will be translated into Korean in real time
  • Mary Lacity shared a study done at the Center for Blockchain Excellence at the Walton School of the University of Arkansas. It is publicly available now to anyone.
    • It was a study done of the NHS Staff Pass.
    • Staff Pass has been adopted by about half the hospitals in the NHS.
    • It can save up to two days in the transfer of a doctor from on hospital to another.
    • The report has received excellent feedback on LinkedIn.
15 minsGovernance frameworks for governmentsChairs

Inspired by the recent IRS / ID.me controversy (about which Avast published this blog post), and also the efforts underway in BC Gov, Ontario, and the EU Digital Identity Wallet initiative, discuss talk what we might specifically work on to support governance frameworks for governments.

IRS scrapped selfies for account verification..  Blowback as a result of a privacy impact assessment.  ID.me was not tested by IRS.  Too accelerated use of biometric technology. Need governmental guidance. Driven by fraud cases.  IRS wanted quick fix.

Drummond and the Avast team posted a blog on the topic: https://blog.avast.com/irs-and-digital-identity-avast.  ToIP was cited in the post. The posture was to promote open standards and verifiable credentials instead of federated identity. Biometric storage by a private entity is a hazard to citizen privacy.

Kyle shared that BC Gov has a Services Card credential that also requires biometric proof that can include live video sessions. The key differences are:

  1. It is a service offered by the government on behalf of citizens.
  2. It is only one option a citizen has for how to prove their identity to BC Gov. Offering multiple options from which a citizen can choose is extremely important.

Drummond closed by saying that Avast is working with the government of one small country (which can't be named yet) on a ToIP ecosystem governance framework for the entire country. So we already have the attention of nation states, and we should continue to develop the tools governments need to adopt ToIP-compliant governance frameworks.

20 minsLearning Pathway Outline DraftingCarly

Carly explained more about how learning pathways work and why the Ecosystem Foundry WG would like other WGs and TFs to participate in creating them. In particular she and Judith want to see GSWG start on a learning pathway outline because we have the most content to share.

Both Scott and Drummond said that their new employers had a strong interest in such educational materials, so they committed to find resources to help with the development of the learning pathways.

ACTION: Chairs will work with Carly and Judith Fleenor to establish a Learning Pathways Task Force for GSWG that can be coordinated with the EFWG.

5 minsMeeting cadenceChairs

Given that we have completed our "first-generation" deliverables — and that some of us now need to focus our attention on completing the ToIP Technology Architecture Specification (the final piece of the "Core Four"), should we go to a monthly meeting schedule until we are ready to begin work on layer-specific governance framework templates?

We quickly agreed that:

DECISION: We will keep our bi-weekly meeting schedule, but use every other week to developing our learning pathway materials.

5 mins
  • Review decisions/action items
  • Planning for next meeting 
ChairsOur next meeting (in 2 weeks) will be the first meeting of the Learning Pathways Task Force.


  • DECISION: We will keep our bi-weekly meeting schedule, but use every other week to developing our learning pathway materials.

Action Items

  • ACTION: Chairs will work with Carly and Judith Fleenor to establish a Learning Pathways Task Force for GSWG that can be coordinated with the EFWG.