2022-08-05 Communications Committee Meeting Notes

2022-08-05 Communications Committee Meeting Notes


August 05, 2022




5 min

BLOG Updates and Approvals

5 minWebsite Update - Overview of what's now live, in progress or needs approval
15 minToIP Summit Marketing Plan and Hyperledger Global Forum Planning
5 minAction Item UpdatesJudith Fleenor 
As time AllowsOpen DiscussionAll





Judith Fleenor kicked off the meeting with the Anti Trust policy to review and the agenda. Judith Fleenor reviewed the agenda and then provided an update regarding BLOG Updates and Approvals. Judith Fleenor provided an overview of the blog posts from June and mentioned that we're awaiting on Avast for the latest blog post for them joining the ToIP Foundation and it's anticipated for mid week, next week. She went on to inquire about feedback for the ToIP two conferences in Dublin which can be referenced here. Daniel Bachenheimer mentioned that "the block chain layer of the ToIP stack..." we may need to wordsmith this to make it clear that we do not have a blockchain layer. Judith Fleenor committed to working with Dan to make minor adjustments at another time. 

Website Updates:

Jim StClairmentioned that he's charging $5 for a summit that he's hosting at OSS Europe to help illustrate additional content regarding the event and recommends charging a marginal cost. Judith Fleenor mentioned that since we're hosting an activity, we will be engaging with the attendees in advance of the summit. Judith Fleenor shared the new Benefits page on the website and showed the process for selecting the "Join Now" button that redirects to our existing member page and then directs to join the foundation. She went on to demonstrate the updates on the main page to include an Events Page and asked if we can include events summit page and Alex mentioned that he can make those adjustments. Judith Fleenor shared the Summit page  and the shared the Home page changes to include the events hyperlink, design principles feature and the new Join Now portion. We also have on-going elements in progress like a social media links, updated model page and an enhanced design principles page. Judith Fleenor inquired from the committee if we think including a speaker bio page would be beneficial for the summit and Alex mentioned that he can work to create this for the page. Judith Fleenor went on to mentioned including blog links for the bio pages. The discussion continued regarding potential future content for information like GHP that better illustrates what's happened in the past to help tell the story of the work that was done and how it's leveraged now. We Wim to articulate the cross collaboration and engagement from multiple community members and Jim StClair will help put this together content to replace this page. Judith Fleenor went on to shared the logo create for our various membership levels as a low priority for the community. She went on to share the table runner options and the table skirt prices for the committee to review. 

Summit Marketing Plan & Hyperledger Global Forum Planning:

Alex Walz has been working on the new summit logo and marketing information that can be found here. He went on to state that we want to enable our community members to engage and help promote the up-coming events. He went on to share that we're working on additional marketing material for folks to circulate and utilize. Alex shared that we would like community members to invite colleagues directly, provide them an RSVP on LinkedIn, Engage with our announcement posts, post your content using hashtag #ToIPSummit and lastly to work with your organization to spend the word via their social media platforms. Avast will be taking multiple efforts to help promote the event across the company directly and individually and we would like to encourage folks to do the same across their ecosystems. Judith Fleenor asked for the content to be sent out to All Members list with direction on how and where to post and promote the event. 

Judith Fleenor asked Jim StClair how can we cross promote for the LFPH to promote ToIP and she asked for him to write a blog that ties into what ToIP does and the connection between the two groups. She went on to ask if there will be representation for ToIP at their event on a panel. Jim StClair shared that he has not solidified the agenda and mentioned that he would be open to having a ToIP reproduces discussing decentralized identity. Judith Fleenor mentioned adding a paragraph that redirects folks to our mini summit as an option for folks attend. Alex Walz mentioned the 24" table runner is likely the best option and a blue table cloth. Daniel Bachenheimer mentioned that we want a generic branded table runner and table cloth which the committee agrees is the best path forward. Elisa Trevino to order for the foundation. Alex Walz clarified the speaker cards and Judith Fleenor will send over presenter headshots to Alex. 

Judith Fleenor went on to mentioned that we need a one pager for the Hyperledger table and asked the committee what we want on the sheet. Judith Fleenor stated that we want an image with a QR code and then with our Steering Committee logos to promote our SC. She went on to inquire about investing in stickers and asked for feedback and Elisa Trevino will collect pricing for stickers and Alex to get pricing for polos and fleece sweaters. Elisa TrevinoTrevino To follow up with events team on how folks reregister to our summit if they're already attendees for the conference. 

Judith Fleenor brought up the room set-up and microphones for the summit and recommended we have two additional microphones for the conference. We're pending information for the cost of the additional resources and Alex will connect to get pricing and details to shared with the Steering Committee. Judith Fleenor continued with the validation of the credentials for attendees to earn and asked the committee what they would recommend on beer or swag. Alex Walz mentioned that swag seems like the most simple to execute. Daniel Bachenheimer also mentioned that it may be complicated for the beer and agrees that swag is an easier option to execute. Judith Fleenor mentioned we don't have a budget and asked Alex to check with Jana on the alcohol for the end of the summit. 

Action Items:

Judith Fleenor asked Alex to work on the Editorial Calendar and he mentioned that he can prioritize this in October.
Elisa Trevino to send out an email to SC on tagline ideas for the foundation.

Elisa - there are multiple action items mentioned in the BODY of the text above, please make those action items here!

Outstanding Action Items:

Action Items from previous meetings:

  • Past Action Item:  Scott Perry and David Lucatch volunteered to work on Trademark registration recommendations.
  • Past Action Item: Daniel Bachenheimersaid help with a BLOG about mDL and VCs.
  • Past Action Item: Judith Fleenorto coordinate with Kaliya Youngand Chris Kelly about Cross Collaboration on papers and communications after Thanksgiving.
  • Past Action Item:  Alex Metcalf to post the discussion papers these to LinkedIn 
    Past Action Item: Ajay Madhok create an editorial calendar review/outline a strategy of the efforts for ToIP video content
  • Past Action Item: Alex Walz to provide recommendation on video content material for multi-use purpose.

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