2021-07-09 Communications Committee Meeting Notes


June 11, 2021



  • Alex Metcalf


  1. Website Update Proposed Direction (15 min)
  2. Website Update Discussion (15 min)
  3. US Gov Hearing on Identity (4 min)
  4. Action Item Update -ToIP Year in Review
  5. Action Item Update – Press Policy (5 min)
  6. Action Item Update – Events Schedule (2 min)
  7. Action Item Update - Talking Points (5 min)
  8. Presentation Templates and Assets (2min)
  9. Open Discussion (as time allows)




  • Agenda Topics (pdf):


Blueprint Status:

  • There will be further discussion regarding this on Monday at the Steering Committee meeting.
  • There will be an update from Brian
  • The press release has been approved and an ad hoc meeting will be called if there are any needed changes

Alex Metcalf Slide Presentation: (waiting on link to presentation)

  • There is now a small team in place: Alex, Rebecca, Daniel Ken Adler
  • Next steps: Content Creation team, and Editorial/News Content team
  • Website Layers: Visual Design, Page Layouts, structure and content, Journey of the User, Audience, Strategy
  • Thinking based on this model and Peter Stoyko’s work, the infographic is just one piece of content for the website
  • Peter Stoyko has done great work on the logo, visual design, and color scheme
  • There are opportunities to improve: Menu bar, audience, and goals/strategy, and content
  • Questions: Target audience, priority of target audience(s)?
  • Structure issues: The menu bar is unclear. “About tab” should not include FAQs and CONTACT. Members tab is confusing and “Resources” should be integrated as a story
  • Need to get the user engaged first and foremost
  • Separate a “Members Area” for them to find resources needed such as wiki pages
  • Alex suggest infographic should not be on the home page
  • Final next steps: speak with Peter Stoyko about a “sandbox” area for the infographic, use WordPress to restructure the content, and get approval of target audience
  • Ajay Madhok likes the framework. 2 suggestions: 1. audience (have a tab for the user, consumer, verifier, issuer) 2. Copy Perspective- 3-5 questions upfront as people respond better to questions
  • Alex: The process/steps that the user must take needs to make sense in order for the user to continue
  • Ajay Madhok : Micro videos could be helpful (using members as “talking heads”
  • The committee likes the direction the website is going
  • Audience: need to ask all the right “why questions”
  • Action Item: Content Creation Team/ Editorial team: Ajay Madhok , Will Groah , David Lucatch ,Daniel Bachenheimer 
  • Judith Fleenor : we need to create short and simple content for each section and to take the questions that Alex needs answers to end get them circulated
  • Ajay: the easiest way would be a questionnaire such as using Survey Monkey
  • David Lucatch disagrees: “Blue Theory”, we will get too many opinions. David suggests getting a professional to do the first draft and then share for content/opinion. The focus should be on the consumer
  • Ajay Madhok : “Give us an example of a website that communicates trust to you.”
  • Action Item: Alex to speak with John and get a first draft done of the questions, work with Peter on infographic placement, and organize the type of content needed

US Gov Hearing on Identity

  • FSC Task Force on AI hosting a virtual hearing: I am Who I Say I Am: Verifying Identity while Preserving Privacy in the Digital Age
  • Happening on: July 16th 12 noon
  • We have been invited (by the director- Avy Mallik) to enter a statement and it needs to be in within the next 5 days
  • David Lucatch believes that the statement should be made from a US member
  • Jim StClair : this can be submitted middle of next week/ and or up until July 23rd . If we want to be relevant we need to reference the evolution of AI, its relationship to DI, and where ToIP fits in
  • Action Item: Jim will take point on creating the first draft

ToIP Year in Review:

  • Working on getting feedback still
  • Action Item: David Lucatch Jim StClair will have a draft ready by next meeting on July 23rd
  • Bettina Brunnhuber Has reached out to working groups that have yet to reply to the google doc.
  • Once the draft is completed, Ajay Madhok will take over to add visuals

Press Policy- Success for ToIP in the Press

  • Alex Andrade-Wahl has put together a proposed Quote Writing and Approval Process

Conference and Event Schedule:

  • Judith Fleenor  and Kaliya Young did a brainstorming meeting and created a spreadsheet where people can add
  • Please add if you are speaking at the event
  • Action Item: All members to add to spreadsheet for upcoming events

Presentation Templates and Assets:

  • Action Item: Judith Fleenor will circulate the link to the presentation templates and assets

Action Items:

  • Judith Fleenor will circulate the link to the presentation templates and assets

  • All members to add to spreadsheet for upcoming events

  • Alex to speak with John and get a first draft done of the questions, work with Peter on infographic placement, and organize the type of content needed

  • Jim StClair will take point on creating the first draft of US Gov Hearing on Identity