2022-7-27 Steering Committee Plenary Meeting Notes

2022-7-27 Steering Committee Plenary Meeting Notes


  • Agenda Review (2 min)
  • Minutes Approval (3 min)
  • New Member Review (2 min)
  • ToIp Summit Agenda (min)

  • ToIP Summit Marketing (min)
  • Membership Fee Change Schedule (min)
  • Open Discussion


  • Judith Fleenor (ToIP - Director of Strategic Engagement)
  • Drummond Reed (Avast)
  • RJ Reiser (Liquid Avatar)
  • Neal Shah (CVS)
  • John Jordan
  • Scott Perry (Schellman)
  • Abbie (CVS)
  • Michael Nettles ()
  • Marie Wallace (IBM)
  • Bryn Robinson-Morgan
  • Andre Kudra ()
  • Jessica Townsend (Accenture)
  • Mike Vesey (IDRamp)
  • Elisa Trevino (LF)

2 minAgenda ReviewJudith Fleenor
3 minMeeting Minutes Approval

2 min

New Member ReviewJudith Fleenor

30 min

ToIP Summit AgendaMarie Wallace Andre Kudra 
20 minToIP Summit MarketingAll
As time allowsMembership Fee Change ScheduleElisa Trevino 
As time allowsOpen DiscussionAll

  • Recording


  • Presentation (Google Slides)


Agenda Review 

Judith Fleenor kicked off the meeting and presented to agenda and the anti trust policy. Judith Fleenorreviewed the agenda and then shared updates for announcements and new business. She shared the updates regarding the ISWFG and their interest to dissolve as well as provide an update regarding the next All Members meeting in August and the September meeting to propose cancelling due to holiday. Judith Fleenor is working with some folks as potential co-chairs for the new Data Topics working group. Scott Perry suggested leveraging the August meeting to discuss the mini summit with the larger group and leveraging the time to showcase what we'll be presenting in Dublin. Marie Wallace suggested we use the time and organize the folks who will be in attendance for logistics for the presentation. Judith Fleenor committed to leaving the time on the calendar for either a prep time for the summit or presentation for the up-coming conference. Drummond Reed suggested we consider cancelling the September All Members update meeting since many of the groups are on holiday in August so we won't have much to share or make it a Mini Summit Recap meeting. 

ToIP Summit Agenda

Judith Fleenor turned it over to Marie Wallace to share the agenda as it is today; she started with Wednesday September 14, three hours worth of content in four sessions–Introduction to ToIP (Mike Vesey, Andre Kudra, Marie Wallace and recruiting additional folks), Demo of wallet/credentials (Joh Jordan's team, Mike & Andre), Technology Architecture Specification (Drummond and Wenjing), Panel Discussion (Mike, Andre). Marie Wallace shared the general agenda and Judith Fleenor inference to moderate the discussion and Scott Perry mentioned that he can be on the panel and CVS is a potential options as a presenter and then the BC Government folks might be additional panelist. Judith Fleenor also mentioned Rieks Joosten may be in attendance too. Judith Fleenor mentioned that Bryn Robinson-Morgan put together a great list of questions that we might be able to leverage as a starting point for the questions. Marie Wallace turned things over to Mike Vesey and  Andre Kudra and they started with utilizing Eventbrite for a distribution list for registration. Mike Vesey mentioned that in the demo, the goal is to illustrate the verification process and the value of decentralization. The plan is to illustrate the North Dakota digital credentials for the graduating seniors in the state. Potentially they Weill be using Evernym as a vendor. This presentation demo should have a minimum of two presenters explaining roles in the process while providing a walkthrough of diverse use cases verifying the student help credential. He went on to mentioned the Swag Pass as another interactive demonstration. The idea is to use a registration link to potential participants of the mini-summit inviting them to join. He shared a walkthrough of Eventbrite and the email it initiates with language to explain the next steps and pages to illustrate the wallet vendors for attendees to select from to proceed and receive code. Mike Veseymentioned that we need to send an email to engage the Steering Committee members who want to participate are notified so that if they choose to be included, we have them engaged at the onset. Scott Perry recommended that we send out an email to folks who have the capability and ensure that all the wallets are compatible. Judith Fleenor encouraged them to send an email to All Members with a deadline that points them to a public link to check and ensure their wallets are compatible to be included in the presentation. Judith Fleenor asked a question regarding the demo process to better understand when they will actually be verified to ensure folks are in attendance. Marie Wallace asked John Jordan about the Mines Project demo to illustrate the commercial use case and personal use case; John Jordan asked to connect with Nancy to be the POC for the talk and demo. Marie Wallace continued with how we want to approach the initial section–Intro to ToIP–and is asking for feedback and direction to help focus on the European audience. Marie Wallace shared her outstanding questions with the Committee and asked for feedback to help outline and define our role in the landscape. Judith Fleenor mentioned talking about Identity as a more general discussion because focusing on ToIP. Marie Wallace mentioned the idea of having multiple presenter to help as a "sales pitch" for engagement. Mike Vesey mentioned that the attendees will be more technical and define how we define the messaging so that they can be empowered to go back to their leadership and gain buy-in for engagement and financial commitment to join our foundation. Marie Wallace believes this may be a good opportunity for various folks to join and engage to illustrate how/why they individually got engaged.  Abbie and Drummond agree with this approach. Drummond ReedReed mentioned that at EIC panel was a good theme to leverage at the mini summit to illustrate how we can solve these major problems and challenges. Abbie mentioned to include the impact on compliance for businesses as a priority to illustrate as it's very impactful and relevant (what's the impact on business model?). Andre Kudra mentioned that he too agrees with Marie and Drummond to focus on conveying who we are and what we're doing. We need to demonstrate how we are bringing balance to the force across multiple big tech and SSI groups with a set of true principles of ToIP. Abbie said that we need to focus on what we're doing and the essential nature of the work and to illustrate what interoperability purpose is and how does it impact business? Abbie believes that we need to take a Top down approach to illustrate the value and need for the work we're doing.  John Jordan stated that he believes we need to illustrate the value with scenarios that cross organizations or boundaries (ex. law society and bc court services and registries wanting to know the credentials) to demonstrate a larger scale impact. John mentioned that if Kyle (BC Gov) is there, they can share a demo that demonstrate business people and technology crossover. Marie Wallace asked folks to share any intro content to the group and she asked Drummond Reed about the EIC agenda that was successful so that we can leverage it for our mini summit. Judith Fleenor asked the group who they believe the primary people who need to be engaged in the introduction. Drummond Reed mentioned that we need to get people hooked at the beginning to ensure we cover the key elements of ToIP Foundation. Scott Perry agrees that we need to practice our elevator pitch in five minutes and thirty seconds to reiterate throughout the conference. Marie Wallace asked the group what story do we need to tell in terms of the impact that relates to them directly. Scott Perry mentioned that he has a couple of slides that might be leveraged to hook the audience and believes accreditation and accountability are two factors we need to articulate. Marie Wallace followed up with the impact portion of the discussion; she asked the group how do we focus this part of the conversation. Abbie asked how is the audience that we're planning to present to and 

Mini Summit Marketing

Judith Fleenor went on to ask how we focus on marketing for the event and recommended we have Steering Committee members personally invite folks from their networks. Bryn Robinson-Morgan mentioned that at EIC, they pitched with a marketing hat to gain interest to get in front of the audience; he believes that we're not where we need to be from a marketing perspective just yet. We need to deliver value and deliver a message and then build the deck around the marketing messaging. Judith Fleenor  shared that the audience is significantly different from EIC, since they will be in attendance as OSS. Mike Vesey mentioned that these folks are not Identity focused people based on his experience at OSS North America. Judith Fleenor went on to share that we will have an events page up on the website but that we need to create the page that illustrates the agenda and details for our event. Scott Perry asked for the link for OSS Europe registration and Mike Vesey Marie Wallace and Andre Kudra . Judith Fleenor mentioned she will send the reg list to the private bistro list.  Judith Fleenor shared her screen and demonstrated how to register and shared that we need to get more specific text to illustrate what we're doing and why attendees should join. Marie Wallace said that we need three or four bullet points that we want to focus on and that are engaging and attention grabbing to ensure the audience is engaged. Bryn Robinson-Morgan offered to help wordsmith the points into paragraphs to update the website. Bryn Robinson-Morgansuggested that we include date and location on the graphic in case folks don't read the text. Scott Perry suggested that we host an after conference event so that we can drive more conversation for a more in-depth discussion. Judith Fleenor suggested we select a bar to host post meeting conversation. Abbie asked if the conference will be accessible via remote access. Judith Fleenor mentioned that we can at a cost to do this at the rate of $1500 and Abbie believes we should consider doing this virtually as well. Drummond Reed mentioned that's a good idea and Abbie mentioned that the event virtually is only $25 and may reach a wider audience. Judith Fleenor mentioned that we need more engagement at our Communications Committee to create a plan for a successful event. 

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