2022-02-11 Communications Committee Meeting Notes

2022-02-11 Communications Committee Meeting Notes


February 11, 2022




15 min

BLOG Updates and Approvals

10 minAction Item UpdatesJudith Fleenor
2 minLinkedIn Cover Photo / ToIP TaglineJudith Fleenor
5 minFood for thought discussionAll
1 minEvent Schedule ReviewJudith Fleenor
As time allowsOpen Discussion (as time allows)All





Judith Fleenor kicked off the meeting with the Anti Trust policy to review and the agenda to cover BLOG updates, Action Items and Action Item updates. Judith Fleenor shared that the Data Governance Act meets ToIP framework (1/13), ToIP Foundation Documents (1/24) and Governance Stack Deliverables (2/1) were all published. She introduced the Zero-Trust Architecture, Trust Over IP, and Governments to be up for review/approval and asked Jim StClair to provide insight and history of the blog and asked for feedback form the Communication Committee. Judith Fleenorproposed feedback from the committee and asked Daniel Bachenheimerand Jim StClair to review the content and explained how the blog became two different blogs for review. Scott Perry and Chris Ingrao (Deactivated) provided feedback regarding posting for the two blogs up for review today. Daniel Bachenheimerbrought the conversation together by stating ToIP is providing trust in to the virtual, online world and here's what we're doing. Nicky Hickmaninquired what the call to action is here and Chris Ingrao (Deactivated) mentioned needing a call to action to help offer directive to our community as they review and consider the content in the blog. Judith Fleenor stated that she will take the blogs and circulate them within the Communication Committee to collect feedback and potential for future state structure as we continue posting blogs like this in the future. Chris Ingrao (Deactivated) went on to say that he wants a more call to actions and solutions-centric insight and information in the future.

Judith Fleenor introduced the other proposed ideas for Blog ideas (New Year New Leadership - About EFWG/UFWG and maybe TechArchTF, DID Council Conference, OIX agreement, mobile Driver Lic presentation). She asked if we want to expand the new leadership blog to all working groups. Judith Fleenor then asked if anyone was interested in contributing to the DID Conference blog and Jim StClair recommended we have all the ToIP presenters contribute a paragraph to their respective presentations. Judith Fleenor provided an update regarding the OIX/MOU and the proposal for blog posts or series collaboratively, rather than getting the formal document fulfilled. 

Judith Fleenor provided an update on the trademark registration and deliverable templates and guide updates that are currently in motion. Judith Fleenor mentioned the AutoJoin and EasyCLA changes for membership on-boarding and explained that we're in the process of working through this process. Judith Fleenor mentioned the new LinkedIn slack channel and requested feedback from the committee regarding our LinkedIn account to utilize more to reach a greater audience with our community efforts. She mentioned repurposing our video content and YouTube channel and Twitter use. Jim StClair shared the efforts he's making regarding re-tweeting efforts that are more targeted and intentional in terms of content. Judith Fleenor shared that she reached out to Alex Tweeddale and proposed that we might consider put structure behind these efforts as a Marketing Communications POC. Nicky Hickmansuggested we think beyond Twitter and that we may consider utilizing things like Discord or TicTok and Telegram is big in Asia, but we should map the audience to the channels to be most successful. Lastly, Judith Fleenorprovided updates on up-coming events.

Action Items:

Jim StClair and Daniel Bachenheimer will make minor edits and send the document toJudith Fleenor by end of day Monday, then she will circulate the blog posts to the Communications Committee to review and collect feedback regarding the two blogs.

Action Items from previous meetings:

  • Past Action Item:  Scott Perry and David Lucatch volunteered to work on Trademark registration recommendations.
  • Past Action Item: Judith Fleenorto work with Indicio on getting ToIP content into their Indy/Arise workshop.
  • Past Action Item: Drummond Reed to create a Co-Branding Policy and work with Scott Perryto create a Co-branded version of out templates.
  • Past Action Item: Drummond Reedto create a BLOG about the OIX MOU when that MOU has been created and approved by both SCs. Judith Fleenorto follow-up with Nick Mothershaw.  Judith Fleenorto continue to follow-up with Jory on the re-write and resubmit to SC.
  • Past Action Item: Daniel Bachenheimersaid help with a BLOG about mDL and VCs.
  • Past Action Item: Judith Fleenorto coordinate with Kaliya Youngand Chris Kelly about Cross Collaboration on papers and communications after Thanksgiving.
  • Past Action Item: Judith Fleenorto add event schedule topic to the next Comms Meeting agenda.
  • Karen Hand to present this in the next EFWG and identify who would be the best POC to drive the top priorities to drive deliverables and effort
  • Scott Perry  and Drummond Reed to update/changes templates and the style guide (1/14). We need to identify a POC to own this in the future.
  • Drummond Reed to add the co-branding to the template documents and style guide Drummond Reed Introduction to White Paper & Design Principles Paper 
  • Elisa TrevinoJudith Fleenor, @AlexMetcalf, Drummond ReedJim StClair  to help drive decisions on the look and feel of the website.
  • Jim StClair LFX platform demonstration for project management in an up-coming Steering Committee meeting.
  • Judith Fleenor follow-up on End of Year surveys
  • @JudithFleenor to send a note to the Comms slack channel regarding their input for the LinkedIn cover photo.
  • Judith Fleenor to schedule landing session for Wenjing Chu and Chris Ingrao (Deactivated) for 3pm on Monday January 24th to discuss  focus for 2022.