2021-05-28 Communications Committee Meeting Notes

2021-05-28 Communications Committee Meeting Notes


May 28, 2021



3 minWelcome & Antitrust Notice

J Fleenor

2 min

Transition - meeting coordination - Welcome Bettina Brunnhuber

J Fleenor

5 minUpdate - Identity North and other ConferencesJ Fleenor
15 min

Good Heath Pass Rollout - PR Plan

J Fleenor & Drummond Reed
30 minJune and Q3 Activites  / PlanAll
2 minWrap up 

D Luchuk



  • Agenda Topics (pdf):


Transition - Meeting Coordination:

  • Judith Fleenor will be taking over the administrative role from David Luchuk. Her contact email is: Judith@trustoverip.org
  • Welcome to Bettina Brunnhuber from Liquid Avatar. She will be helping with notes/ wiki pages
  • Peter Stoyko- finalize contract deliverables. Judith to follow up with Peter and the committee on how to use the info-graphic (updates next week)
  • Judith Fleenor : How can we use Peter’s graphic to strategically get our message out?
  • Drummond Reed : had a meeting Peter Stoyko and John Jordan. Still in the process of combing through the feedback and wants to re-open this using a Google format. Drummond will take the lead on this project
  • Drummond Reed : will use slack to share a new link for more feedback
  • Next week Friday (June 4th) we should schedule a feedback meeting/ Judith to arrange
  • Kaliya Young : website needs to advertise and should include a webinar(s)
  • Website needs to be updated/ currently does not include Good Health Path
  • Taskforce needed for a new website/ and to review the current word press website
  • Jim StClair to take lead on the website review and update and will reach out to ToIP members with this particular skillset


Update- Identity North and Other Conferences

  • Identity North – Virtual Summit (June 2-3) http://www.identitynorth.ca/
  • Proposal: June 2 - ToIP leads participate in panel on Good Health Pass with ID2020 and Securekey
  • Update - Krista Pawley, from Identity North has informed me that
    “We were able to do the session with the ID2020 team as a pre-record (given some calendar constraints).
    They were great about recognizing all of the partners who are working together on the Good Health Pass. “
  • Identiverse: No participation from ToIP, need to put on our calendar for next year for ToIP to participate and submit content
  • Kaliya Young and Jim StClair  will work with Judith to work on events calendar for upcoming conferences/summits/panels
  • Kaliya Young : Speaking at Connect ID conference in October
  • Also need to focus on other conferences that intersect with digital identity
  • Drummond Reed: Hyperledger Global Forum is coming up on June 8-10 and Marie Masserey, Head of Architecture at IATA, is going to give a keynote talking about health passes and Good Health Pass
  • Judith Fleenor to spin up a meeting regarding this, which will include:  Jim StClair , Kaliya Young , Daniel Bachenheimer who has a vast knowledge of upcoming conferences

Good Health Path Rollout:

  • Public Comment and PR Plan
  • PR Plan: Linux foundation and ID 2020 Representatives are in communication with upcoming releases
  • Release(s), will need a quick turnaround and consensus approval from the ToIP Communications Committee. This will be done via email
  • Drummond Reed: There will be 2 releases that ToIP is a part of

1st release - Public review of GHP interoperability blueprint going out June 7th. Press pre-briefings starting next Wednesday. 3 organizations part of the approval process.


2nd release: LFPH working to create a registry for interoperability management “infostructure of blueprint”

  • Working on a registry of registries
  • ToIP should definitely look into doing webinars to clarify what we are working on and supporting
  • LFPH PR team is getting it out there and putting it on the wire, however, ToIP members need to amplify this press. Twitter and blog posts
  • 3 orgs need to align to project this and plan to meet next week everyday Tues-Fri for discussion (including hashtags)
  • Wenjing Chu: to start a “starting point” document of talking points to help in explaining what ToIP does
  • Judith Fleenor  to create a sharable “talking point” document that members can add to and refine over the week


June and Q3 Activities:


  • Create a list of topics for members to write about (500-word blog posts)
  • Need to begin to develop content
  • Create a “ToIP” Elevator pitch that can be put into content others are publishing elsewhere. “I participate in ToIP because…”
  • Create a way for people to sign-up to write a post on one of the topics and put out a call for content
  • Once backlog is created, this committee decides what will be published in next cycle and when, in alignment with other ToIP announcements, such as key relationships, (ie: the Sovereign Liaison agreement.)
  • Jim StClair: Annual report should be made, with multiple short entries
  • David Lucatch : we need a professional writer, also from a design background standpoint
  • David Lucatch : The world does not know what we do: we need to promote and get the word out there
  • Kimberly Linson : happy to help edit and coordinate incoming editorials
  • Will Groah : What is a members view from the first year…” What ToIP means to me…” and then compile group entries
  • Jim StClair and Drummond Reed to do intro/ Liquid Avatar to help to put it together with graphic art/ and coordinate “Year in Review” report
  • Chris Ingrao (Deactivated): Wasn’t there some strategic comms framework happening somewhere?
  • Judith Fleenor : would like to re-visit this list of strategy framework with Chris. Ajay was initially in charge of this list



Action items