2023-06-09 Communications Committee Meeting Notes

June 9, 2023


  • Judith Fleenor
  • Dan Bachenheimer
  • Drummond Reed
  • Scott Perry 
  • Nicky Hickman
  • Michelle Janata (LF)


15 min

BLOG Updates and Approvals

  1. ToIP at Open Source Summit North America 2023 – Recap

  2. EIC Recap

  3. Harms Paper Deliverable Release

3 minNIST 800-63-4 ToIP Comments Update
2 minLF Digital Trust Initiative Update
1 minMembership Content Boilerplate, Membership Drive, and Pitch Deck Update
10 min

Event participation updates and discussion of new proposals 

3 min

Webpage Updates 

Open Discussion (as time allows)

If time allows: 

Wikipedia Page Development (as time allows)

Video Content (as time allows)

On Hold Items (as time allows)





BLOG Updates and Approvals:

Interaction Pattern Task Force  - posted March 13th
How Do Humans Trust? - Guest BLOG Post from Scott Perry - posted March 15th
Decentralized SSI Governance - posted March 27th
Issuance Governance Task for Announcement - posted April 10th
IIW Recap - Guest BLOG Post from Mathieu Glaude posted April 28th

Blog Approvals: 

1.ToIP at Open Source Summit North America 2023 – Recap

Blog Link

Judith Fleenor sent out a link to this Blog post on 6/8/2023 and asks the group if they are ok with this Blog being posted. No objections were made to posting this blog. With no objections the blog post on the Open Source Summit North America will be posted either later this afternoon or Monday morning. 

2. EIC Recap

Blog Link 

Drummond Reed to update the Blog to include: before the Andy Tobin paragraph mention about "Wednesday in the main room the entire day was dedicated to verifiable credentials and decentralized". The title of the paper also needs to be updated. No further changes are needed. Judith Fleenor will request Andy to post this Blog a day or so after posting the OSS Recap blog. 

3. Harms Paper Deliverable Release

The Harms paper deliverable release will be done in two blog posts. Once those are completed and ready for review Nicky Hickman will notify the group. 

Business value from harms countermeasures 

Business outline Link

The AI/ history blog Link

Reimagining Digital ID paper quotes the Harms paper, which was at that point in public review. The Link to the Reimagining Digital ID Paper.  

BLOGs being worked on:
AI and Metaverse Series - Ziada and Anita
EIC Awards - GLEIF and Monokee

BLOGs Ideas:
BLOG series on our Design Principles (Wenjing)
Milestone BLOGs on TSPTF (Drummond) Drummond Reed to work on this blog over the next couple of weeks. With a timeframe of by end of June before summer vacations begin. 
Trust Registries Taskforce - collaboration with DIF
Kantera/UK Digital Identity and Attributes Trust Framework/Schellman and ToIP BLOG (Tabled until TICF decided)
DIDs Done Right series
eIDAS/EU Digital Wallet Series - #blog-series-eidas - Antti is BACK!
ACDC Progress
Consent is becoming meaningless (Phil Wolf?)
Governance Stack blog  re  Privacy and Risk from Inputs and Semantics group. (Neil Thompson)
mobile Driver Lic presentation (TBD in the New Year)
Michel Plante is working on a blog

NIST 800-63-4 Comment:

We submitted comments due by March 24th 
They heard us!  This slide is from  Identiverse presentation on  NIST 800-63-4… 
“Additional detail is needed on use of  Digital evidence in particular how mDLs  and VC may be used. 
“Additions to the digital identity model  to account for the issuer, holder, verifier  Model & attribute services.”

LF Digital Trust Initiative:

LF Digital Trust page went live: Link

Membership Upgrade Drive and Boilerplate Content:

ALL On HOLD for now: 
Bryn Offered to help with content for a Membership Upgrade Drive,  project was put on hold - so was the Hubspot - campaign 
John Jordan offered to work on the Pitch Deck, has asked us to hold off on that for at least another few weeks. 
Boilerplate Content on Why Join ToIP - we could still start working on this messaging.

Event Participation Discussion:

Completed Events:
EIC Presentations all went well:
Open Wallet Foundation Panel participation (Daniel moderated - Judith and Clare on panel)
Defining the protocol for internet-scale digital trust (Panel - Drummond, Dan, Andre & Christophe - Judith moderated)
Decentralized Identity - Why’s it all the rage?  - Thursday Evening Keynote - Judith
 Identiverse call for submission proposal put in for three sessions.
None of our proposals were accepted, but Drummond, Judith and Clare had conversations with multiple people.   
OSS - See BLOG for all the presentation by ToIP members.  John Jordan gave Keynote. 
DICE - Andre Kudra is there this week (DICE is the new IIW format European Conference)

Event Participation Discussion:

Active Proposals:
Identity Week America - Oct 3rd and 4th in DC - Judith to be on a panel session about session on Trust and Governance Frameworks. If Judith speaks she will be able to allocate a couple of passes. Judith Fleenor to allocate the passes to Scott Perry and Daniel Bachenheimer. 

Authenticate - October 16th - 18th Carlsbad, CA - Proposal has been submit

What other events do you think we should target for a ToIP submission in 2023?
Open Source Summit Europe - September 19-21st - Bilbao, Spain - Group agreed to submit for a session
Linux Member Summit - October 24th - 26th Monterey, CA - Group agreed to submit for a panel at the Linux Member Summit. 
Identity Week APAC - Nov 7th - 8th Singapore
Decided to submit for: Infosec World - Sept 25th - 27th - Received call for submission two day before it was due.

Website Updates:

Update Deliverable page with the two New Harms Papers
Posting of BLOGs as they are completed
Update Events Pages move upcoming events to past events with links to available recordings

Add Trust Spanning Protocol to Home Page, with Link to the BLOG OR Trust Registries? 

Action Items from previous meetings:

  • Past Action Item:  John Jordan will take the lead on starting the messaging for "Why to join ToIP".  Judith Fleenor has created a folder in the Communications Committee Folder - Titled: Membership Messages - ToIP - Link  
  • Past Action Item: Scott Perry and Daniel Bachenheimer assigned to this project (NIST 800-63-4 Comment) to come up with a plan with what needs to be done and to come back to the next communication meeting with the recommendation.
  • Past Action Item: Drummond Reed Wenjing Chu Daniel Bachenheimer to work on the Blog becoming an Associate Sponsor member of the Open Wallet Foundation. Link
  • Past Action Item: Drummond Reed to edit the blog post "Trust over IP Foundation Announces Judith Fleenor as New Executive Director. Adding "Judith is continuing her role as the Director of Strategic Engagement and John Jordan will continue as the Chair of Trust over IP. Once editing is complete Drummond Reed to send to Judith and John for review then send to the committee final approval then the blog will be posted. 
  • Past Action Item: Wenjing Chu to send Judith Fleenor his past presentation video in order for ToIP to get it up on the website. 
  • Past Action Item: Scott Perry to send Judith Fleenor the video he presented to the group. Scott Perry to also send Judith Fleenor the questions he asked in an email in order for Judith Fleenor to take the action to bring something back to the steering committee in the next meeting. 
  • Past Action Item:  Drummond Reed to drive the efforts to put together a post recap Dubin blog, via email the following week
  • Past Action Item:  Judith Fleenor to follow up with Jim StClair (and Daniel Bachenheimer) on the GHP History to replace the GHP current content. 
  • Past Action Item:  Add logo content to website and GitHub 
  • Past Action Item:  Judith Fleenor to recruit a resource to create a table tent with the ToIP Steering Committee and General members logo 
  • Past Action Item:  Judith Fleenor to recruit a resource to create the QR code for more information
  • Past Action Item:  Ajay Madhok to initiate the video content 
  • Past Action Item:  Elisa Trevino to cancel the Communication Committee meetings on September 16 and 30. 
  • Past Action Item:  Scott Perry and David Lucatch volunteered to work on Trademark registration recommendations.
  • Past Action Item: Daniel Bachenheimersaid help with a BLOG about mDL and VCs.
  • Past Action Item: Judith Fleenorto coordinate with Kaliya Youngand Chris Kelly about Cross Collaboration on papers and communications after Thanksgiving.
  • Past Action Item:  Alex Metcalf to post the discussion papers these to LinkedIn
  • Past Action Item: Ajay Madhok create an editorial calendar review/outline a strategy of the efforts for ToIP video content
  • Past Action Item: Alex Walz to provide recommendation on video content material for multi-use purpose.
  • Past Action Item: Judith Fleenor asked Alex to work on the Editorial Calendar and he mentioned that he can prioritize this in October.