2023-08-18 Communications Committee Meeting Notes

2023-08-18 Communications Committee Meeting Notes

August 18, 2023


  • Judith Fleenor
  • Dan Bachenheimer
  • Drummond Reed
  • Scott Perry 
  • John Jordan


1 min

BLOG Updates and Approvals

10 minEvent participation updates and discussion of new proposals (10 min)
5 minWebpage Updates (5 min)

Wikipedia Page Development ?

LF Digital Trust - do we wish to leverage it?

Do we want to make a 2023-2024 Editorial Calendar?

Do we want to think about doing a membership drive?

Open Discussion (as time allows)
If time allows: On Hold Items





BLOG Updates and Approvals:

-ToIP Takeaways from EIC - June 9th

-ToIP at Open Source Summit North America - Recap - June 12th

-What is the business value of harms countermeasures in digital identity systems?  June 12th

BLOGs Discussion and Approval

-Mid-Year Progress Report on the ToIP Trust Spanning Protocol V2.1

  • Approved and to be released either Monday Aug 22 or Tuesday Aug 23. After the Labor Day weekend will send out through LinkedIn. 

BLOGs being worked on:

-AI Blog by Wenjing

-AI and Metaverse Series - Ziada and Anita

-EIC Awards - GLEIF and Monokee (To late now). This will be taken off this list. 

BLOGs Ideas

Adding to the blog post ideas: 

-Trust Registry Task Force Blog update

-IIW Blog blog post to be published the week before IIW. 

-ACDC Progress

-Credential Exchange blog post

-Web s Task Force announcement blog post

BLOGs Ideas ongoing: 

-BLOG series on our Design Principles (Wenjing)

-Trust Registries Taskforce - collaboration with DIF

-Kantera/UK Digital Identity and Attributes Trust Framework/Schellman and ToIP BLOG (Tabled until TICF decided)

-DIDs Done Right series

-eIDAS/EU Digital Wallet Series - #blog-series-eidas - Antti is BACK!

-Consent is becoming meaningless (Phil Wolf?)

-Governance Stack blog  re  Privacy and Risk from Inputs and Semantics group. (Neil Thompson)

-mobile Driver Lic presentation (TBD in the New Year)

-Michel Plante is working on a blog

Event Participation Discussion

Active Proposals:

  • Identity Week America - Oct 3rd and 4th
    - Judith to be on a panel session about session on Trust and Governance Frameworks
  • Authenticate - October 16th - 18th Carlsbad, CA
    - Proposal declined

What other events do you think we should target for a ToIP submission in 2023?

Website Updates


  • Posting of BLOGs as they are completed
  • Update Events Pages - past events with links to available recordings


  • Add Trust Spanning Protocol banner to Home Page, with Link to the BLOG

Drummond Reed to send Judith Fleenor the Linked in text and the blurb text for the homepage and also the sentence for the Tweets. 

Wikipedia Page

  • Schellman, steering committee member, has kindly offered to help create ToIP a Wikipedia page.
  • Kaylan Eastepp, using information found, has created a draft for us to start from. It needs to be updated to tell our story more effectively, but also must have resources backup to reference that will be accepted by Wikipedia.
  • We need some volunteers with a strong knowledge of ToIP, to help edit it so that we can get a presence on Wikipedia.

Judith Fleenor to reach back out to Kaylan Eastepp to move forward with creating the Wikipedia page. 

LF Digital Trust Initiative

2023-2024 - Editorial Calendar and Marketing Plan

Plan to be revisited in the fall timeframe. 

Membership Upgrade Drive and Boilerplate Content

To be discussed at the next Communications Meeting.

Next Communications Committee Meeting: 

Friday September 15, 2023

Action Items from previous meetings:

  • Past Action Item:  John Jordan will take the lead on starting the messaging for "Why to join ToIP".  Judith Fleenor has created a folder in the Communications Committee Folder - Titled: Membership Messages - ToIP - Link  
  • Past Action Item: Scott Perry and Daniel Bachenheimer assigned to this project (NIST 800-63-4 Comment) to come up with a plan with what needs to be done and to come back to the next communication meeting with the recommendation.
  • Past Action Item: Drummond Reed Wenjing Chu Daniel Bachenheimer to work on the Blog becoming an Associate Sponsor member of the Open Wallet Foundation. Link
  • Past Action Item: Drummond Reed to edit the blog post "Trust over IP Foundation Announces Judith Fleenor as New Executive Director. Adding "Judith is continuing her role as the Director of Strategic Engagement and John Jordan will continue as the Chair of Trust over IP. Once editing is complete Drummond Reed to send to Judith and John for review then send to the committee final approval then the blog will be posted. 
  • Past Action Item: Wenjing Chu to send Judith Fleenor his past presentation video in order for ToIP to get it up on the website. 
  • Past Action Item: Scott Perry to send Judith Fleenor the video he presented to the group. Scott Perry to also send Judith Fleenor the questions he asked in an email in order for Judith Fleenor to take the action to bring something back to the steering committee in the next meeting. 
  • Past Action Item:  Drummond Reed to drive the efforts to put together a post recap Dubin blog, via email the following week
  • Past Action Item:  Judith Fleenor to follow up with Jim StClair (and Daniel Bachenheimer) on the GHP History to replace the GHP current content. 
  • Past Action Item:  Add logo content to website and GitHub 
  • Past Action Item:  Judith Fleenor to recruit a resource to create a table tent with the ToIP Steering Committee and General members logo 
  • Past Action Item:  Judith Fleenor to recruit a resource to create the QR code for more information
  • Past Action Item:  Ajay Madhok to initiate the video content 
  • Past Action Item:  Elisa Trevino to cancel the Communication Committee meetings on September 16 and 30. 
  • Past Action Item:  Scott Perry and David Lucatch volunteered to work on Trademark registration recommendations.
  • Past Action Item: Daniel Bachenheimersaid help with a BLOG about mDL and VCs.
  • Past Action Item: Judith Fleenorto coordinate with Kaliya Youngand Chris Kelly about Cross Collaboration on papers and communications after Thanksgiving.
  • Past Action Item:  Alex Metcalf to post the discussion papers these to LinkedIn
  • Past Action Item: Ajay Madhok create an editorial calendar review/outline a strategy of the efforts for ToIP video content
  • Past Action Item: Alex Walz to provide recommendation on video content material for multi-use purpose.
  • Past Action Item: Judith Fleenor asked Alex to work on the Editorial Calendar and he mentioned that he can prioritize this in October.

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