2020-12-11 Communications Committee Meeting Notes

2020-12-11 Communications Committee Meeting Notes




  • Discuss leadership, strategic planning, and 2020 roadmap

Discussion items

3 minWelcome & Antitrust NoticeDavid Luchuk
3 minGraphics contract - update on schedule/workplanDavid Luchuk
7 min"ToIP and Governments" Webinar update

See webinar description and agenda (Google doc)

5 minEFWG White Paper Task ForceKarl KneisDiscuss coordination with Comms Committee
30 minStrategic Narrative Presentation & DiscussionSlide deck will guide the discussion
5 minNext steps on 2021 roadmapAllDecide on tangible next steps
5 minExecutive Director & Chair/Co-ChairsAllSuggest coordination with John Jordan on decision
2 minNext meetingDavid Luchuk



  • How Might We Communicate in 2021? (access-controlled) - Link


1. Graphics contract

  • Peter Stoyko has completed his preliminary interviews with ToIP Steering members, Comms Committee and participants and others.
  • The next phase of work involves preparing initial “mock ups” of graphics to be presented and discussed with Comms Committee.
  • Contract on-track to be completed within stated 10-12 week timeframe - target completion: end of Jan ‘21 

2. "ToIP and Governments" Webinar update

  • Registration of attendees is well underway and all panelists are now confirmed.
  • Introduction to both sessions (by Drummond) will set the frame for panelist presentations, rather than explain the stack.
  • Not meant to be a technical set of presentations but, rather, focus on problems that governments have to address and how ToIP ca help resolve them.

3. EFWG White Paper Task Force

  • Need to harmonize white papers across WGs and Foundation overall to include a common messaging and voice on cross-cutting issues.
  • Comms Committee as overarching group focused on messaging. Karen Handwill be reaching out to Comms Committee to discuss work of TF.
  • Additionally, two white papers are under development and can be expected to come forward for review and validation to this Committee:
    • Point-of-view paper responding to AAMVA RFI
    • “Generic” summary paper based on ToIP response to ON government market consultation. 

4. Strategic Narrative Presentation & Discussion

  • If Trust over IP approached its Comms activities from the perspective of a start-up, it would see itself and its audience/customers as co-creators of value in a living business.
  • The “one to many” communication model is being replaced quickly by the “one to one, many times” approach that recognizes the benefit of creating lasting two-way relationships with customers.
  • When an audience feels that messaging and content has been personally tailored to their needs, the time-to-value cycle becomes much shorter.
  • The challenge for the Communications Committee is to create modular content that can be configured to different audiences.
  • How do we set our audience / customers as the heroes of a journey that calls them to action and ends when ToIP’s success is their success? 
    • Define the Storyboard for ToIP 
  • Strategic Narrative - who are we and what are we trying to do?
  • Many contributor members at ToIP want to help, but are interested in knowing how they can make money as well.
  • Different revenue models exist (e.g. fees, crowdfunding, sponsored competitions), which can allow Trust over IP to pursue its mission while also benefitting members.
  • Topic to be further explored and discussed at upcoming meetings.

5. Next steps on 2021 roadmap

  • Continue work on Communications Strategy, Editorial Calendar and developing modular content that can be personalized for different audiences.

6. Executive Director & Chair/Co-Chairs

  • John Jordan will be taking on the role of Chair of the Communications Committee.
  • Drummond Reed, Ajay Madhok and David Lucatch will be vice-Chairs.


  • John Jordan will take on the role of Chair, when possible, of this Committee.

Action items

  • The Committee will continue exploring possible revenue models, with Will Groah and Ajay Madhok elaborating the work they have already launched, in close collaboration with the Steering Committee.