2022-11-4 Communications Committee Meeting Notes


November 4, 2022




5 min

BLOG Updates and Approvals

3 minWebsite Update
1 minEnd of Year - Membership Upgrade DriveJudith Fleenor 
2 minDefining Digital Trust EcosystemJudith Fleenor 
5 minEvent participation DiscussionJudith Fleenor 
10 minVideo Content DiscussionJudith Fleenor 
20 min2023 - Editorial Calendar and Marketing Communication PlanJudith Fleenor 
3 minAction Time UpdatesJudith Fleenor 
As time AllowsOpen DiscussionAll





Judith Fleenor kicked off the meeting with the Anti Trust policy to review and the agenda. Judith Fleenor reviewed the agenda and then provided an update regarding BLOG Updates and Approvals. Judith Fleenor

Website Updates:

ToIP Summit Activity Page:

Judith Fleenor 

Signage Hyperledger Global Forum Community Partner Table

ToIP Summit Marketing & LinedIn Cover Photo

Mini Summit Social Media:

LF Marketing Amplification & Social Media Re-Posting:

Current Action Items:

  • Drummond Reed to drive the efforts to put together a post recap Dubin blog, via email the following week
  • Judith Fleenor to follow up with Jim StClair (and Daniel Bachenheimer) on the GHP History to replace the GHP current content. 
  • Add logo content to website and GitHub
  • Judith Fleenor to recruit a resource to create a table tent with the ToIP Steering Committee and General members logo 
  • Judith Fleenor to recruit a resource to create the QR code for more information
  • Ajay Madhok to initiate the video content 
  • Elisa Trevino to cancel the Communication Committee meetings on September 16 and 30. 

Outstanding Action Items:

  • Judith Fleenor asked Alex to work on the Editorial Calendar and he mentioned that he can prioritize this in October.

Action Items from previous meetings:

  • Past Action Item:  Scott Perry and David Lucatch volunteered to work on Trademark registration recommendations.
  • Past Action Item: Daniel Bachenheimersaid help with a BLOG about mDL and VCs.
  • Past Action Item: Judith Fleenorto coordinate with Kaliya Youngand Chris Kelly about Cross Collaboration on papers and communications after Thanksgiving.
  • Past Action Item:  Alex Metcalf to post the discussion papers these to LinkedIn 
    Past Action Item: Ajay Madhok create an editorial calendar review/outline a strategy of the efforts for ToIP video content
  • Past Action Item: Alex Walz to provide recommendation on video content material for multi-use purpose.