2021-10-01 Communications Committee Meeting Notes


October 1, 2021



Peter Stoyko


5 min

Action Item Update - ToIP Approved Deliverable Template

Judith Fleenor Scott Perry

and thanks to RJ Reiser and James from Liquid Avatar

2 min

Action Item Update - ToIP Year in Review (2 min)

Document for Review attached to meeting announcement.
5 min

Action Item Update - DID Spec Public Show of Support when approved by W3C

15 min

Discussion Papers - additional discussion on public release

10 min

Update from Peter Stoyko

Peter Stoyko
5 min

Opportunity to Co-Brand/Co-Market upcoming Indy/Aries Workshops

1 min

OIX MOU - and PR/BLOG about liaison agreement

1 min

ToIP Co-Branding Guidelines

Judith Fleenor
1 min

Action Item Update - Trademark registration

Judith Fleenor for Scott Perry and David Lucatch
10 minOpen Discussion All
1 minWrap up




  • Agenda Topics (pdf):

Notes  - To Be Added later... listen to recording until updated

Action Item Update - ToIP Approved Deliverables Template and Companion Guide

Action Item Update - ToIP Year in Review

Action Item Update - DID Spec Public Show of Support  when approved by W3C

Discussion Papers - Additional discussion on public release

Update from Peter Stoyko

Opportunity to Co-Brand/Co-Market upcoming Indy/Aries Workshops

Topics moved to Next Meeting

  • ToIp Co-Branding Guidelines
  • Action Item Update: Trademark registration

Open Discussion

Time ran out.

Action Items:

  • Action Item

    Action Items from previous meetings:
  • Action Item:  Scott Perry and David Lucatch volunteered to work on Trademark registration recommendations.
  • Action item: Jim StClair to work with Alex Metcalf on a BLOG about our ALL Members meeting presentation by Onterio Gov.
  • Action Item: Drummond Reed Wenjing Chu Daniel Bachenheimer to work on public showing of support for DIF spec when approved by W3C
  • Action Item: All review the Introduction to ToIP V2 white paper