2021-03-05 Communications Committee Meeting Notes
2021-03-05 Communications Committee Meeting Notes
March 05, 2021
- David Lucatch
- John Jordan
- David Luchuk
- Daniel Bachenheimer
- Kimberly Linson
- Kaliya Young
- Charles Walton
- Will Groah
- Jim StClair
- mathieu (Guest)
- Discuss next steps for the Editorial Calendar, approve a press release announcing ToIP's role in Good Health Pass, consider a request for participation in the "SSI Orbit" podcast and receive updates on J Jordan's "Financially Speaking " interview, logo-usage policy and communications products contract (P Stoyko).
Discussion items
Time | Item | Who | Notes |
3 min | Welcome & Antitrust Notice | David Luchuk | |
15 min | Editorial Calendar and Strategy | Ajay Madhok (TBC) | |
10 min | Proposal - “SSI Orbit” Podcast | Mathieu Glaude | |
5 min | Update - "Financially Speaking" interview w John Jordan | David Luchuk | |
5 min | Update - logo policy and contract (P Stoyko) | David Luchuk | |
20 min | Good Health Pass - announcement - for approval | Charlie Walton, Drummond Reed | |
2 min | Next meeting | David Luchuk |
- Agenda Topics (pdf):
- Press Release - Good Health Pass v3 (pdf):
1. Editorial Calendar and Strategy - next steps
- David Luchuk suggested that the time was right to revisit the Committee's intentions for the Editorial calendar and asked whether members supported the idea of launching the cycle of themed content either this month or next.
- David Lucatch proposed the Committee not rush into production but, rather, get a firm handle on the content and channels available right now. The Good Health Pass is a good example of a possible centre-piece for communications products that can be themed and modular.
- Will Groah observed that finding resources to fill the required roles for the Editorial Calendar remains an open challenge. He also suggested that the Big 5 deliverables offer potential artifacts that can e used for content development.
- John Jordanemphasized the importance of having enough people lined up to do the work intended. He also proposed to share a new Aries website with the group, which offers a good example of content that could be re-purposed by Trust over IP.
- David Lucatch asked how we can leverage what other organizations are doing to amplify our messaging.
- On this point,Drummond Reed raised the idea of the COVID Credentials Initiative (CCI) Paper Credentials Workshop and (with thanks to Kaliya Young) reminded all that the next Internet Identity Workshop (IIW) event is coming up on April 20-22.
- David Luchukwill ensure that all members are notified of the upcoming IIW event.
- Kaliya Young proposed that the Good Health Pass offers a key messaging opportunity because it represents a push to answer very difficult questions that apply broadly to credentials and identity, beyond the travel sector specifically.
2. Proposal - “SSI Orbit” Podcast
- mathieu introdcued the SSI Orbit podcast that has been launched by Northern Block as part of their effort to build the SSI community in Toronto and beyond. This podcast series was launched in February with several episodes already recorded, including some featuring ToIP leaders.
- mathieuproposed that Trust over IP feature in an upcoming episode, focusing on topics such as the stack, working groups and deliverables. He also and indicated he would be open to the possibility of having multiple participants spanning more than one theme.
- The committee agreed by consensus to support this activity.
- mathieu will share a draft agenda and suggested topics with the committee, which will nominate members to participate.
3. Update - "Financially Speaking" interview w John Jordan
- David Luchuk updated the committee on an upcoming interview that John Jordan will conduct as part of the Financially Speaking video series produced by ToIP member FinLit (Neha Misra).
- The edited video from this interview will be posted to the Financially Speaking YouTube series. Trust over IP will receive the raw video to be used, if it choses, to create other modular media content.
4. Update - logo policy and contract (P Stoyko)
- David Luchuk advised that Linux Foundation strongly advised against creating a stand-alone logo usage policy and approval-process. Instead, they recommend adopting the LF trademark policy, which would be broadly publicized among members for general awareness. Members would be responsible for respecting the policy whenever they choose to use the Trust over IP logo and wordmark.
- David Lucatchsuggested that a Brand Guideline be produced so that members know how to display the logo, as well as when they are permitted to do so.
- David Luchukalso provided an update on work towards new communications products by P Stoyko. Committee members can expect to see a complete infographic, based on the sign-off provided for the overall design and direction, by March 15.
5. Good Health Pass - announcement - for approval
- Charles Walton provided an outline of how work items for Good Health Pass are being framed by ID2020 and their alignment with Trust over IP. Work on the ecosystem governance framework is very well suited to the Taskforce set up under EFWG.
- Drummond Reed observed that Good Health Pass will tap into governance expertise at Trust over IP. He proposed that the press release developed to announce Trust over IP's involvement with Good Health Pass will help maintain a "drumbeat" approach that aims to continue to draw new collaborators into the effort.
- Daniel Bachenheimer shared suggested edits submitted by Jessica Townsend for discussion.
- The committee agreed that generic language should be used in the press release in regard to vaccination and test results.
- Kaliya Young asked whether CCI should be included in the proposed joint announcement - Trust over IP/ID2020/Good Health Pass.
- Drummond Reedand Charles Walton confirmed that discussions are taking place and CCI would likely be featured in a subsequent announcement.
- Committee members agreed by consensus to approve the press release, which will be posted to the media wire by Linux Foundation per the expense approval recently provided by Steering Committee.
Action items
- David Luchukto ensure that the upcoming IIW event (Apr 20-22, 2021) is publicized among members.
- mathieu to provide a draft agenda and set of topics for the SSI Orbit podcast.
- John Jordanto share recently launched Aries website with the committee for reference.
, multiple selections available,