2022-03-04 Communications Committee Meeting Notes

2022-03-04 Communications Committee Meeting Notes


March 04, 2022



  • @alexWalz 
  • @AlexMetcalf 


10 min

BLOG Updates and Approvals

3 minBLOG post drafting process
10 minAnnouncement PostsJudith Fleenor
5 minNew Membership page suggestion from Alex Metcalf

@AlexMetcalf Judith Fleenor

5 minVideo Content
2 minEvent ScheduleJudith Fleenor
5 minAction Item UpdatesJudith Fleenor
2 minLinkedIn Cover Photo/TaglineJudith Fleenor
2 minEasy CLAElisa Trevino
1 minOther Item UpdatesJudith Fleenor
As time allowsOpen DiscussionAll





Judith Fleenor kicked off the meeting with the Anti Trust policy to review and the agenda. Judith Fleenorannounced that two blogs have been posted this week, one from EFWG Radio with Pictures and another by UFWG London Underground. Judith Fleenor went on to share the blogs up for approval and asked if anyone wanted to provide an update on the topic. Drummond Reed mentioned the working group is working to start publishing one blog post a week and one that's currently being proposed is currently in the shared slack channel.  The blogs up for discussion and approval are elDAS/EU Digital Wallet Series and OIX Trust Framework and SSI Series as well as Keys to SSI AdoptionJudith Fleenorproposed the idea of a topic from the DID Conference regarding adoption from an enterprise perspective. She mentioned they're working with John Phillips that illustrates cost savings for implementing our principles and adoption that may be ready by April. Drummond Reed and Daniel Bachenheimersaid they agree that this was a good subject for future blogs. Ajay Madhokmentioned that Phil and he discussed how digital wallets are evolving and that they could potentially present at IIW or for future blog posts for ToIP. Daniel Bachenheimer agrees that another contribution to the series might be the collaboration between Meta and EUD wallet.  Alex Walt recommended that these blogs be independent so that the posts can be read independently and not requested to read series one, two, etc. 

Judith Fleenor inquired about how we want to collaborate future blog posts that are under development and post publication. She asked if we want to create a formal Communications Committee folder for review, creation and collaboration OR if we want the respective working groups to create content independently. Communication Committee members weighed in and said they would like to have a Communications Committee folder for managing moving forward. Judith Fleenor asked about if we want to create a slack channel to facilitate collaboration and the committee agreed. Lastly, she asked about creating graphic images for each series and Alex Walz volunteered to do this for ToIP. 

Judith Fleenor proposed two LinkedIn related questions to the committee: How do we want to point the public to information about how to attend events? & How do we want to capture information about interested parties or provide contact us information? Drummond Reed deferred to Alex Walz and he suggested creating a sign-up flow, potentially creating a sign up page in Zoom to receive calendar invites. 

Alex Metcalf discussed his ideas and recommendation regarding the membership page. He shared that we're missing a call to action and direction that would be more helpful for future and potential members. It's structured so that we have a membership tab at the top that offers feedback regarding current membership organizations. This leads to the Membership Benefits that includes graphics and insight into the membership benefits. This leads to the breakdown on memberships and costs with a link to the LF membership requirements. He also proposed enhancing the Join Us button. Daniel Bachenheimersuggested adding a member organization list to help illustrate if their respective companies are members. 

Judith Fleenor brought up the idea of video content on YouTube and asked for volunteers to help edit some of the existing content for branding and posting. Ajay Madhok proposed creating a podcast series that John Jordan proposed last call regarding the ToIP Stack Design Principles as the theme that leverage real world cases. This would be 17/18 episodes worth of content that could be posted on a bi-weekly cadence to cover 9 months worth of content. Ajay Madhok mentioned that he can plan to travel to visit John Jordan and Drummond Reed to create the content. Judith Fleenor recommended potentially creating an intro with John Jordan remotely that then could be used for a more in depth interview with the authors of the video content. 

Judith Fleenor wanted to address editorial calendar so that we have a more formal process and flow for creating a cohesive calendar with Alex Walz and Ajay Madhok to work on. Ajay Madhok volunteered to creating the calendar and proposing to the Committee. Alex Walz stated we need a strategy and having a tactical approach that ties to a calendar to track progress that's visible to all and provides a high level overview to what's going out. Daniel Bachenheimer mentioned that WGs and TFs said that if/when we have this calendar created, we can direct and refer the various groups their for engagement and ideas for cross collaboration and engagement. 

Judith Fleenor provide updates on all the up-coming events that are scheduled and informed folks that the panel proposal has been submitted for EIC. She asked members to be sure to mention at IIW that they are members of ToIP to help establish greater name recognition. She shared that our proposal for Identiverse was not accepted, but Alex Walz mentioned that since Drummond Reed is speaking, he may be able to add some ToIP content during his speech.  Lastly, Judith Fleenor shared the conference list that she and Kaliya and her created for contribution and feedback for assistance. To close, she shared action item updates with the Communication Committee. 

Action Items:

  • Judith Fleenorto follow up on the blog posts and status.
  • Ajay Madhok to send Judith Fleenor a proposed title for the blog
  • Judith Fleenor to create a Communications Committee folder for blog management
  • Judith Fleenor to continue creating blog series slack channel for cross collaboration
  • Alex Walz volunteered to help create graphics for blog series.
  • Alex Metcalf to retire GHP from website home page & create blog page call out on home page now that we have more content
  • Alex Walz, Kalin and Judith to meet on how to register/invite folks to future meetings. 
  • Alex Metcalf slide deck share https://ha8dym.axshare.com/#id=0cupvp&p=membership_page_concept 
  • Ajay Madhok to create an editorial calendar for review by Communication Committee

Action Items from previous meetings: