2022-02-18 Communications Committee Meeting Notes

2022-02-18 Communications Committee Meeting Notes


February 18, 2022



  • @alexwalz 
  • @Alexmetcalf 


10 min

BLOG Updates and Approvals

10 minTrademark Registration
10 minWebsite Membership Page ChangesJudith Fleenor
5 minDiscussion Papers
5 minAnnouncements VS BLOGs & Twitter Use and #HashtagsJudith Fleenor
5 minVideo ContentJudith Fleenor
5 minAction Item UpdatesN/A
2 minLinkedIn Cover PhotoN/A
2 minEvent ScheduleN/A
5 minOther Item UpdatesN/A
As time allowsOpen DiscussionN/A





Judith Fleenor kicked off the meeting with the Anti Trust policy to review and the agenda and provided an update regarding the BLOG posts for Data Governance Acts meets ToIP framework (1/13), ToIP Foundational Documents (1/24), Governance Stack Deliverables (2/1), The IRS and ID.me: Privacy Optional (2/16) and No, I don't trust you (2/18). Judith Fleenor provided an update and link to the Blog posts previously sent out (https://docs.google.com/document/d/18VGJ6KrStZMYN0GCAg11qOD81-riMkNg3wGEfvnt2SE/edit#) and asked for the Communication Committee to review and provide comments on the content provided in the link and suggested these be separated as two different posts. Judith Fleenorprovided an update regarding the DID Council Conference and asked for volunteers who are attending to write a blog about the event. Neil Thomson mentioned a Governance Stack blog that may be coming as a result of some up-coming meetings Privacy and Risk and Inputs and Semetics group. John Jordansuggested a blog post that feature our ToIP Design Principles. Jim StClair suggested a blog on Decentralized Identity and Devices. Jim StClair suggested we develop a strategy for our Communication efforts moving forward to streamline our efforts moving forward.

David Lucatch provided an update based on his discussion regarding Trademarks with Scott Perry (LF Legal) and provided the updates of the three options we have–Word Mark, Logo Mark and Lock Up. He provided the pricing details for filing that would impact our current budget. David Lucatch provided the details regarding US jurisdiction filing and how this will impact our cost and overall effort. He shared the initial recommendation is to file Word Mark and then have further discussion on a secondary mark for logo alone or lock up and any "tag line". This will start the formal process and we can prove first use going back to the launch of the website. The cost is approximately around $6,000 for this recommendation to initiate the process and he recommended starting with the US and then replicating with other locations in the future. Daniel Bachenheimer inquired clarification regarding trademark claims and filing if/when someone is in breach of our trademark. Judith Fleenor asked if we can approve this effort or if we need this to be formally approved by the Steering Committee and John Jordan asked if the Comms Committee believes we're in agreement to get started on this effort and Daniel Bachenheimer said he agrees and suggested we make the recommendation to the SC and get the formal approval from SC and Chris Ingrao (Deactivated) and John Jordan agreed too. 

Judith Fleenor asked provided an update regarding the discussion papers that we've recently posted. She mentioned that Neil Thomson has contributed to this content, but that we haven't received much traction for review. It's recommended that we post these on LinkedIn to gain a wider audience and gain more traction. She inquired for feedback from the Committee on where we should have this information live and John Jordan agrees that putting this in both places, website and LinkedIn. Alex Metcalf suggested we better entice an audience by cross promoting across multiple platforms to drive traffic with different tag lines or headlines to grab their attention. 

Judith Fleenor provided an overview of our blog presence, announcements and twitter use and asked for feedback regarding how we announce our engagement and efforts moving forward between the two types of communications (blogs and announcements). Judith Fleenor  asked if we should be ReTweeting and what type of content should we reTweet and what type of hashtags should we be using and opened up the conversation to the Committee. John Jordan said we should be posting about the speakers we're getting.  Alex Walz stated that Twitter is the best platform to be utilizing regularly for blog posts and discussion papers, as well as, other people in the community. He also said we should be using our #ToIP hashtags as well as others that align with SSI and decentralized identity. We should be using #trustoverip and #toip simultaneously. Drummond Reed suggested we use #ssi and #toip, but the longer ones are #trustoverip, #selfsovereignidentity, #decentralizedidentity, #privacy, #security, #trust. Judith Fleenor asked for content from related WG meetings so that she can get them up on our ToIP LinkedIn page in advance of the event. Drummond Reed suggested a follow-up efforts to get the content with links of presentation onto LinkedIn too.

Judith Fleenor presented the idea of video content for YouTube and video content clips to share on our website. Judith Fleenor asked the Committee for feedback and suggested Ajay Madhok might be a good resource to provide some of this content but suggested we gain an editorial team to do the work so that we can release content more regularly and on a cadence. Drummond Reed shared that Peter Stoyko created a fantastic splash video snippet and may be a potential resource. John Jordan mentioned the Design Principles (https://trustoverip.org/permalink/Design-Principles-for-the-ToIP-Stack-V1.0-2022-11-17.pdf) are a good topic because they underpin what we're doing at ToIP. Ajay Madhok suggested we take things that are happening in security world and reference the Design Principles to articulate the relevance from our lens to better tell our story. This helps us build connections to the world in an innovative way. 

Judith Fleenor provided a final update on OIX and the discussion that is tentatively scheduled for next week and extended an invite to the Communications Committee to join the conversation. 

Action Items:

Action Items from previous meetings:

  • Past Action Item:  Scott Perry and David Lucatch volunteered to work on Trademark registration recommendations.
  • Past Action Item: Judith Fleenorto work with Indicio on getting ToIP content into their Indy/Arise workshop.
  • Past Action Item: Drummond Reed to create a Co-Branding Policy and work with Scott Perryto create a Co-branded version of out templates.
  • Past Action Item: Drummond Reedto create a BLOG about the OIX MOU when that MOU has been created and approved by both SCs. Judith Fleenorto follow-up with Nick Mothershaw.  Judith Fleenorto continue to follow-up with Jory on the re-write and resubmit to SC.
  • Past Action Item: Daniel Bachenheimersaid help with a BLOG about mDL and VCs.
  • Past Action Item: Judith Fleenorto coordinate with Kaliya Youngand Chris Kelly about Cross Collaboration on papers and communications after Thanksgiving.
  • Past Action Item: Judith Fleenorto add event schedule topic to the next Comms Meeting agenda.
  • Karen Hand to present this in the next EFWG and identify who would be the best POC to drive the top priorities to drive deliverables and effort
  • Scott Perry  and Drummond Reed to update/changes templates and the style guide (1/14). We need to identify a POC to own this in the future.
  • Drummond Reed to add the co-branding to the template documents and style guide Drummond Reed Introduction to White Paper & Design Principles Paper 
  • Elisa TrevinoJudith Fleenor, @AlexMetcalf, Drummond ReedJim StClair  to help drive decisions on the look and feel of the website.
  • Jim StClair LFX platform demonstration for project management in an up-coming Steering Committee meeting.
  • Judith Fleenor follow-up on End of Year surveys
  • @JudithFleenor to send a note to the Comms slack channel regarding their input for the LinkedIn cover photo.
  • Judith Fleenor to schedule landing session for Wenjing Chu and Chris Ingrao (Deactivated) for 3pm on Monday January 24th to discuss  focus for 2022.