2021-10-15 Communications Committee Meeting Notes


October 15, 2021



Peter Stoyko


10 sec

Action Item Update - ToIP Year in Review 

1 minAction Item Update - Trademark registrationDavid Lucatch
2 min

Action Item Update - Ontario Gov Presentation Blog (2 min)

Alex Metcalf

15 min

Discussion Papers - Alex Metcalf to present publication route (15 min)

Alex Metcalf
5 min

Review of InfoGraphic to Peter Stoyko

Judith Fleenor
5 min

Opportunity to Co-Brand/Co-Market upcoming Indy/Aries Workshops

5 min

ToIP Co-Branding Guidelines 

5 min

Possible BLOGs to be written

Judith Fleenor
1 min

Cross Organizations Communications Collaboration

10 minOpen Discussion All
1 minWrap up




  • Agenda Topics (pdf):

Notes  - 

Action Item Update - ToIP Year in Review

The Year In Review Blog is posted to the website both under News and on the Home page

Action Item Update - Trademark Registration

David Lucatchto follow-up with Scott Perryand the LF people who Judith Fleenorwill send contact information for to David.

Action Item Update - Ontario Gov Presentation Blog

Alex Metcalf shared the BLOG post and the group approved for it to be posted early next week after people have time to make any comments between now and EOD Monday.

Discussion Papers publication methods

Alex Metcalf shared various publication option and the group selected one.  Steven MilsteinNeil Thomson to work directly with Alex to work out the details. 

Please Review Peter Stoyko's Infographic

Judith Fleenor reminded everyone to review an make any needed comments about the Infographic.  Judith Fleenoralso asked everyone to come to the next meeting with idea for Use Cases.  John Jordanoffered one non idetity use case

Opportunity to Co-Brand/Co-Market upcoming Indy/Aries Workshops

Judith Fleenorasked if anyone wanted to help with the content for the Indy/Aries Workshops adding in the ToIP content.  No one was interested so Judith Fleenorwill work with Steven C from Incidcio.

ToIP Co-Branding Guidelines

Drummond Reed is going to take on first draft at a co-branding policy and work with Scott Perryto make a co-branding version of the templates.

Open Discussion

Drummond Reedexpressed a need for graphics assistance for the Introductory Paper.  Ajay Madhokand Wenjing Chuvoluteered to help.

Daniel Bachenheimer had requested we talk about the DID Spec and our communications committee response.  Time ran out to discuss.  After the meeting Judith Fleenorand Chris Kelly discussed having Daniel Bachenheimerand Chris to work on a draft that could be presented to the SC for discussion at the next SC meeting on Tuesday 19th/Wednesday 20th.

Action Items:

  • Action ItemAjay Madhokand Wenjing Chuto work with Drummond Reedon graphics for Introductory Document
  • Action Item: Neil Thomsonand Steven Milstein to work with Alex Metcalf on the Discussion Papers publication
  • Action Item: John Jordanto work on a non-identity use case example for the infographic.  All to suggest use case examples at the next meeting so we can decided on a few for Peter to use.
  • Action Item: Judith Fleenorto work with Indicio on getting ToIP content into their Indy/Arise workshop.
  • Action Item: Daniel Bachenheimerto work with Chris Kelly on a BLOG post for support of the DID Spec
  • Action Item:  Chris Kelly to work on a BLOG post for IIW Recap with Drummond Reedand Wenjing Chu.  Judith Fleenorto coordinate with Chris Kelly on Monday.
  • Action Item: Drummond Reed to create a Co-Branding Policy and work with Scott Perryto create a Co-branded version of out templates.
  • Action Item: Drummond Reedto create a BLOG about the OIX MOU when that MOU has been created and approved by both SCs.
  • Action Item: Daniel Bachenheimeragreed to help with a BLOG about mDL and VCs.
  • Action Item: Judith Fleenorto coordinate with Kaliya Youngand Chris Kelly about Cross Collaboration on papers and communications.

    Action Items from previous meetings:
  • Action Item:  Scott Perry and David Lucatch volunteered to work on Trademark registration recommendations.
  • Action item: Jim StClair to work with Alex Metcalf on a BLOG about our ALL Members meeting presentation by Onterio Gov.
  • Action Item: Drummond Reed Wenjing Chu Daniel Bachenheimer to work on public showing of support for DIF spec when approved by W3C
  • Action Item: All review the Introduction to ToIP V2 white paper