2021-07-23 Communications Committee Meeting Notes

2021-07-23 Communications Committee Meeting Notes


July 23, 2021



  • Alex Metcalf


  1. Interoperability for GHP Press and Launch(15min)
  2. Website Update Proposed Direction (15 min)
  3. Website Update Discussion (15 min)
  4. Action Item Update -US Gov Hearing on Identity(1min)
  5. Action Item Update - ToIP Year in Review (2 min) 6. GHP FAQ Blog - (2 mins)
  6. Other Blogs for previously Released Deliverables (2 min)





US Government Hearing on Identity:

  • We submitted our letter and got a response/acknowledgment
  • Letter/ white paper will be included in the Committee hearing record

Interoperability for GHP Press and Launch:

  • Judith Fleenor spoke with ID2020
  • Plan from ID2020 perspective is that once the Steering Committee approves the deliverable, there will be a week for ToIP and partners to come up with a strategy behind the release
  • Nominate Jim StClair  to be ToIP representative and look out for our best interests
  • Daniel Bachenheimer  and Kaliya Young are willing to step in and help run point with Jim StClair 
  • The approval process will be more streamlined this way
  • Approved by committee
  • This is referring to the press release for the public. The blog post can still be posted but in coordination with the wire PR.
  • Action Item: Jim StClair to act as the rep for Interoperability GHP PR

Website Update Proposed Direction:

  • New website to include GHP working Group/ Kaliya will be creating content for this page
  • The blueprint will be linked from this page, which will create traffic flow to our site

Alex Metcalf Website discussion and new implementations:

  • There may be some issues incorporating Peter’s full design. There are definitely many elements that can be used, however with the current tech constraints and for speed we will forge ahead with word press currently being used.
  • 3 main discussions: 1) Structure and new menu system 2) Design elements to homepage 3) Homepage being a “storefront”
  • Key points: Communicate the great work being done, why we are doing it and why someone would want to get involved
  • New menu navigation tabs are now logically laid out/ and only include the key deliverables
  • The top of the toolbar can direct members to where they need to go
  • Design elements for the homepage: reduced the weighted text and easier to scan
  • We can still incorporate several icons suggested by Peter
  • We must keep in mind our target audience. Using pages to speak to the audience in “their” language

Website format Discussion:

  • By having both the “about” and “Why ToIP” sections will draw out different questions and audiences
  • Ajay Madhok : Leave the model as is and as own menu item - remove from “our work”
  • Drummond Reed : Loves the simplicity. Would like to include more about the working groups
  • Perhaps working groups should be added to “our work” tab or in the content of the “get involved” page
  • Design elements: design follows content. David Lucatch : should include Peter in the design element process in terms of what we need and end up selecting
  • Ajay Madhok : Refer to the “D.O.M Tree” to use as a starting point for the content which can be populated easily
  • Action Item: Ajay Madhok and Daniel Bachenheimer to take the lead on creating content
  • David Lucatch : can provide editing support through NRPR at a cost (most likely). Circle back if the team needs polishing/ editing towards the end
  • Action Item: Alex to reach out to Craig for the Live site, is to add the model/infographic

ToIP Year in Review:

  • We now have compiled all the info needed
  • First draft: Aug 2nd will look to get proof done and then out for review
  • Action Item: David Lucatch and Jim StClair to begin draft

GHP FAQ blog:

  • Action Item: Kaliya Young John’s input and reach out to further resources for input for final draft

Other Blogs for previously Released Deliverables:

  • Need to blog about accomplishments that we have already done and have not written about
  • Ajay Madhok : Is working on prioritizing the editorial calendar


Action Items: