2025-01-08 GATF Meeting Notes - Americas

2025-01-08 GATF Meeting Notes - Americas

This TF schedules meetings as needed. Each meeting will be announced on the GSWG mailing list and the #governance-architecture-tf Slack channel.

The meetings (and Zoom links) are available on the ToIP meeting calendar:
LFX Meetings

Zoom Meeting Links / Recordings

Video and Transcript: Video Conferencing, Web Conferencing, Webinars, Screen Sharing


@John Phillips

@Neil Thomson

@Drummond Reed


@Daniel Bachenheimer

Agenda Items and Notes (including all relevant links)


Agenda Item



3 min

  • Start recording

  • Welcome & antitrust notice

  • New member introductions

  • Agenda review


  • Antitrust Policy Notice: Attendees are reminded to adhere to the meeting agenda and not participate in activities prohibited under antitrust and competition laws. Only members of ToIP who have signed the necessary agreements are permitted to participate in this activity beyond an observer role.


  • No new members in discussion

2 min

Review of previous action items




Topic #1




Topic #2




Topic #3




Topic #4



5 mins

  • Review decisions/action items

  • Planning for next meeting 



Summary of meeting:

Governance Architecture Task Force Meeting Minutes

Date: 9 January 2025

Time: 11:00 AM (GMT+10)


● John Phillips (Sezoo)

● Neil Thomson (QueryVision)

● Daniel Bachenheimer (Accenture Global Solutions Limited)

● Drummond Reed (Gen Digital)

● Sankarshan Mukhopadhyay (Dhiway Networks Private Limited)

Topic: Review of the Governance Architecture Task Force Charter and Deliverables for 2025.

Meeting Summary:

John Phillips opened the meeting by welcoming everyone and outlining the purpose, which was to review the Governance Architecture Task Force Charter and discuss proposed deliverables for 2025. He noted that the Ecosystem Foundry Working Group and the Governance Stack Working Group were officially merging, solidifying the context for the task force charter.

Drummond Reed confirmed that he had reviewed the charter document in light of the merger and felt it was current, requiring only minor wording updates to reflect the new combined working group name.

John Phillips then drew attention to the list of past deliverables, highlighting the need for Neil Thomson to add links to the Issue Requirements Document3 and for all attendees to contribute any other significant past deliverables. Neil Thomson confirmed he would update the page with the requested link.

Discussion turned to the three proposed deliverables for 2025, with John Phillips emphasizing that these were "big, hairy, audacious goals" intended to guide research and development efforts.

  • Trustworthy interactions across independent ecosystems

  • Verifiers in cross-ecosystem governance

  • Enabling cross-ecosystem meaning exchange: Vocabulary and semantics.

Neil Thomson suggested that the group should also consider "holder verifiable identifiers" as a key area of focus

Daniel Bachenheimer stressed the importance of "holder binding" to ensure that the person presenting a verifiable credential is indeed the legitimate holder. He agreed with Neil Thomson that this could be encompassed within the deliverable on "trustworthy interactions across independent ecosystems".

John Phillips proposed using a Kanban-style process to manage the task force’s work, enabling a dynamic approach to prioritizing and tracking progress. Sankarshan Mukhopadhyay provided a link to an Atlassian Kanban plugin for Confluence. John Phillips committed to investigate the plugin and determine its suitability.

Drummond Reed suggested adding a fourth deliverable focusing on "verifiable identifier governance architecture" . This was triggered by Neil Thomson’s point that governments are increasingly adopting foundational identifiers, which raise significant privacy concerns.

Sankarshan Mukhopadhyay shared an example of how the concept of virtual Aadhaar IDs in India failed due to lack of confidence in the verification process, emphasizing the importance of establishing robust governance around identity in different contexts .

Drummond Reed emphasized the importance of understanding the full potential and possible dangers of DIDs to ensure responsible use, drawing a comparison with the invention of dynamite .

John Phillips agreed with the need to address the governance of verifiable identifiers but raised concerns about potential misinterpretations if the deliverable was worded too narrowly. The group agreed to consider further wording refinements .

Neil Thomson introduced the concept of "micro sharing," which involves sharing personal data only for a specific transaction and then discarding it. He distinguished this from selective disclosure, arguing that micro sharing focuses on minimizing the amount of data shared and the duration for which it is held .

Sankarshan Mukhopadhyay and Daniel Bachenheimer provided examples of mandated data retention practices in India and Saudi Arabia, highlighting the real-world challenges in implementing privacy-enhancing technologies .

John Phillips acknowledged the need to be both pragmatic and idealistic, recognizing the limitations of the current environment while striving for a better future . He advocated for implementing systems that provide warnings or notifications to individuals about how their data will be used and shared .

Sankarshan Mukhopadhyay suggested promoting the task force's work more widely to encourage broader participation and solicit feedback from a wider audience . He pointed out the potential for duplicate efforts and the importance of synergy across different groups.

John Phillips agreed to draft an email outlining the task force's objectives and inviting participation . This was agreed as the first actionable deliverable for the group.

Action Items:

  1. Neil Thomson: Add links to the Issue Requirements Document to the charter page.

  2. All Attendees: Contribute details of any other significant past deliverables to the charter page.

  3. John Phillips:

    1. Investigate the Atlassian Kanban plugin for Confluence.

    2. Draft and circulate an email advertising the task force's work and inviting participation .

  4. Governance Architecture Task Force: Refine wording for the fourth deliverable focusing on verifiable identifier governance architecture.

Next Meeting: In two weeks, as per the new bi-weekly schedule.

Meeting adjourned: 11:55 AM (GMT+10)

Please note that this summary is solely based on the provided transcript.

Chat notes

00:14:00 Neil Thomson (QueryVision): I would add: - HoldersVerifiable Identifiers

00:14:20 Neil Thomson (QueryVision): I would add: - Holders - Verifiable Identifiers

00:16:25 sankarshan mukhopadhyay (Dhiway Networks Private Limited): https://www.atlassian.com/software/jira/features/kanban-boards : seems like they have a board plugin

00:20:51 sankarshan mukhopadhyay (Dhiway Networks Private Limited): As Drummond would say “personal agents are happening” - that’s a landscape in which this group would have important impact.

00:21:31 John Phillips (Sezoo): We need a Kanban to add these good ideas to... I'll look into this after the meeting.

00:21:35 John Phillips (Sezoo): Reacted to "As Drummond would sa..." with 👍

00:22:57 sankarshan mukhopadhyay (Dhiway Networks Private Limited): My apologies for being late. I had mistakenly assumed that this meeting instance was at 0430 my time instead of 0530 and hence it did not occur to me to glance at the calendar.

00:24:09 Neil Thomson (QueryVision): Found the Issuers Req Doc (fully approved, no longer draft)

00:24:51 sankarshan mukhopadhyay (Dhiway Networks Private Limited): Reacted to "Found the Issuers Re…" with 👍

00:35:27 Neil Thomson (QueryVision): Verifiable context identifiers might into the same modes as "on-demand, microshared" credentials, possibly doing so with "foundational identifiers" to establish "verifiable context identifiers" for frequent use.

00:51:36 sankarshan mukhopadhyay (Dhiway Networks Private Limited): That mode of governance is ingrained through the benevolence of the Crown :) as former colonies can attest to.



Action Items


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