2025-02-19 GATF Meeting Notes - Americas

2025-02-19 GATF Meeting Notes - Americas

This TF schedules meetings as needed. Each meeting will be announced on the GSWG mailing list and the #governance-architecture-tf Slack channel.

The meetings (and Zoom links) are available on the ToIP meeting calendar:
LFX Meetings

Zoom Meeting Links / Recordings

Video and Transcript: Video Conferencing, Web Conferencing, Webinars, Screen Sharing

Meeting starts approximately 05:00 in the recording.


@John Phillips


@Drummond Reed

@Scott Perry

@Alex Tweeddale

@Neil Thomson

Also “Jim’s notetaker” - an AI agent that we noticed at the start of the meeting but didn’t remove.
@Jim StClair @Jim St.Clair - is this your agent? If so, can you remove it from the future meetings please? From this meeting on we are using the LF approved AI note taker to produce notes from the recordings. Thanks

Agenda Items and Notes (including all relevant links)


Agenda Item



3 min

  • Start recording

  • Welcome & antitrust notice

  • New member introductions

  • Agenda review


  • Antitrust Policy Notice: Attendees are reminded to adhere to the meeting agenda and not participate in activities prohibited under antitrust and competition laws. Only members of ToIP who have signed the necessary agreements are permitted to participate in this activity beyond an observer role.


  • No new members in discussion

2 min

Review of previous action items




Topic #1




Topic #2




Topic #3




Topic #4



5 mins

  • Review decisions/action items

  • Planning for next meeting 



Summary of meeting:

Here are the links to the public content that I was sharing:

  1. UNTP spec: UN Transparency Protocol | UN Transparency Protocol (from here you can find the GutHub rep and other resources)

  2. Standards Australia and the Universal Data Protocol content: Universal Data Protocol

  3. Spanish Registrar home page: https://www.registradores.org/ and also https://opendata.registradores.org/en/

  4. UNECE UN / CEFACT paper on cross border trade: https://unece.org/sites/default/files/2023-08/WhitePaper_VerifiableCredentials-CrossBorderTrade_September2022.pdf


This is a summary of the meeting generated using the transcript and chat as sources and NotebookLM as the generating tool:

Here's a summary of the governance architecture task force meeting, drawing on the provided sources:

  • Attendees The meeting included John Phillips, Drummond Reed, Scott Perry, Alex Tweeddale, and Neil Thomson.

  • United Nations Transparency Protocol (UNTP) John Phillips discussed the UNTP, a project aimed at solving supply chain transparency at scale. The protocol's origins trace back to a UN CEFACT white paper that proposed verifiable credentials and decentralized identifiers as tools for cross-border trade documentation.

  • Open Standard The UNTP is intended to be an open standard, contrasting with proprietary systems. The underlying structure is a GitHub repository of Markdown pages for community contribution.

  • UNTP Extensions The UNTP is envisioned as a small core specification with industry-specific extensions. These extensions could address particular industry requirements, such as those for meat and livestock, critical raw materials, or the built environment.

  • Governance of Extensions Governance of these extensions is an area of interest, as the UN doesn't want to impose on extension working groups but reserves the right to recognize their work.

  • Digital Product Passports The UNTP places particular weight on digital product passports, which are like digital twins for products.

  • Global Trust Registry John Phillips is leading a spin-off project to define how the UN's UNTP would recognize existing trust registries. The UNTP's trust registry aims to direct users to relevant registries, not to be another source of authority.

  • Call to Action John Phillips encouraged participants to get involved with the UNTP as individuals or organizational representatives. Participation in UN projects is pro bono, but commercial opportunities may arise from industry-led extensions.

  • ISO Involvement There is interest from the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in adopting the UNTP as an ISO standard.

  • Discussion of Methodologies and Existing Standards

    • ACDC Neil Thomson raised the potential of utilizing ACDC (presumably referring to "anchored claims data container") for supply chains due to its immutability and built-in signature capabilities.

    • C2PA Scott Perry drew a parallel between the UNTP's product passport and the Content Authenticity Initiative (C2PA) manifest, noting their structural similarities in conveying claims and actions taken on a product.

    • Trust Registry Standards Alex Tweeddale mentioned working on a standard for trust registries and offered to act as a liaison between ISO/Sen and UNTP.

  • Recognition of Recognition Drummond Reed noted that one of the key breakthroughs in the design of Trust Registry Protocol (TRQP) in the last 2 months was the recognition of recognition.

  • Next Steps Drummond Reed suggested that John Phillips present on the UN Global Trust Registry at a Trust over IP steering committee meeting.

Chat notes

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