2024-11-13 GATF Meeting Notes - Americas
This TF schedules meetings as needed. Each meeting will be announced on the GSWG mailing list and the #governance-architecture-tf Slack channel.
The current cadence is that there are two GATF meetings every two weeks:
Americas: Wednesday 4pm PDT | 7pm EST | Thursday 9am AEST (UTC+10)
Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/94290110805?pwd=OEVhd2IwUUxTblNtYUNOVEtGaUNBUT09
APAC/Europe: Thursday 1am PDT | 6pm AEST (UTC+10) | CEST/3pm (UTC+2)
The meetings (and Zoom links) are available on the ToIP meeting calendar:
Zoom Meeting Links / Recordings
Video and Transcript: https://zoom.us/rec/share/5LKE6ymNFydcrqwpOk4LFwCylirU7sdMjeRFSV_rkJ-EkJ4PIRt5OP0_twxB6hcb.ffHtO_LkB4nIeyfN
@John Phillips
@Neil Thomson
@Drummond Reed or perhaps @Drummond Reed or perhaps @Drummond Reed ? Will the real Drummond Reed please stand up?
Agenda Items and Notes (including all relevant links)
Time | Agenda Item | Lead | Notes |
3 min |
| Chairs |
2 min | Review of previous action items | Chairs |
| Topic #1 |
| Topic #2 |
| Topic #3 |
| Topic #4 |
5 mins |
| Chairs |
Summary of meeting:
Generated by NotebookLM based on the Zoom transcript:
John Phillips will act as the lead editor to revise the charter page for the Governance Architecture Task Force.
The group decided to use the existing Confluence page to revise the charter.23 John Phillips will determine the best way to manage versions and edits without disrupting access to the existing page.
The group agreed that the Governance Architecture Task Force should focus on governance models for interoperability between independent organisations and ecosystems. Existing systems like IATA and ISO standards for mobile driving licenses can serve as useful examples.
The role of verifiers in cross-ecosystem governance was identified as a key consideration. The task force will examine how verifiers from one ecosystem can verify credentials issued in another ecosystem and the challenges involved in verifying ownership and rights across ecosystems.
The group discussed the need for a common vocabulary to ensure interoperability and reduce the burden on verifiers. This may involve promoting the use of the Trust over IP glossary.
Real-world use cases will inform the work of the task force, particularly those involving cross-jurisdictional data exchange. The group will consider both formal, contract-based approaches and less formal, de facto standards.
John Phillips will update the meeting minutes, share a transcript, and invite others to participate via the Slack channel.
The group briefly discussed the potential of personhood credentials, particularly in the context of platforms and regulatory requirements. John Phillips will connect Drummond Reed and Joe Spencer to discuss the potential application of personhood credentials for secure customer authentication in European banking.
The meeting also included discussions about Drummond Reed’s experience at the recent Internet Identity Workshop (IIW) and the growing interest in 1st-person credentials. These discussions are relevant to the task force's goals but did not result in specific actions or decisions.
Chat notes
Action Items