2024-06-12 GATF Meeting Notes - Americas

This TF schedules meetings as needed. Each meeting will be announced on the GSWG mailing list and the #governance-architecture-tf Slack channel.

The current cadence is that there are two GATF meetings every two weeks:

Americas: Wednesday 4pm PDT | 7pm EST | Thursday 9am AEST (UTC+10)
Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/94290110805?pwd=OEVhd2IwUUxTblNtYUNOVEtGaUNBUT09

APAC/Europe: Thursday 1am PDT | 6pm AEST (UTC+10) | CEST/3pm (UTC+2)

The meetings (and Zoom links) are available on the ToIP meeting calendar

Zoom Meeting Links / Recordings

Meeting starts at around 3 minutes in. 

(I don't understand why these two links have unique URLs and yet appear to deliver exactly the same video and transcript file end points....)

Video Link: https://zoom.us/rec/share/CaGm0Xp9TZzwyzLEme-5i1tZ6-Q10yx75CFmEJuxrnsmyOSNj7ZAuA3ttQ3vhIdt.g6YUl4DewHsHKkNr

Transcript: https://zoom.us/rec/share/bWmNAmuBPW-62H3TM1b5JzXZP5xy3YO27Z0XslNo_dNtEianGry-901ooknMmGaY.pkGXdnc3xTirNs_f


Neil Thomson 

Carly Huitema 


John Phillips 

Agenda Items and Notes (including all relevant links)

TimeAgenda ItemLeadNotes
3 min
  • Start recording
  • Welcome & antitrust notice
  • New member introductions
  • Agenda review
  • Antitrust Policy Notice: Attendees are reminded to adhere to the meeting agenda and not participate in activities prohibited under antitrust and competition laws. Only members of ToIP who have signed the necessary agreements are permitted to participate in this activity beyond an observer role.

  • New Members: None
2 minReview of previous action itemsChairs

Proposed Agenda:

  • DIF Travel Work (Neil)
  • C2PA Review (Neil)
  • EIC (John)

Topic #1


Neil expanded on the application of the ToIP risk assessment templates and guides to the C2PA model. Some of the take homes are 

  • scope of interest that we should promote for ToIP. For example, do we include risks that go towards the harms considerations? In other words, do we consider the risks that a well intentioned ecosystem fails to deliver on its good intentions, or that a poorly intentioned ecosystem DOES deliver on its intention?
  • The existing ToIP template and guide could be expanded (discussion that Neil Thomson want to have with Scott Perry )  

Topic #2


John gave a brief overview of the European Identity Conference (EIC) held in Berlin last week. Key points mentioned were

  • Decentralised Identity was the talk of the show. The catalyst being EIDAS2.
  • Verifiable Credentials were everywhere. One key indicator being the commitment that Ping/Forgerock are showing to VCs
  • The ToIP panel presentation held on Friday afternoon was well attended despite being near the very end of 4 days of conference.
  • Governance got a mention in several talks, perhaps deserves its own stream... 

Topic #3

ToIP Website

John highlighted that the ToIP website now shows the 3rd generation model which users a building description to introduce the "Trust Canvas"

Topic #4

5 mins
  • Review decisions/action items
  • Planning for next meeting 
ChairsSee actions below

Screenshots/Diagrams (numbered for reference in notes above)

Chat notes

00:07:47    sankarshan mukhopadhyay:    Since this is the Governance Architecture TF I thought this work might be of interest. I find the effort to be interesting but I am disappointed with the output - it kind of makes a grab bag of concepts while ignoring the influence of an ecosystem in terms of risks on the choice of a blockchain.  https://www.projectliberty.io/news/towards-a-responsible-decentralized-ecosystem-unveiling-project-liberty-institute-and-blockchaingov-s-blockchain-governance-toolkit
00:08:10    Carly Huitema:    Reacted to "Since this is the Go..." with 👍
00:10:15    sankarshan mukhopadhyay:    Google was training their model with publicly available Google documents anyway 🙂
00:10:34    Carly Huitema:    Replying to "Google was training ..."

but at least it wasn't private google docs right....?
00:12:08    sankarshan mukhopadhyay:    I wonder if Neil is implying that implementations of C2PA are titling more towards proprietary and closed source. This is a bit of anti-pattern to the IAM/DigitalID specs
00:21:57    John Phillips:    I think we are exploring some very interesting concepts here: are the risks that we are concerned by those that consider whether the ecosystem will NOT do what it proposes to do, or that it WILL do what it proposes to do? In other words, are we assessing the risk to humanity in our opinion?
[this point is now being discussed, but I wanted to press enter!]
00:28:45    Carly Huitema:    I don't even know or understand exactly how the green lock thing works. I doubt people are going to dive into metadata every time they find a photo
00:28:47    sankarshan mukhopadhyay:    I’m wondering if “Utility” is a term which originated from the Sovrin Foundation (which has a Sovrin Utility Governance Framework)
00:29:47    Neil Thomson:    Replying to "I’m wondering if “Ut..."

I suspect you are right.
00:32:24    sankarshan mukhopadhyay:    Replying to "I’m wondering if “Ut..."

The Sovrin Ecosystem Governance Framework document https://sovrin.org/wp-content/uploads/Sovrin-Ecosystem-Governance-Framework-V3.1.pdf has a set of high level descriptions of risks and such (p13 in the document) It isn’t specifically focused on implementation but more on what might be the directionality of addressing such risks
00:38:41    John Phillips:    https://www.linkedin.com/in/geoff-smith-gdpr/
00:42:36    sankarshan mukhopadhyay:    As long as “everything is a VC” should not follow the “let us make NFTs of everything” poor habit.
00:45:00    Carly Huitema:    ORDC?
00:45:59    Neil Thomson:    OIDC - open id connect - current centralized authentication (modern version) based on OAuth
00:46:50    John Phillips:    Here's an example of the conference focus:
00:49:20    Carly Huitema:    Reacted to "OIDC - open id conne..." with 👍


Action Items

Agreed activities were: