2025-02-05 GATF Meeting Notes - Americas
This TF schedules meetings as needed. Each meeting will be announced on the GSWG mailing list and the #governance-architecture-tf Slack channel.
The meetings (and Zoom links) are available on the ToIP meeting calendar:
LFX Meetings
Zoom Meeting Links / Recordings
Video and Transcript: Video Conferencing, Web Conferencing, Webinars, Screen Sharing
Meeting starts at 05:30 in the recording.
@John Phillips
@Drummond Reed
@Scott Perry
@Alex Tweeddale
Also “Jim’s notetaker” - an AI agent that we removed from the call early in the meeting.
Agenda Items and Notes (including all relevant links)
Time | Agenda Item | Lead | Notes |
3 min |
| Chairs |
2 min | Review of previous action items | Chairs |
| Topic #1 |
| Topic #2 |
| Topic #3 |
| Topic #4 |
5 mins |
| Chairs |
Summary of meeting:
This summary generated by NotebookLM from the transcript from when John called the meeting to order.
Here's a summary of the meeting, presented as minutes, focusing on key points, speakers, and agreed actions:
Meeting Summary: Governance Architecture Task Force
Key Discussion: Simplification of the Trust over IP (ToIP) stack diagram for broader audience understanding.
Key Points Made:
John Phillips: Opened the meeting, noting approval of the Governance Architecture Task Force Charter and highlighting Scott Perry's paper with Matthew, seeking community feedback.
Scott Perry: Discussed simplifying the ToIP stack diagram to improve communication outside the immediate community, focusing on governance aspects and discarding elements difficult to explain. He aimed to make it easier for the uninitiated to grasp the core concepts. He also mentioned that the genesis of the original illustration came from the group and John walked through individual items.
Drummond Reed: Agreed with the need for simplification, noting the original diagram's density. He suggested that simplified derivations of the stack should reference and attribute the original diagram, but otherwise, anyone should be free to adapt it for a specific audience.
Sankarshan: Expressed concern that simplification might blur essential details necessary for the architecture and governance of a digital trust ecosystem.
John Phillips: Discussed balancing simplification with retaining essential information and the importance of tailoring the diagram to the audience. He suggested removing the word "trust" from the layer names to improve understanding.
Scott Perry: Argued that it was important that his simplification be acknowledged by the ToIP Foundation.
Alex Tweeddale: Pointed out that even with strong glossary definitions, further simplification might be needed for certain audiences, even if it means sacrificing some technical accuracy. He suggested focusing on conveying the core meanings in a very simple way.
John Phillips: Indicated that it might be a good idea to have something that describes what the trust applications does. He also noted key management was missing on the diagram.
Scott Perry: Indicated his interpretation of elements of the stack may be wrong and communicated differently from the technology stack working group.
John Phillips: Observed that the labels for the layers had been significantly changed and were not synonymous with the originals.
Drummond Reed: Indicated that Scott's labels were not accurately representing what is going on at that layer. He also noted that the bottom layer is the hardest to explain.
Agreed Actions:
Drummond Reed: To add improved definitions of the layers to the glossary.
Technology Stack Working Group: To create better explanations of the layers 1, 2, 3, and 4 in the technology stack, in words that make sense to people reading that don’t have a Ph.D. in computer science.
John Phillips: To send Scott Perry the full diagram without squiggly lines. [DONE]
Scott Perry: To send John Phillips the diagram presented in the meeting. Also, Scott will review the copyright declaration on the white paper.
John Phillips: Raise opportunity/need with ToIP SC to define license/use conditions for ToIP materials to ensure appropriate attribution and use - for example CC BY SA 4.0.
Chat notes
00:04:07 Drummond Reed (Gen Digital): Individual Dashboard | The Linux Foundation
00:05:14 sankarshan (Dhiway): The notetaker could not present a PHC 🙂
00:15:12 sankarshan (Dhiway): A question for Scott - what is the purpose/story that you discuss when you use the original and simplified illustration as an aid? I am asking this in context of aspects you wanted to be simplified.
00:29:09 sankarshan (Dhiway): The diagram is yet to be CCBYSA4.0 licensed though I think. It should be.
00:29:22 Drummond Reed (Gen Digital): Reacted to "The diagram is yet t..." with 👍
00:31:57 sankarshan (Dhiway): IMO, if ToIP does decide to adopt a simplified (or lossy) version of the diagram then it has to be made purpose specific. I think we should leave the simplification or remixes to individuals who want to draw from the original diagram and present.
00:36:51 Drummond Reed (Gen Digital): Replying to "IMO, if ToIP does de..."
That’s a very cogent way to put it, Sankarshan. I like the idea of audience-specific derivations.
00:37:58 Drummond Reed (Gen Digital): Replying to "IMO, if ToIP does de..."
I also think that audience-specific derivations should not require endorsement from ToIP as long as the author: 1) cites ToIP for the original source, and 2) explains that this is a deviation by that author.
00:38:29 sankarshan (Dhiway): Replying to "IMO, if ToIP does de..."
@Drummond Reed (Gen Digital) I agree. That bit is what the license on the image would enable.
00:44:41 Drummond Reed (Gen Digital): Replying to "IMO, if ToIP does de..."
That word should be “derivation” 😆
00:47:16 John Phillips (Sezoo): There is a license applied to ToIP content by default (I think), not sure what it is, or if it is relevant?
00:47:27 sankarshan (Dhiway): The “5 levels of explanation” style which John mentioned: Astrophysicist Explains Gravity in 5 Levels of Difficulty | WIRED
00:48:42 sankarshan (Dhiway): Replying to "There is a license a..."
Having the license in the image is useful. Many do that.
00:50:31 sankarshan (Dhiway): At ToIP - what is the content we have at present to explain this diagram? As in, do we have a video (I think we did) etc
00:55:41 sankarshan (Dhiway): Replying to "At ToIP - what is th..."
Doh! John’s walkthrough is not on the YouTube channel. I think it was only published with a link to a shared folder.
00:58:41 sankarshan (Dhiway): I am all in for non squiggly governance
00:58:53 John Phillips (Sezoo): Reacted to "I am all in for non ..." with 🤣
01:04:47 sankarshan (Dhiway): Good conversation today! Thank you!
01:04:56 John Phillips (Sezoo): Reacted to "Good conversation to..." with 👍