2022-09-08 - HXWG Meeting

2022-09-08 - HXWG Meeting

16.00 UTC = 9:00 PT = 12.00 ET =18:00 CEST = 21:30 IST Zoom Meeting Link https://zoom.us/j/99429712733?pwd=K214bTM4cG54YzZYVnZCL1I5MEdQQT09

Meeting Recording

Main Goal of this meeting: Working session

Attendees: sankarshan Nicky Hickman Jacques Bikoundou Andrew Slack 

5 mins
  • Welcome & antitrust notice

  • Agenda review
  • Antitrust Policy Notice: Attendees are reminded to adhere to the meeting agenda and not participate in activities prohibited under antitrust and competition laws. Only members of ToIP who have signed the necessary agreements are permitted to participate in this activity beyond an observer role.

  • Join ToIP if not already a member
  • Consent to meeting recording?
10minsIntro's & updatesAndrew

sankarshan from India, SSI governance and community contributor

sankarshan mentioned Not sure if you've seen this (about World Bank funded digital ID projects and potential fallouts of bad implementation) in relation to the harms work.  A few national ID programmes which are problematic

Commented on Web5 post from Timothy Ruff, sankarshan commented that much of the discourse depends on geographical /regional context - not enough consideration for this in current discourse.   Still seeking to connect w/ national ID's and Tim's context.

Broadening tent beyond identity, but concern that emphasis on what SSI means and should be defined and lots of politics, this wastes energy on 'meaning' instead of worrying about the technology challenges of large-scale, complex deployments.

Andrew Slack attending rebooting Web of Trust - topic is accessibility across the SSI ecosystem, building on work inside SICPA where working with customers to ensure accessibility of solutions for issuance, holding or verification of collaborators.  All invited to share and contribute both inside the event and outside afterwards.

Work with customers with visual impairments, also verifiable representations within a credential not just written claims but visual, audio and haptic representations inside the data, also verification processes e.g. inaccessibility of QR codes for those w/poor manual dexterity or visual impairments. 

sankarshan (somewhat as an aside the Union Govt at India recognises 21 specific disabilities (see https://pib.gov.in/newsite/printrelease.aspx?relid=155592) and as part of an Electoral ID digitization effort we have been recently collaborating with some a11y consultants and the ECI about the fallout from digital transformation. So I am very stoked about your paper)

Sovrin Governance Framework - Reading list - aiming to keep a living bibliography of useful and relevant & credible research

Nicky Hickman updated on SSI Harms / BGBU TF

Schedule: by end Sept good 1st draft for wider review within ToIP/ HXWG.

Challenges towards adoption mitigated by considering these factors now.

sankarshan - bad design decisions will create situations that will not serve the constituency that we are building for.  A set of warnings that show causal chains, evidence through stories.   Good first approach, doesn't need to be technically precise

Expert Series

Andrew Slack - good for initiation

Set out with goals 

  • new voices
  • map boundaries external voices to help us see the edges, define deliverables, add value

Successful, got the external real-world lenses, but perhaps moving forward we need to think about how to space them out better and make them more actionable, useful.  - Meaningful deliverable as the output.

  • let's write that reflection piece.  Could we do that in more of a smaller format.
  • reflections/actions/workshops/experiences aligned w/each expert series discussion.

sankarshan not a clear understanding of 'so-what' of expert series.  so an overall context /rationale would be worthwhile. 

Need a framework / outline to set expert series in context.

Andrew Slack need to think more about experts within contexts, e.g. how they use identity/technology in a very specific way. - diversity on practitioners would help to make the narrative richer

Nicky Hickman make it experiential - consider e.g. visually impaired group - use experience tools (e.g. wear blindfold).

Andrew Slack has used this type of empathy technique for design of services for such people.

Nicky Hickman had fluffy takeaways - main point is x-pollination w/the ToIP WG's and community. Also continuing to think about HX in relation to the ToIP stacks

sankarshan commented that : What “human experience” means reminded me of some recent work coming out of https://csrc.nist.gov/projects/usable-cybersecurity like https://www.nist.gov/publications/investigating-youths-learning-online-safety-and-privacy-others-discussion-study-design - which is sort of what this group is attempting.

  • trend towards what needs to be done, but gap of 'how do I do it'. How do we translate into constructive deliverables or into learning pathways or processes.  
20minsReflections on Expert SeriesAndrew
  • Reflections on the Expert Series add slack or add comment in wiki,
    • sankarshan - has watched 3 of the 5 and espcecially  Palm story reminded of original research e.g. Xerox - 
    • Andrew Slack Palm story - effort needed in large organisations - business case
    • Do we want to do more?

Interview the Implementer 


Prep for first interview w/ Dan Gisolfi

Other implementers? 

Why, what's different vs ecosystem foundry WG for example?

  • Working on live projects
  • Key learnings from customers
5minsActions & AOBAndrew