2022-02-10 Meeting HXWG

2022-02-10 Meeting HXWG

RECORDING:  https://zoom.us/rec/share/RSxYMRyoYke73dlZEgnoIxfNx1mG5mWNFmfZABcskz-DTA-mHFtwOyyOVD51-UsI.S3Iy9joOQosG2kD8?startTime=1644512313000

17.00 UTC = 10:00 PT = 18:00 CET = 21:30 IST Zoom Meeting Link https://zoom.us/j/99429712733?pwd=K214bTM4cG54YzZYVnZCL1I5MEdQQT09

(This link will be replaced with a link to the recording of the meeting as soon as that is available)

Main Goal of this meeting:: 

AttendeesKalinAndrew Slackxavier.vila@sicpa.com Andrzej Nowak; Bentley Farrington; Kimberly Linson Goutam Sinha; Judith Fleenor Vikas Malhotra ; LIsa Talia Moretti; Phil Wolff , Prashant Rahulkar Sacha Kozma


5 min
  • Welcome & antitrust notice

  • Agenda review
  • Antitrust Policy Notice: Attendees are reminded to adhere to the meeting agenda and not participate in activities prohibited under antitrust and competition laws. Only members of ToIP who have signed the necessary agreements are permitted to participate in this activity beyond an observer role.

5minFollow up on Actions & Decisions from last meetingNicky/Kalin
10 minsIntroduction of new members & Updates

Vikas Malhotra - Founder of startup focused on human centric solutions

@Goutam Sinha, also with Vikas' group

Xavier Vila - product manager at SICPA working on Digital Identity

Sacha Kozma - developer at SICPA working on digital identity and currencies

Andrzej Nowak - working on innovation management & tech partnerships at SICPA. Passing through out of interest for ethics in tech, innovation, as well as privacy. Great to meet you all and thanks for setting up this meeting and talk.


Expert HX Insights Series: 1

How to implement ethics in the creation and design of technology

Lisa Talia- Moretti

About Lisa: Lisa is a Digital Sociologist: Ministry of Justice Digital (UK Government), and an Associate Lecturer: Goldsmiths, Cardiff University, University of Plymouth (UK)

For more than a decade, Lisa has researched and written about the relationship between technology, information and society for a diverse range of organisations across public, private and third sector. In addition to her role at the Ministry of Justice in the UK, Lisa is an Associate Lecturer at Goldsmiths, Plymouth and Cardiff Universities. In 2020, the British Interactive Media Association (BIMA) named her as one of Britain’s 100 people who are positively shaping the British digital industry in the category Champion for Change. She is a member of the AI Council for BIMA, Co-Chair of Sovrin Foundation’s Guardianship working group and previously a taskforce member for the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Blockchain Cities. Her talk, Technology is not a product, it's a system, is available for viewing on TED.com

Dear Human, the future needs you!
The social, economic and political impact of technology over the last decade has resulted in a number of cascading consequences that have been devastating at worst and cringe-worthy at best. While ethical principles and frameworks have been helpful, many practitioners have found them really difficult to 'action' in order to improve design outcomes and the overall human experience. This talk takes aim at confusion and uncertainty by providing practical guidance and examples of how to implement ethics in the creation and design of technology.

Nicky to add slides & notes based on recording:

Links to other resources 


Make Space for Ethics

Ask yourself the hard questions: 

Lisa would love to : Create an ethics hotline for the technology industry

Q: How do you sell an ethics perspective to leaders?

A: Tech if you do not think about its implementation it will explode and ethics is a way to de-risk negative impacts on share value, reputation and market share.

Q: Is cultural relativism a factor to consider?

A: How do you define a good life and 'the good' - this differs across cultures and teams.  Lots of different nuance across different places in the world. 

10 minsWrap-up / Action Items