2022-04-21 HXWG Meeting

2022-04-21 HXWG Meeting

16.00 UTC = 9:00 PT = 12.00 ET =18:00 CEST = 21:30 IST Zoom Meeting Link https://zoom.us/j/99429712733?pwd=K214bTM4cG54YzZYVnZCL1I5MEdQQT09

Meeting Recording

Main Goal of this meeting:  

AttendeesKalin Phil Wolff Nicky Hickman Andrew Slack Kyle Robinson  Mark Lizar

5 min
  • Welcome & antitrust notice

  • Agenda review
  • Antitrust Policy Notice: Attendees are reminded to adhere to the meeting agenda and not participate in activities prohibited under antitrust and competition laws. Only members of ToIP who have signed the necessary agreements are permitted to participate in this activity beyond an observer role.

10 minsIntroduction of new members & UpdatesAll

Forthcoming Expert Series:

New Date: May 5th :    “How Might we Design Consent Experiences for Data Sharing?” 

Dr Arianna Rossi  & Xengie Doan both from the Interdisciplinary Center for Security, Reliability and Trust (SnT) at the University of Luxembourg

May 19th   AGENCY Project: Reducing complex online harms using user-centred tech and governance -title TBC

Dr Karen Elliot (Associate Professor & Senior Lecturer in Enterprise/Innovation (FinTech)) & Professor Aad van Moorsel (Professor of Distributed Systems) both from Newcastle University (UK).

Potential for June

  • Manu Chatterjee.  He was instrumental in the creation of the Palm webOS and new rituals around device pairing, ahead of Apple
    Article here on his team journey =https://www.theverge.com/2012/6/5/3062611/palm-webos-hp-inside-story-pre-postmortem.  Topic floated 'interaction with dumb machines' 
  • Anthropologist - understanding needs & incentives of low-income populations e.g. new forms of money. Upstream view is important part of crafting good user experiences, using ethnographic research, how that can feed into development roadmaps & business cases.
    • ethnographic research can be expensive with uncertain outcomes, this group has been helpful in providing business justification for this type of research approach.
  • Interviews w/implementers to do basic research for UX guidance etc - what's it like to implement? How do you construct it so it works?  Partly relates to projecf life-cycle, who did you talk to first, how / when you made decisions.  The story of the process of delivering and understanding the needs of those crafting user experiences.  Sort of premortem postmortems? :-)  e.g. IATA pilot, such influence because of size and market power creates influence in wider market.  EG plain / market friendly language & iconography.  Suggest inviting Dan Gisolfito explain.

Other subjects - discuss

Request from the community focus on User Experience - how best to do this session?  Presentations from members to show us their UX e.g. Transmute, Lissi, Mattr?  Link w/W3C? 

Phil Wolff

  • we don't know what's good yet?  some convergence on rituals, designs and patterns - we don't know what else is needed for trustworthy governance or managing the stack.  
  • Many wallets are 1st or 2nd generation, they're designed for narrow use cases or narrow demographic
  • Build knowledge about the state of the art, specific targets to hit, acceptance criteria
  • How do you know you have a useful and complete user experience?
  • Not just wallets, also dashboards, other control points.  How do you workshop your governance framework? what are the business processes outside of digital UX that need to be defined?  Do we have a list of human activities.


  • EG how are LoA's achieved? What are the rituals? potential good start?

Kyle Robinson

Creating demo using enterprise wallets for issuer & verifier, and one based on Aries bifold for individual.  There are multiple users involved there are users on issuer & verifier sides, their UX is as important. BC Gov working on a LOB application for integration. Simple button in familiar Business App.  

Build out team to support business users, and help with adoption.

Andrew Slack

Focus on design patterns, standards risks limiting choice for users.

Share use-cases and examples of why specific design choices have been made for a particular use case to recognise the contextual nature of what works.

Holders are not the only users!

Kyle Robinson

Very human interactions and decision making from the verifier side.

Andrew Slack

Important to remember that the decision is human at the end of the day because it relates to risk

Kyle Robinson There must always be a back-up option, a VC is just one of the ways. VC just augmenting a paper process e.g. event tickets

Alice Faber Acme use case - generic use case in Aries Cloud Acapy = demo that BC gov are  working with

Mark Lizar representing Zero Public Network - Consortia for education sector in EU, started a DIACC pilot group with eIDAS gateway, use of notice & consent interop w/wallets. Use micro-credentials (signed notice & consent receipt) which can then be transferred between wallets. 

Working on signally for privacy as expected w/ISO for notice & consent receipts with standardised structure & semantics which would improve usability, portability, interop and user experience.

3 Data Gov vectors: 1) Data protection 2) co- regulation 3) personal control of our own information.  Co regulatory is intermediary vector. 

Similar use case in EU - taking diploma use case to apply at a different school. 

Phil Wolff   Problem of consent overload when more micro-credentials, multiple consents to multiple services at many times - EU has mandated use of trusted intermediaries - no-one doing UX research for managing consent or other interactions at scale. 

Wallets - Bring your wallet session?  Payments vs ID exchange - how do you regulate for multiple wallets?  Potential for Amit Sharma ref inclusion & bridge between trad / non trad finance

Andrew Slack : Summary

Start with specific use cases and explain design decisions

Interaction maps for all the human touch points across the two stacks could serve as a framework then explain reasons for specific design decisions, and then folks could use this to figure out the design decisions for their specific use cases.

Kalin & Andrew Slack

  • Start with Alice Faber ACME use case and then map against in Miro.  Nice session to map through for challenges & points of consideration.
  • Steps to get to that point in designing that process - touchpoints w/communities in different ways.  e.g. Scenario-building exercises


Follow up on Actions & Decisions from the last meetingKalin
  • Jim StClair to share use case / case study
  • Phil Wolff to outline potential blog post
  • Nicky Hickman to add HX Terms Wiki
  • Nicky Hickman  Amber Case blog post & wiki update complete but not blog post
  • Kalin to circle back with Amber for recommendations for ID of Machines - e.g. apple folks
25 mins

Review Scenario Building Deliverable & Deliverables Doc


10 mins

Agree - Informed Consent CX / UX - collaboration with the Notice & Consent TF


  • Discussed last time:  Informed Consent (Jim St Clair) potential link with Notice & Consent TF from ISWG
  • Is there a joint piece of work / deliverable that would
    • Defining terms related to trust, trustworthiness vs assurance, consent vs permission. Human meaning vs Computer meaning
      • CTWG - 3 layers of terminology - market facing (fewest terms broadest reach - lowest register terms,  EG Browser, website), business & product terminology (transaction - biz decisons, e.g. SEO), engineering & legal terminology (greatest precision, more terms, less understandable to general audiences).
      • Market terms = human terms= most difficult to define and agree on
      • Terms can be built and evolved e.g. SSI
    • Defining the human problem
      • e.g. consent fatigue in healthcare
    • Defining how socio-tech solutions could solve it
      • e.g. consent bot
    • Rumsfeld questions for research agenda?
      • known unknowns
5Wrap-up / Action Items
  • Kalinto map stakeholders and steps in decision making to achieve goals using Alice Faber ACME use case, then we can map decisions against it. 
  • Kalin to see if Dan Gisolfi will join us for first implementer interview.  Also potential reach out to Darrell O'Donnell Riley Hughes and Karl Kneis

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