2021-11-18 Human Experience Working Group

2021-11-18 Human Experience Working Group

17.00 UTC = 10:00 PT = 18:00 CET = 21:30 IST Zoom Meeting Link / Recording https://zoom.us/j/99318957120?pwd=WGlZTGRhYXcxaHRpd2E4RWJDMFNHZz09

(This link will be replaced with a link to the recording of the meeting as soon as that is available)

Main Goal of this meeting:: 

Meeting Recording Here

Attendees: Nicky HickmanJudith FleenorScott Lewis, Sergio Rojas, Andew Slack


5 min
  • Welcome & antitrust notice

  • Agenda review
  • Antitrust Policy Notice: Attendees are reminded to adhere to the meeting agenda and not participate in activities prohibited under antitrust and competition laws. Only members of ToIP who have signed the necessary agreements are permitted to participate in this activity beyond an observer role.

5minFollow up on Actions & Decisions from last meeting
  •  Set up alternating APAC / USA plenary sessions, Use TF model to gain momentum and focus on deliverables.  APAC meeting - Nicky attended, - great enthusiasm  or HX.  think about best meeting times for them. 
    • Judith:  Chris Kelly from DIF and others to discuss APAC engagement - have to get approvals, need to understand why that's important - calendar for 6 months, including special topic and follow up to allow from business processes / social norms in APAC.
    • Andrew: how do we ensure the x-pollination & connection?
      • Shared notes & common agenda each group tracks and can add to agenda - might be divergence
      • Judith:  Make sure the wiki is up to date, record the meetings so that APAC colleagues can follow.
  • Nicky to coordinate w/ John Phillips & Jo Spencer to get HX-APAC meetings set up and under way.
  • All to review the script for the video : https://docs.google.com/document/d/189t55VNoVtT9Zhjd2zcOLMh5B1MFG60UpwR45UiyLcs/edit
    • Andrew, Kalin and Phil have made comments - need to get the video resource sorted out
    • Need to recognise that normal ToIP tools are not always easily accessible for HX target market
10 minsIntroduction of new members

Scott Lewis:  Utah :  Technologist by training, S/W development, new to SSI and interested in HX & UX - this is an issue for digital  ID

Sergio Rojas:  Ambassador for the academy s/w foundation, previous contribution to s/w group - want to understand HX

5 minsUpdate on Roadshow / videoNicky

Script now complete  https://docs.google.com/document/d/189t55VNoVtT9Zhjd2zcOLMh5B1MFG60UpwR45UiyLcs/edit

Next steps - Alta, comms committee?

  • Nicky to talk to Alta and see what can be done - connect Scott & Kimberly - to see if we can get done before xmas would be marvellous!!  New year will be a bit of outreach and push for engagement in the HXWG.  Time for new projects
  • Scott could be able to help with some designers 
  • Coordinate w/ comms committee Judith to add the comms agenda once WG confirm script.
25 minsHXWG DeliverablesAndrew
  • What core deliverables should the HXWG create to meet its goals of improving accessibility and user experience, promoting inclusion and diversity, challenging the status quo and giving a voice to the people?
  • Proposal to focus on 3 streams - outreach, pollination projects and frameworks. Here is an outline document.
    • Judith: on this group to help the others
    • Must outreach to other WG's the tools are contained in the Frameworks section, toolkit is the way forward.
    • Scott:  Start w/ patterns in architecture these are reusable and are important
  • What projects should we pin as short term goals, what actions can we take to start work on deliverables?
  • Project proposal to collaborate with I4A Council at Sovrin on Potential Harms of SSI for Inclusion. Here is the discussion document (Nicky)

5 minsYoma HX of Governance & Trust Building

Alta Nel

Ekene Ezike

  • Outlining the Yoma deliverables and TF focused on intersection of governance & HX
  • Here is the outline document
  • No time
5 minsWrap-up / Action ItemsNicky

Judith: x-pollination across WG's in ToIP




  • link to the file



Action items