2023-10-05 Human Experience Working Group Meeting

2023-10-05 Human Experience Working Group Meeting

Thursday 5th October - 16.00 UTC = 09:00 PST = 12.00 ET =18:00 CEST = 21:30 IST

Zoom Meeting Link https://zoom.us/j/94655082399?pwd=QXdLL3Rxakt4WnFCS3NvejdLWkJjUT09

Meeting Recording USA / EU Call  

Main Goal of this meeting: Agree content and approach for research

Attendees: Andrew Slack Erika Darling Nicky Hickman Adam Eunson  Alta Nel, Becca Scollan, Drummond Reed , Hannah Sloat

5 mins
  • Welcome & antitrust notice

  • Agenda review


Antitrust Policy Notice: Attendees are reminded to adhere to the meeting agenda and not participate in activities prohibited under antitrust and competition laws. Only members of ToIP who have signed the necessary agreements are permitted to participate in this activity beyond an observer role.

  • Join ToIP if not already a member
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10 minsIntros, Actions and updatesAndrew

Erika Darling can talk about the survey but many approvals required to share directly, can provide input into IP survey

  • Adam to explore sharing styling data model - should also look at OCA (Human Colossus Foundation)

Adam Eunson Happy to do a walk through in November 2nd HXWG call.  Recent demo with UNESCO project in NL, available for feedback and thoughts on UX - 2 wallets.

Link: demo.ngdil.com 

Our next to Expert Series will be on Thursday 7th December from Bruce White and Chikara Shimasaki from the Organisation for Identity and Cultural Development

Andrew Slack working with a colleague who is a developer on ethics for developers, challenges around implementation of standards, choices and trade-offs, will be good to understand the impact for developers.  Human factors in low-level tech systems.

Becca Scollan - Chris Buchannan has previously worked on similar work

Alta - apologised for being MIA & warmly welcomed back

10 minsGlossaryNicky

ToIP glossary - let's define 'human experience'

Project of Concepts & Terminology Working Group - building tooling for terminology and glossaries, aim for harmonization better for within community and interop with other stakeholders (eg. regulators, standards bodies)

This ToIP glossary brings together core terms currently in use within ToIP, driven by Tech Arch Specification needs a glossary.  Using g-docs (e.g. interlinking terms).

human experience TODO

The processes, patterns and rituals of acquiring knowledge or skill from doing, seeing, or feeling things as a natural person.

TODO: HXWG agree definition

Note: Includes social experiences (e.g., rituals, behaviors, ceremonies and rites of passage), as well as customer experience, worker or employee experience and user experience.

Andrew Slack temporal component over time building trustworthy relationships, body of experiences.

Adam Eunson how physical only or many other facets - Emotional and Spiritual (internal), Physical and Cognitive (actionable), Social and Cultural (External)

Nicky note: 'internal life context') - experiences across 4 contexts in harms paper.

Drummond Reed - need to include digital trust yet only human beings make trust decisions.

interaction pattern TODO

The set of actions between two actors, at least one of which is a natural person to form relationships using digital objects, data or processes.

TODO: HXWG agree definition

30 minsInteraction Patterns Industry SurveyAndrew

IP Research Brief & Proposed Questions - G-doc

TF Meeting Date

Activity / Milestone

21 Sept 23

Review brief, start populating questions

05 October

Refine survey agree asynchronous finalisation ahead of 18th October All Members meeting

19 October

Finalise comms for other groups

02 November

See initial feedback from survey

16 November

Survey closes analysis and write-up of results begins

30 November

Finalise write-up, agree next steps and publish results

  • Goal is to finalise before next all members meeting 18th October.
  • Erika Darling option - researching wallets - your organisation's relationships w/wallets

Adam Eunson - browser wallet main use, need to be clear at the top of the 

@Hanna Stoat commented that the survey was too long and too complex to be quick and easy to respond to

Needs to be shorter

Andrew Slack - need to trim, make succinct

@Hanna Stoat - need to e.g. reduce questions ref user base

Nicky Hickman suggested starting to lay out in tool e.g. survey monkey so that we could all work together to refine and shorten.

Andrew Slack asked that everyone contribute to the document.

5 minsAOB & ActionsAndrew
  • all to review survey
  • nicky & andrew to set up on survey tool and check with Judith.