2022-10-20 Human Experience WG Meeting

2022-10-20 Human Experience WG Meeting

16.00 UTC = 9:00 PT = 12.00 ET =18:00 CEST = 21:30 IST Zoom Meeting Link https://zoom.us/j/99429712733?pwd=K214bTM4cG54YzZYVnZCL1I5MEdQQT09

Meeting Recording

Main Goal of this meeting: Expert Series

Attendees: Judith Fleenor Aamir Abdullah Guru, Andrew Slack Alta Nel, Anette Brolos, bennedict.jung, Pasi Sinervo, Erin Taylor, Richard Zbinden, Steve Magennis ; Nicky Hickman 

5 mins
  • Welcome & antitrust notice

  • Agenda review
  • Antitrust Policy Notice: Attendees are reminded to adhere to the meeting agenda and not participate in activities prohibited under antitrust and competition laws. Only members of ToIP who have signed the necessary agreements are permitted to participate in this activity beyond an observer role.

  • Join ToIP if not already a member
    • Consent to meeting recording?
5minsIntro's & UpdatesAndrew

New Intro's - Richard Zbinden, Rigiblue, early stage start up bringing SSI to people. New at ToIP, 

Steve Magennis long-term ToIP member for long time, co-chair of EFWG

Pasi Sinervo - Finish Tax Administration, here for global context

Aamir Abdullah law practitioner, transitioning to teaching, ToIP member

SSI Harms paper - Overcoming Human Harm Challenges in Digital Identity Ecosystems, now ready for review.  .  Our intention is to be ready for Public Review 15th November.  Please feel free to leave comments on the working doc here by Friday 11th November:  

45minsBuilding the next financial infrastructure: Understanding financial behaviour in a human context

Dr. Erin B. Taylor

Dr. Anette Broløs


Digital transformation is rapidly changing financial services. Innovation is key, but though Financial Service Providers consider themselves innovative they are generally not perceived as such. One reason is that innovation is not just about introducing new technologies but very much about developing solutions that work in the human context. This is what Finthropology helps companies understand. We talk about what qualitative research has to offer and give examples from our own research in Brazil and Switzerland.

The speakers

Dr. Erin B. Taylor is an anthropologist and founder of Finthropology. She specializes in how people’s financial behaviour is changing along with innovation in financial services. She holds a PhD from the University of Sydney, Australia, and has carried out ethnographic research in the Caribbean, Africa and Europe. Erin is especially interested in how culture and group belonging influence people’s actions and decisions.

Dr. Anette Broløs is a fintech analyst based in Denmark. She is an experienced network leader working with strategic innovation and partnerships, and an experienced speaker and facilitator. She holds an industrial PhD in collaborative innovation and has a background in economics. Anette has extensive work experience in finance including consultant work on the implementation of PSD2 and six years as CEO of Copenhagen FinTech Innovation and Research.

Nicky Hickman  to add based on recording  The full notes from this session are here: 

5minsActions & AOBAndrew

Reminder: our Next Sessions

3rd November - Working group session on lessons/take-aways and actions from Financial Anthropology talk