2022-10-06 Human Experience WG Meeting

2022-10-06 Human Experience WG Meeting

16.00 UTC = 9:00 PT = 12.00 ET =18:00 CEST = 21:30 IST Zoom Meeting Link https://zoom.us/j/99429712733?pwd=K214bTM4cG54YzZYVnZCL1I5MEdQQT09

Meeting Recording

Main Goal of this meeting: Working session

Attendees: Vikas Malhotra Trinh, Thomas Besore Drummond Reed Andrew Slack Nicky Hickman Judith Fleenor 

5 mins
  • Welcome & antitrust notice

  • Agenda review
  • Antitrust Policy Notice: Attendees are reminded to adhere to the meeting agenda and not participate in activities prohibited under antitrust and competition laws. Only members of ToIP who have signed the necessary agreements are permitted to participate in this activity beyond an observer role.

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10minsIntro's & Updates

Thomas Besore Attorney, privacy advocate, quite new to SSI, having read Drummond's book, scanning ecosystem to learn

Trinh - PhD Student in School for Information at UBC, supervisor is Victoria Lemieux, wrote White Paper on Digital Ecosystems, research interest in Digital Ecosystems & Blockchain Governance.

Vikas Malhotra Founder & CEO of start-up WOOPLI Technologies, in industry for 25 years, with experience across domains such as cloud.  In ToIP for 1.5 years, participated in many deliverables, active participant in TechSWG and co-chair of AIM TF.

Andrew Slack Design Architect for SICPA

Drummond Reed Director of Trust Services at Avast/Evernym.  Co-Chair of GSWG and CTWG, also on Steering Committee.


RWOT - Andrew Slack  attended with colleague Victor, started paper on improving inclusivity for x-border data exchange, collaborators from iGRANT and Human Collossus.  How can we use OCA to add accessibility to credentials, support assistive tech w/credential attributes & multi-language support.  You can see the paper here https://github.com/WebOfTrustInfo/rwot11-the-hague/blob/master/draft-documents/data-exchange-agreements-with-oca.md 

Vikas Malhotra Also chair of group in IEEE on cybersecurity for next generation connectivity systems.  will release a paper Rethinking architectures and Policies for Safeguarding from future Cybersecurity breaches, around 24th October with 2 webinars (Oct 26th, another Nov 16th) 

Drummond Reed from Tech Arch meeting, ToIP Tech Architecture Specification, aiming for public review last month but now new goal is full public review on Github, for IIW on 15th Nov. 

Open Wallet Foundation is planning to formally launch at Linux Foundation Member Summit Nov 8th in Lake Taho, Although they will only produce a wallet engine, already interest in common ceremonies for a digital wallet.  Think of Kim Cameron's 6th Law of Identity, Human Integration.  Analogy of cars  (common controls and rituals), important also for digital wallets.

Andrew Slack agree - important to differentiate ceremonies from other types of building blocks or components, needed to find contextual relevant experiences necessary for adoption. 

Judith Fleenor commented that based on personal experience, have work to do in terms of common standards, ceremonies and interfaces for users.  UI design experts needed as a TF - for a real focus on these ceremonies through research and testing, e.g. FIDO work.  This group should lead on this.  

Vikas Malhotra you focused on UI, does this also include business processes. 

Judith Fleenor initial gap is the UI of the credentials getting in, and out of the wallet and understanding.  Look at whole process but really maybe too big, think just about the on-screen UI.  Get muggles in the room to ensure that we're not using tech language and logic.  In our community there is inability to see wood for trees, so that normal users can't really use the wallet. So just basic UI for issuance, presentation of credentials

Andrew Slack difference between interaction patterns, and UI design which builds on top of these patterns.  More closely tied to specific types of customers.  Everyone is different, and will interact w/credentials in different ways.  One way of addressing this is to find the patterns and make them consistent, then on top of these can find different ways for different types of users to engage.  

Judith Fleenor for clarity include patterns, but instead of end-to-end experience just the on-device experience for regular folk.  Consistency will come through (e.g. web). 

Andrew Slack also been working w/accessibility advisor, he is blind and understanding tech that he uses to access his device, given us a different perspective on how you navigate s/w in a non-visual way, made aware of all assistive tech that can represent s/w in different ways, so ensuring we're providing different types of sensory feedback to suit different interaction styles

5minsSSI Harms UpdateNicky

Here is the (still being updated) version of the white paper: 

New title "Overcoming Human Harm Challenges in Digital Identity Ecosystems"

New story: Exploring the far side of the moon in order to understand human experience in the round.

Value of x-pollination w/ other groups - AIM TF -

Learning from healthcare & medicine: treating personal data, AI and development of socio-technical systems in the same way for R&D (Clinical Trials Model), Ethics / Risks processes and also observed impacts (anecdotal medicine).

There is still a lot of work to do ,but now final 20%.

Aim for IIW for Public Review of Harms paper (15th Nov).  Drummond Reed commented this would be a good paper for the IIW sessions, and volunteers to host the sessions.  Could maybe set up a session w/ a zoom link so that folks can join remotely.

35minsScenario BuildingAndrew

Next meeting Scenario Building workshop for ToIP community

Briefs for the ToIP community?

Paper written by Bentley Farrington and Andrew Slack 

Here is the link to the Miro-Board Frame for creating Scenarios https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVO0ECiiQ=/?moveToWidget=3458764535312669972&cot=14

As a group: What is the Focal Issue

As a group: Secondly define a horizon - short term sustaining existing innovation patterns

Individual Step  

Step back out to look at drivers - macro-level forces, but not within our control.  STEEPLE (Social, Technical, Environmental, Ethical, Political, Legal, Economic)

Next Step 2 drivers from last step which are very important to the outcome of our focus question.  Use these as lenses to focus in on the focus issue.  

Then you can start building the stories, short engaging way.  EG news story, daily life, consider changes

Overview of the steps and process for this quick scenario sketching session.

Judith Fleenor really important process and really nice process.  In this group, but also as part of an all members meeting in the new year. 

Andrew Slack It is quite subjective so the broadest x-section of folks in the room is best

Andrew Slack commented they were building a pattern library at SICPA which we would like to open up to the community. 

Judith Fleenor opportunity because OWF is working on the engine and the code, so will take a while to establish.  We start this work here, it's not your priority list - we can collaborate (Nov - Jan) to align with what OWF is doing but outside their scope.

5minsActions & AOBAndrew

Reminder: our Next Sessions

20th October - Expert Series : Financial Anthropologist - how do people make choices about payments tech, and an important aspect of that is sharing identity. 

Action - Andrew Slack to fill out linked in event form.

3rd November - Working group session on lessons/take-aways and actions from Financial Anthropology talk