WPTF 2021-07-15 Meeting
WPTF 2021-07-15 Meeting
Meeting Schedule
- Thursday July 15th, 2021 10:00 to 11:00 EST / 14:00 to 15:00 UTC / 07:00 to 08:00 PST
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting Attendees
Neha Misra
Agenda Items
Time | Item |
1 min | Welcome & Antitrust Policy |
2 min | Introduction of new members |
1 min | Agenda Review |
10 min | Updates
40 min | WPTF Focus Areas
Recording - link
Meeting Notes
- Welcomed new member Neha Misra (The Fin Lit Project)
- Scott Perry provided an update on the GSWG activities and deliverables
- Risk Assessment Companion Guide – submitted to SC for final approval
- Risk Assessment Worksheet Template submitted to SC for final approval
- Governance Metamodel Specification and Companion Guide – documents are ready for final editorial review – require final draft approval from GSWG by end of the month
- Provided a description of the deliverables – companion guides are written to supplement the worksheet templates (tools – excel worksheets for use by organizations and governance architects to create the necessary components of a governance framework, including controlled documents, risk assessments, etc..)
- Trust Assurance and Certification Controlled Document Template and Trust Assurance Companion Guide – to be reviewed today at GSWG
- Trust Criteria Matrix Template and Trust Criteria Matrix Companion Guide – in first draft, to be presented to Trust Assurance TF on Friday
- Decentralized SSI Governance
- Rieks Joosten Scott Perry undertook heavy revision – document is ready for final approval/review by the GSWG
- The original paper was written outside ToIP or any WG/TF – now under of auspices of the GSWG
- Drummond Reed - commented on the above deliverables, only Decentralized SSI Governance is a white paper – others are GSWG deliverables. Further comment concerning the three step JDF process (with a note – work on deliverables expected to come from TF under WGs):
- Approved as working draft by WG
- Approved as final draft by WG
- Final approval by SC
- WPTF Focus Areas
- Alignment – ensuring activities and deliverables are aligned across ToIP
- Scott Perry commented on importance of alignment – and some of the siloed activities within ToIP (due to lack of alignment processes)
- Promotion of approved white papers (and deliverables)
- Drummond Reed – commented on the current status of the Communications Committee (CC) who are now in a position to provide guidance and support for promotion – largely through the efforts of Judith Fleenor and Elisa
- Judith Fleenor is also working on building out the deliverables pipeline from inception to formal publication
- Drummond Reed – commented on a recent discussion at the APAC SC meeting – concerning the idea of using blog posts to communicate approved deliverables – would require a short description – to be undertaken by the CC with feedback from authors and ensure harmonization of ToIP messaging
- Discussion also included ideas of using webinars
- Discussion amongst WPTF members concerning other means to promote – e.g., use of industry specific media that could include publications or online content. Discussion also on leveraging ToIP members who promote ToIP activities at conferences (whether sector specific or topic)
- Karen Hand notified TF - will be away for next scheduled WPTF – after discussion with group – decided to hold WPTF Plenary Meeting first week of September to focus solely on the Foundational white papers currently under development
- Foundation White Papers - Karen Hand
- Introduced at WPTF May 20th and at EFWG June16ths, 2021
- First meeting – June 30, 2021 – Decision made to approach with two WPs
- Do You Trust Me? - Broad perspective on trust, why it’s necessary, important and how ToIP can be mechanism to address challenges
- Karen Hand – draft is close to completion, hope WP will serve to provide context to other deliverables – in terms of overall importance
- Introduction to ToIP V2 - Drummond Reed providing leadership (working with Victor Syntez and Vitor Pamplona ) to complete first draft to WPTF and EFWG – a meeting is planned this week specific to this WP
- Drummond Reed – has provided the draft V1 – of TOC
- Narrative - digital trust infrastructure, the ToIP stack, the Foundation (who we are, our members, working groups, history and how to engage), ending on The Road Ahead
- Vitor Pamplona will send All Members email – vitally important for all members to engage
- Karl Kneis has volunteered to socialize TOC to all WGs – to encourage participation
- Both papers to be launched as draft in the WPTF Plenary - first week of September
, multiple selections available,