WPTF 2021-07-15 Meeting

WPTF 2021-07-15 Meeting

Meeting Schedule

  • Thursday July 15th, 2021 10:00 to 11:00  EST / 14:00 to 15:00 UTC / 07:00 to 08:00 PST


Join Zoom Meeting 


Meeting Attendees

Karen Hand


Drummond Reed


Scott Perry

Neha Misra

Agenda Items



1 min

Welcome & Antitrust Policy

2 min

Introduction of new members

1 min

Agenda Review

10 min


  • GSWG Deliverables
40 min

WPTF Focus Areas

  • Responsibilities
  • Promotion
  • Foundation White Paper(s) - Intro to ToIP

Meeting Notes

  1. Welcomed new member Neha Misra (The Fin Lit Project)
  2. Scott Perry provided an update on the GSWG activities and deliverables
    1. Risk Assessment Companion Guide – submitted to SC for final approval
    2. Risk Assessment Worksheet Template submitted to SC for final approval
    3. Governance Metamodel Specification and Companion Guide – documents are ready for final editorial review – require final draft approval from GSWG by end of the month
    4. Provided a description of the deliverables – companion guides are written to supplement the worksheet templates (tools – excel worksheets for use by organizations and governance architects to create the necessary components of a governance framework, including controlled documents, risk assessments, etc..)
    5. Trust Assurance and Certification Controlled Document Template and Trust Assurance Companion Guide – to be reviewed today at GSWG
    6. Trust Criteria Matrix Template and Trust Criteria Matrix Companion Guide – in first draft, to be presented to Trust Assurance TF on Friday
    7. Decentralized SSI Governance
      1. Rieks Joosten Scott Perry  undertook heavy revision – document is ready for final approval/review by the GSWG
      2. The original paper was written outside ToIP or any WG/TF – now under of auspices of the GSWG
  3. Drummond Reed - commented on the above deliverables, only Decentralized SSI Governance is a white paper – others are GSWG deliverables. Further comment concerning the three step JDF process (with a note – work on deliverables expected to come from TF under WGs):
    1. Approved as working draft by WG
    2. Approved as final draft by WG
    3. Final approval by SC
  4. WPTF Focus Areas
    1. Alignment – ensuring activities and deliverables are aligned across ToIP
    2. Scott Perry  commented on importance of alignment – and some of the siloed activities within ToIP (due to lack of alignment processes)
  5. Promotion of approved white papers (and deliverables)
    1. Drummond Reed  – commented on the current status of the Communications Committee (CC) who are now in a position to provide guidance and support for promotion – largely through the efforts of Judith Fleenor and Elisa
    2. Judith Fleenor is also working on building out the deliverables pipeline from inception to formal publication
    3. Drummond Reed  – commented on a recent discussion at the APAC SC meeting – concerning the idea of using blog posts to communicate approved deliverables – would require a short description – to be undertaken by the CC with feedback from authors and ensure harmonization of ToIP messaging
    4. Discussion also included ideas of using webinars
    5. Discussion amongst WPTF members concerning other means to promote – e.g., use of industry specific media that could include publications or online content. Discussion also on leveraging ToIP members who promote ToIP activities at conferences (whether sector specific or topic)
  6. Karen Hand notified TF - will be away for next scheduled WPTF – after discussion with group – decided to hold WPTF Plenary Meeting first week of September to focus solely on the Foundational white papers currently under development
  7. Foundation White Papers - Karen Hand
    1. Introduced at WPTF May 20th and at EFWG June16ths, 2021
    2. First meeting – June 30, 2021 – Decision made to approach with two WPs
    3. Do You Trust Me? - Broad perspective on trust, why it’s necessary, important and how ToIP can be mechanism to address challenges
    4. Karen Hand – draft is close to completion, hope WP will serve to provide context to other deliverables – in terms of overall importance
    5. Introduction to ToIP V2 - Drummond Reed providing leadership (working with Victor Syntez and Vitor Pamplona ) to complete first draft to WPTF and EFWG – a meeting is planned this week specific to this WP
      1. Drummond Reed  – has provided the draft V1 – of TOC
      2. Narrative - digital trust infrastructure, the ToIP stack, the Foundation (who we are, our members, working groups, history and how to engage), ending on The Road Ahead
      3. Vitor Pamplona  will send All Members email – vitally important for all members to engage
      4. Karl Kneis has volunteered to socialize TOC to all WGs – to encourage participation
    6. Both papers to be launched as draft in the WPTF Plenary - first week of September