YOMA Ecosystem Task Force

YOMA Ecosystem Task Force

Industry sector: Social Services

Welcome to the Yoma Ecosystem, thank you for checking us out!  Our TF Meetings are every 2 weeks on the Tuesday at 9am EDT (see the ToIP Calendar for details)Yoma is a youth marketplace that is incubated by UNICEF in Africa.  It enables young people to grow, learn, earn  and thrive by completing impact challenges that benefit our environment and communities.  All using a SSI-enabled digital CV and personalised learning environment. 

We are youth-led, and the pace is pretty furious - all are warmly welcome.  Don't forget to join our Slack Channel. 


The Mission of the Yoma Ecosystem Task Force is to write a V1 Governance Framework for layers 2-4 by end September 2021.  The ToIP TF will work alongside other Yoma stakeholders and will have youth agency and participation at its core.  

In Scope for TF:

  • Governance Framework for layers 2, 3 & 4 of the ToIP stack starting with the Ecosystem GF and including provisions for Credentials and Provider Governance Frameworks
  • Maintaining core documentation, including principle document and controlled documents, managing delivery plan
  • English version of the documents

Out of Scope for TF:

  • Governance model and operating model for the Yoma social enterprise (will be a Yoma legal entity instead of a group of collaborators), RLabs are currently the owner of the Yoma Platform, but separate legal enterprise will be set up which will have its own governance mechanism.  Likely there will be a Yoma Foundation which will also be able to receive funds, under the Foundation will be a social enterprise. Different GF but linked.  Will be the GA for the GF could be either.)
  • Convening and managing on the ground youth engagement.  (Current approach to UX is that we have 3 reference groups of young people, 1 for UX, 2 from Better Together Africa, 3rd reference group for youth on the move, young migrants.  A sub-set will support us as reference group for GF)
  • Writing Legal agreements or contracts
  • Future maintenance, operation and iterations of the governance framework
  • Other language versions of the documents

Links & Files

Overview of Yoma for the Ecosystem Foundry Working Group 2021-02-25 Meeting

Yoma Brochure (Dec 2020)

Yoma  Youth Website

Yoma Foundation Website

Use Case Folder which is in a Yoma G-Drive 

Deliverables & Milestones

We are using an iterative approach to design of the GF treating governance as product and code.  The overview of this process is here.




Delivery Date




Sprint 0

Define core principles, purpose, objectives and scope, agree approach


CompletePrincipal Document Ecosystem GF 


Sprint 1

Test the Agile Approach:  Youth Journey, DESIGN, DEV




Sprint 2

Provider Journeys DESIGN, DEV, TEST


In progress


Sprint 3

Mop Up & TEST, Prepare to deploy



Sprint 4




Nicky Hickman

Lohan Spies

Membership and Joining

Prior to participating in the meetings please ensure that you are a member of the Trust Over IP Foundation. Contributor level membership is available to anyone at no cost. Details can be found at this link.

To join this TF, add your name to this list in the areas where you have interest or expertise.

Area of GF Expertise / Interest


Layer 4 Ecosystem

Layer 3 Verifiable Credentials

Layer 2 Agent & Wallet

Dele Atanda


Frednand Furia


Aamir Abdullah



Dele Atanda

Trust Assurance

Token & Value Exchange

Machine Readable Governance

Privacy-Preserving AI / ML

(some AI/ML PhDs at SICPA may be willing to consult)

Youth Mentoring

Meeting Schedule

Our TF Meetings are every 2 weeks on the Tuesday at 9am EDT (see the ToIP Calendar for details).   See Meeting Page for details.

Intellectual Property Rights (Copyright, Patent, Source Code)

As a Task Force (TF) of  TOIP, the TF inherits the IPR terms from the JDF Charter. These include:

Mailing List and Communications

This task force uses the following for communications

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