Presentation Series

Presentation Series

Our Goal

Sharing information about ecosystem projects and related topics during conception, development and operation is one of the core objectives of the Ecosystem Foundry Working Group. In this way we hope through community participation to make project outcomes better and to expand our thinking about what a successful ToIP ecosystem is. We have been fortunate to have hosted many thought-provoking presentations at the EFWG since its inception. We will continue the series into 2022 and hope to see everyone there!

Share Your Community

If you or someone you know would be interested in getting on the 2022 Presentation Series Calendar please reach out to:

We are primarily looking for organizations and individuals that fall into one or more of the following categories:

  • Contemplating, building or operating a ToIP aligned ecosystem
  • Dealing with business challenges that involve identity, credentials, trust or privacy (may or may not already be looking into ToIP topics)
  • Have interesting insights related to encouraging the proliferation of ToIP aligned ecosystems

2023 Presentation Calendar

Dec 7, 2023nuggetsSeema Khinda Johnson, CEOTrusted Transactions powered by decentralized identity and payment wallets. Decentralized identity, verifiable credentials and payment wallets combine to support compliance and eliminate fraud via a seamless user experience and increased enterprise efficienciesZoom Link
Sept 14, 2023Continuum LoopDarrell O'Donnel, CEOBuilding Minimum Viable Ecosystems. Dive deep into the art of constructing Minimum Viable Ecosystems and discover how to foster trust and collaboration at every level. Don't miss this opportunity to transform your approach to digital ecosystemsZoom Link
March 30, 2023Disco.xyzEvin McCullen, CEO

Data Backpacks for All: Decentralized Identity Technologies in the Wild. Evin, Co-Founder & CEO of Disco.xyz gives a demo of Disco’s web app, tell us all about Data Backpacks, presents case studies with DIDs and VCs and then leads a discussion on Disco’s developer tools

Zoom Link
April 27MOBI

Tram Vo, CEO

Andreas Freund, Technology Advisor

Web3 Infrastructure and the New Economy of Movement. MOBI and partners are building the Web3 Infrastructure (Citopia and the ITN) using global standards to enable trusted, direct connections between parties and create an even playing field for connected ecosystems stakeholders. The cooperative infrastructure enables all to: Control and monetize their data in a decentralized and privacy-preserving

Zoom Link
March 16, 2023Bhutan DHIJacques von Benecke, CTOBhutan launches world's first Self-Sovereign National Identity platform. The Kingdom of Bhutan through its Druk Holdings & Investment Group (DHI) has just launched a national platform based on SSI and portable digital credentials for all citizens, businesses, foreign workers and tourists. Jacques von Benecke, CTO describes the path that brought them to develop this project, the technical and non-technical challenges they faced throughout and the future for this impressive body of work.Zoom Link
March 2, 2023TODA/Q

Hassan Khan, CEO

Dann Toliver, Chief Science Officer

Shermineh Salehi Esmati, VP Growth

Unforgeable Peer 2 Peer asset value transfer. Portable, unforgeable digital bearer assets that are truly P2P, requiring no common blockchain or centralized datastore. We'll explore use cases, market traction and the underlying technology that supports this capability.Zoom Link
Feb 16, 2023Open Origins

Mansoor Ahmed-Rengers, CEO & Founder

Matthew Pendlebury, Head of Engineering

Frankli: What if your media is lying to you? The wide spread use of image editing software and the emergence of high quality, fully synthetic images has dramatically eroded the trustworthy nature of visual media. We must now rely on highly skilled and trusted 3rd parties when we need to verify that what our eyes see can be trusted. This presentation explores the challenges of restoring confidence at scale and how provenance chaining techniques can help.Zoom Link
Jan 19, 2023MicrosoftAnkur Patel, leads Growth for Identity @ Microsoft. In recent times, he has led the effort for connecting LinkedIn, the world’s leading professional graph and Office 365, the world’s leading productivity graph. Currently, Ankur leads Microsoft’s efforts for a new form of identity for users to own and control their identity and associated data, powered with technology provided by Microsoft to empower everyone to achieve more."Entra Verified ID: A cheaper, faster & more trustworthy way to verify remote employees" For the past few years, Microsoft has been working with DIF and W3C communities on building systems with decentralized identifiers and verifiable Credentials. Entra Verified ID is our standard based decentralized identity system implementation. In this session, you will learn how Verifiable Credentials can support Enterprise Scenarios, our current investments and roadmap.

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Jan 5, 2023IDatafyIan Davidson, Chief Growth Officer responsible for partnerships, marketing, sales, and strategy.

"The Evolving Consumption of Digital Credentials" While the issuance of digital credentials has grown exponentially in the past decade we will not reach a tipping point in consumer adoption of digital credentials until they are consumed by other participants in an ecosystem that creates value for multiple stakeholders.  In this discussion we will review how the digital credential ecosystem is evolving, and where value will be generated in the years to come. We will specifically discuss how digital credentials can help job seekers market themselves to employers and examine a talent marketplace that is applying digital credentials at scale today.

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2022 Presentation Calendar

Dec 8, 2022EntidadJorge Floresm CTO and Jesus Torresm CEO"How learnings are guiding software product development for a farm worker services ecosystem" They’ll provide an update on their journey to date and provide a demo of the Preparese digital agent designed to enable digital trust interactions between farm workers and the service providers they trust. The Preparese digital agent implements DID, VCs, and DIDCOMM capabilities to provide a privacy-respecting user experience.

Zoom Link

Oct 27, 2022TBD @BlockGabe Cohen, Daniel Buchner"Web5: What it is, and how we’ll get there" In June 2022 the TBD team at Block announced Web5: an extra decentralized web platform. It is being built upon Decentralized Identifiers, Decentralized Web Nodes, Verifiable Credentials and many other SSI primitives. We will present on how we think about Web5, what we’re building, how we are making it a reality, and how you can help.

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Oct 13, 2022BoschPhilipp Etschel"SSI from a developers perspective" Philipp speaks about his pilot projects that leverage SSI for consumer appliances and helps manage internal human resources. Learn about the technical and organizational challenges he faced introducing this innovative set of technologies into a large, mature enterprise.

Zoom Link

Sept 29, 2022TrinsicThomislav Markovski
"Solving Governance in SSI Ecosystems with Trust Registries" Learn the what and the why behind trust registries from Trinsic’s Co-founder & CTO Tomislav Markovski. In addition to discussing how trust registries solve governance in verifiable credential ecosystems, Tomislav will demo the very first implementation of ToIP’s trust registry specification

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July 21, 2022DigiCatapult.org.ukKeerthi Thomas
"Drone Pilot Credentialing for Air Safety" Keerthi will discuss the approach and the implementation challenges of this project using verifiable credentials

Zoom Link

July 7, 2022IDProHeather VescentSupporting identity practices and professionals through education, certification, community. Zoom Link
May 12, 2022ToIPStephen Curran
"A model of ecosystem governance under development" Stephen Curren will present latest developments in creating an ecosystem governance which ToIP members can discuss and use to guide development of their own Ecosystem Governance Framework. This framework will describe the governance requirements ofToIP compatible ecosystems.Zoom Link
April 28, 2022CheqdTobias Halloran, Head of Partnerships and Business DevelopmentHow cheqd’s partnership network supports application developers to gain customers in trusted ecosystems. cheqd is building a secure network that enables individuals and organizations to fully control their personal data and allows self-sovereign identity (SSI) companies to build and deliver secure solutions. Through the cheqd network, anyone can verify identities quickly and securely.”

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April 14, 2022eID EasyMargus Pala, CEO

Verifiable Credentials: Thriving in Estonia? Margus Pala, CEO of Estonian start-up eID Easy, will speak about world-leading digital society “e-Estonia’s” adoption of high quality electronic signatures for various business and government services. Margus will also highlight e-Estonia’s X-Road information system which allows the nation’s various public and private sector e-service information systems to link up and function in harmony.

Zoom Link
March 17, 2022TrinsicRiley Hughes - CEO

Perspectives on business problems being addressed by ToIP-aligned solutions

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Feb 3, 2022Accenture

Jessica Townsend - Corporate identity Capability Lead,

Dan Brown - Senior Manager, Blockchain & Multi-Party Systems

Colin Strasburg - Blockchain & Multi-Party Systems Innovation Strategy Manager

Exploring The Talent Marketplace. Human Resource functions are having to respond to rapid shifts in talent, both internally and externally. Internally, companies are now operating as a network of teams to better utilize existing skills, provide more agility to the business, and reduce the high cost of recruiting people. Externally, individuals with niche and specialized skills that businesses need are electing to test the contract work waters and let demand in the market provide them top dollar while also enjoying the benefits of governing their own work commitments. These shifts are raising the need for sophisticated talent marketplaces that help find, assess, and verify skills of individuals and integrate that information into core HCM systems to enable HR and people leaders to align and support workers, improve internal processes and enhance customer experience.

Jessica Townsend, Dan Brown and Colin Strasburg from Accenture will join us on February 3rd to share the relevance of dynamic work credentials and certifications and how use of verifiable credentials will improve the way internal and external talent is managed and how standing up these trusted networks enable the future of work.

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Jan 20, 2022University of WaterlooAutumn Watkinson is a postdoctoral research fellow in the Waterloo Wetland Lab at the University of Waterloo, where she currently works on restoration of Great Lake coastal marshes. She holds a PhD in Land Reclamation from the University of Alberta where she worked on habitat restoration for endangered prairie species. Autumn's research interests lie at the intersection of restoration and conservation: restoring ecological goods and services to anthropogenically disturbed systems to create functional habitat and promote ecosystem function and health.Working Spaces Are Ecosystems Too! An ecosystem is a community of living organisms interacting with each other and their physical environment. When you hear that definition, you might picture a pristine nature landscape, but that definition can also apply to how businesses, individuals, or organizations interact with one another. Let’s talk about natural ecosystems and how we can adapt nature’s lessons to our industry ecosystems.Zoom Link

2021 Presentation Calendar

Oct 7, 2021YOMANicky HickmanLessons learned
Oct 7, 2021PCDSThibaut WauteletProduct Circularity Data Sheet (PCDS) initiative
Sept 23, 2021ULArjan GelukMobile Drivers License ISO/IEC 18013-5
July 15, 2021


Daniel CitterioDecentralized identity network
July 15, 2021NASavita FarooquiIEEE P2145 blockchain governance
May 20, 2021Indicio UtilityHeather CahlEnterprise grade identity solutions
May 20, 2021CardeaTrevor ButterworthEnd to end credential ecosystem
May 5, 2021YOMANicky HickmanEcosystem design
May 5, 2021NACarly HuitemaResearch Identifier ecosystsem
April 8, 2021University of Jyväskylä, FinlandTaija KolehmainenEcosystem modeling language Part 2
April 8, 2021esatus AGAndre KudraID Union introduction
March 25, 2021University of Jyväskylä, FinlandGabriella LaatikainenEcosystem modeling language Part 1
March 25, 2021LissiAdrian DoerkGrowth factors of SSI solutions in Europe
Feb, 25, 2021Liquid AvatarRJ ReiserIntroduction of LA VC ecosystem