Use Cases

Use Cases

Here are collected a series of use cases (and potential future use cases) written by ToIP members.

Use Case NameDescription
Know your customerKnow Your Customer is a standard due diligence process used by financial institutions and other financial services companies to assess and monitor customer risk and verify a customer's identity during the onboarding process.
Know your businessKnow Your Business is a standard due diligence process used by financial institutions and other financial services companies to assess and monitor customer risk and verify a customer's identity during the onboarding process.
Research identifier ecosystemThe research ecosystem (academia) needs to unambiguously and globally identify things and people.
Museum passA partnership of museums offer a pass for visits at participating museums.
GHG emissions reportingEmissions are direct greenhouse (GHG) emissions that occur from sources that are controlled or owned by an organization (e.g., emissions associated with fuel combustion in boilers, furnaces, vehicles).
Form-free registration and passwordless login to websites or appsUsers are able to register with a new website or application—or login to an existing account—by just clicking a button or scanning a QR code and approving the connection.
Proof of age at point of sale for restricted goodsMerchants are able to verify that a customer is old enough to purchase a restricted good without forcing the customer to disclose any more personal information than is strictly required. This can be proved using selective disclosure of an age-bearing digital identity credential (e.g., birth certificate, drivers  license, passport).
Digital driver's license to prove entitlement to drive when renting a carConsumers can skip the queues and paperwork when collecting a rental car, and rental companies can offer first-time customers a comparable experience to elite members, because entitlement to drive is verified reliably and effortlessly using a digital credential.
Patient-centric sharing of confidential medical recordsA doctor issues a digitally-signed copy of a consumer’s medical record; the patient adds it to their digital wallet; the patient presents a proof of that credential directly to another healthcare provider.

Proof of employment

An employer issues a digital credential attesting to an employee’s salary, length of employment, etc. The employee can then present a proof of that credential to insurance companies, banks, and so on.
Proof of creditCreditors issue credentials about a consumer’s credit history and limits. The consumer can share proofs of these credentials with potential lenders.
Proof of authentic content

Individual users of social media can issue proof-of-origin credentials to confirm authorship of user-generated content.

  • Simplest - signed by a DID
  • VC-centric approach - here’s a credential that says “I wrote this thing”
  • 4-layer - Author participates in a global publishing system with rights assigned (ecosystem layer), rights asserted (creds and DIDs at Layer 3), and Issuers, Verifiers are listed (Trust Registry), etc. 
  • Explores need for governance (ecosystem authority at Layer 4 handling “who confirms
Proof of learning outcome (score report, diploma, professional certification)Educational Institution or educational testing provider issues a score report or diploma or professional certification or other evidence of learning outcome as verifiable credential directly to the learner. The learner can then share this verifiable credential with another institution as part of the career or educational application processes.
Proof of work skills acquisitionAn employer issues a credential to an employee validating proficiency in a new skill acquired during their career. The employee presents this credential as a proof of skill while applying for other positions within or outside the issuing company
IoT Signed Device and Controller

Google drive document for ToIP members

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