WPTF 2021-04-15 Meeting

WPTF 2021-04-15 Meeting

Meeting Schedule

  • Thursday April 15th, 2021 10:00 to 11:00  EST / 14:00 to 15:00 UTC / 07:00 to 08:00 PST


Join Zoom Meeting 


Meeting Attendees

Karen Hand

Karl Kneis

Carly Huitema

Rieks Joosten

Scott Perry


Eric Drury

Drummond Reed

Agenda Items



1 min

Welcome & Antitrust Policy

2 min

Introduction of new members

1 min

Agenda Review

10 min


·        Decentralized SSI Governance – The Missing Link in Automating Business Decisions 

·        ToIP WP0010: Introduction to ToIP White Paper

·        ToIP WP0020: Digital Trust Market Place FAQ

20 min

Review – Author Guideline

20 min

Overview – WP Process Flow & Alignment with GitHub Deliverables and Project Boards

·        Current WPs – stage and residence

·        GitHub WP Portal and Project Board

·        Google Drive

5 min

Summary – Next Steps

Meeting Notes

Agenda & Discussion Notes

  1. Decentralized SSI Governance, The Missing Link in Automating Business Decisions
    1. Scott Perry - will bring to April 23rd meeting of the Trust Assurance TF for discussion
    2. Karl Kneis  - was approved as joint deliverable between GSWG and EFWG - what are the current caveats?
    3. Scott Perry - overall there are three discussion points that need to be resolved in order to avoid future conflict regarding definitions and/or views
      1. What is Trust Assurance - definition being brought to Trust Assurance TF - work to be initiated
      2. Future views of decentralized trust assurance introduced that need more concrete development
      3. A clearly defined end state and example to illustrate
    4. Rieks Joosten - there are some ideas that require broad feedback from broad ToIP community and worth pursing - as not aligned with traditional thought process
  2. White papers ToIP WP0010: Introduction to ToIP White Paper and ToIP WP0020: Digital Trust Market Place FAQ are led by members who are working in the Good Health Pass WG - work on white papers will resume once Good Health Pass workload is manageable
  3. Karen Hand -
    1. Review of submission process and content requirements 
    2. David Luchuk created Google Drive for white paper collaboration space
    3. Is a need to determine/decide who will be responsible for how white papers in development or those published are curated and/or submitted into GH project boards and white paper portal
  4. Discussion - Process to Rendered Papers - Rieks Joosten commented on similar process being explored in C&T WG - ingestion of document with specific patterns/terms/etc.. into an internal format where content can be exported into a rendered object. Comment was made - need to ensure as the WPTF and C&T process matures - they are the same. Remarks:
    1. Victor Syntez - using plugins, will take a wp in Google Doc - to translate into usable markdown
    2. For Index - mostly scripted
    3. GH is not working for the community as a collaboration tool for white papers
    4. GH is a bottleneck for ToIP deliverables (evidenced by lack of ToIP published deliverables such as the Decentralized Resource Identifiers in the Research Landscape white paper) and a deterrent to members in the writing of white papers
    5. Either a dedicated resource to manage deliverables in GH needs to be established or change deliverable process
  5. Discussion on Approval Process
    1. For white papers - approval process from SC needs to happen without need to be an agenda item - for example
      1. White paper sent to Communications Committee for editorial review/approval - request in form of email with link to Google doc or format where comments/revisions can be posted/tracked as well as "Request for Approval by MM-DD-YEAR"
      2. Once approved by CC - request for final approval sent to SC with link to link to Google doc or format where comments/revisions can be posted/tracked as well as "Request for Approval by MM-DD-YEAR"
    2. Papers should only be submitted in full to GH once it receives final approval from SC
  6. Karl Kneis will use this approach to forward final approval for the Decentralized Resource Identifiers in the Research Landscape white paper and the COVID-19 Credentials Initiative (“CCI”) Governance Framework V2.0
  7. Karl Kneis - suggested future effort to send promotional invitations to WG's and TF's to encourage the publication of white papers by ToIP members - many excellent thought leaders and ideas that need to be captured