WPTF 2021-08-24 Meeting
WPTF 2021-08-24 Meeting
Community Writing Workshop: Introduction to ToIP V2 White Paper
Meeting Schedule
- Every Tuesday (UTC Wednesday) during August 2021 —05:00 to 06:00pm PST / 08:00 to 09:00pm EST / 12:00 to 01:00 UTC (Wednesday)
- See the entry on the ToIP Calendar for a calendar invite you can copy to your own calendar.
Zoom Meeting Location & Recording
Link to the recording
Link to the Zoom chat
Key Documents
- Introduction to ToIP V2.0.3 (current version from August 24 2021) <== This is the formal Draft Deliverable (in a Google doc) to which contributions or suggestions can be made directly
Time | Agenda Item | Lead | Notes |
5 min |
| Facilitators |
45 min | Follow-up on the work done throughout previous week on sections 1 to 4 of the WP. | Drummond Reed | |
5 min | Discussion of other sections | Facilitators | |
5 min | August Week Three Writing Assignments
| All |
- Drummond Reed proposes to use footnotes to highlight ToIP understanding of terms.
- Wenjing Chu proposed to use term 'trust' less frequently and substitute it with more suitable terms.
- Wenjing Chu highlights necessity to differentiate humanistic concepts from concepts related to 'things'.
- Discussion about whether to include definition of the term "trust" into this section. Comments from Wenjing Chu , Michael Michael
ToIP in a Nutshell
- Drummond Reed introduced new version of the ToIP in a Nutshell section created in collaboration with Carly
- This section uses a lot of 'Trust' principles examples from Design Principles document.
- Extensive discussion about differences in understanding of the 'transitive trust'.
Why Has Digital Trust Become Such a Major Problem?
- Extensive discussion about using terms 'Misinformation' and/or 'Fake news' in this section.
Introducing the ToIP Model for Digital Trust
Further sections
- Suggest other documents from ToIP Foundation in further sections.
- Wenjing Chu , Judith Fleenor , Daniel Bachenheimer , Jacques Bikoundou , P Subrahmanyam will volunteer for them.
- Retooling ToIP WP V2 to position problem statement earlier in the document than it was in the original WP.
- Add the definition of the term 'trust' to the section "Why Has Trust..."
- Follow up on this idea: The WP should function as a a "call to understanding" to educate audiences about the ToIP stack and the ToIP Foundation. By contrast, the ToIP website should function more as 'a call to action' and address why audiences should get involved in the work of the ToIP Foundation.
Action Items
- Victor Syntez to post a request for comments on the #general Slack channel on "What is the ToIP Foundation’s unique value proposition?"
- Judith Fleenor and Victor Syntez will coordinate text inside ToIP Working Groups section with WG chairs.
- Victor Syntez look into adding content from V1 into V2 according to meeting discussion.
- Victor Syntez to create a page for a meeting for the August 31 2021.
- Dave McKay will contribute text in the The Limitations of Account-Based Digital Trust Infrastructure section.
- Scott Perry will contribute text in the Real-World Trust Infrastructure section (possible renamed) but not until after Aug 15.
- Drummond Reed will contribute text in the Introduction and ToIP in a Nutshell sections.
, multiple selections available,