Learning Pathways Taskforce

Learning Pathways Taskforce


  • Links
  • Introduction
  • Meetings
  • Deliverables
  • How to join
  • Participation


Trust over IP working groups have been generating content which is currently posted on the ToIP webpage. The Learning Pathways taskforce's goal is to add value to the content by organizing ToIP created content into Learning Pathways which will give learners a clear path through a (short) training program.

Each Learning Pathway will exist as a confluence wiki page with a specific format. The Learning Pathways will eventually be linked and summarized on the ToIP webpage so that visitors will know which Pathway to select and work on.

Learning Pathway approval: Learning Pathways can be created by any ToIP group in the Confluence wiki. Completed Pathways will be approved by the Ecosystem Foundry Working Group (EFWG) before being moved to the Completed Learning Pathways section of the confluence wiki.


There are currently no scheduled meetings for the Learning Pathways Taskforce. Discussion will occur during the EFWG until there is a need to establish separate meetings.

Members can create Learning Pathways in an ad-hoc manner.

Once a Pathway has been created it must be shared with the EFWG before seeking approval for completed publication during an EFWG meeting.


Learning Pathway on Confluence

A Learning Pathway page in confluence will contain:

  • Paragraph summary
  • Goal statement that states the skills, knowledge and capabilities the learning will achieve at the end of the pathway.
    • e.g. "On completing this pathway the learner will have a basic understanding of the main components of the Trust over IP dual stack.
    • e.g. "On completing this pathway the learner will have developed an understanding of risk analysis and completed a risk assessment. This pathway is for people who are developing governance documentation for their ecosystem"
  • Intended audience states the audience(s) that the learning pathway is aimed for. e.g. "This is a general pathway suitable for people who are seeking to be introduced to ToIP"
  • Requirements (optional) - any other Learning Pathways that need to be completed before this Pathway
  • Recommended reading (optional) - links to external (non-ToIP) resources to help provide background information
  • Pathway materials - list of ToIP produced documents along with a brief description and a statement of what the learner should gain from the documents.
  • Examples (optional)

How to join

Creation of Learning Pathways can be begun by anyone in ToIP independent of the task force or EFWG. However, members are invited to bring their ideas to the EFWG meetings to seek collaborators or feedback.

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