2023-01-13 Communications Committee Meeting Notes

January 13, 2023


  • Judith Fleenor
  • Dan Bachenheimer
  • Phil Wolff
  • Ajay Madhok
  • Nicky Hickman
  • Michelle Janata (LF)


5 min

BLOG Updates and Approvals

3 minWebsite Update
1 minEnd of Year - Membership Upgrade Drive
2 minDefining Digital Trust EcosystemJudith Fleenor 
5 minEvent participation DiscussionJudith Fleenor 
10 minVideo Content DiscussionJudith Fleenor 
20 min2023 - Editorial Calendar and Marketing Communication PlanJudith Fleenor 
3 minAction Time UpdatesJudith Fleenor 
As time AllowsOpen DiscussionAll





BLOG Updates and Approvals:

Announcing the Frist Public REview Draft of the ToIP Tech Arch V1.0 Spec - Posted Nov. 14th
-Exactly What is a Digital Trust Escosystem - Posted November 28th
-ToIP Trust Spanning Protocol - Posted January 5th
BLOGs Discussion and Approval
ToIP Paper: “Grave Concerns” understate proven identity ecosystem harms. 

Website Updates:

None at this time. 

End of Year - Membership Upgrade Drive:

Bryn Offered to help, project on hold

Defining Digital Trust Ecosystem:

Event participation Discussion:

Identiverse call for submission proposal put in last week for three sessions.
-Defining the protocol for internet-scale digital trust (Panel - Bryn, Drummond, Dan, TBD Andre)
-Decentralized Identity 101 - (Master Workshop or Session - Judith)
-Executive Director Speak - Why do we need collaboration (Panel - Judith ToIP Moderate -OIX, OpenID, Kantara, TBD DIF OWF
Judith will be working on 2023 ECI ToIP submissions next week. 
What other events do you think we should target a ToIP submission in 2023?
-Identity Week UK
-Identity Week US
-Identity Week APAC

Video Content Discussion:

Interview Questions for Long format Interview with Steering Committee Members

Live Stream Interviews for 2023

2023 - Editorial Calendar and Marketing Communication Plan:

Action Time Updates:

Open Discussion:

Current Action Items:

Outstanding Action Items:

  • Judith Fleenor asked Alex to work on the Editorial Calendar and he mentioned that he can prioritize this in October.

Action Items from previous meetings:

  • Past Action Item:  Drummond Reed to drive the efforts to put together a post recap Dubin blog, via email the following week
  • Past Action Item:  Judith Fleenor to follow up with Jim StClair (and Daniel Bachenheimer) on the GHP History to replace the GHP current content. 
  • Past Action Item:  Add logo content to website and GitHub 
  • Past Action Item:  Judith Fleenor to recruit a resource to create a table tent with the ToIP Steering Committee and General members logo 
  • Past Action Item:  Judith Fleenor to recruit a resource to create the QR code for more information
  • Past Action Item:  Ajay Madhok to initiate the video content 
  • Past Action Item:  Elisa Trevino to cancel the Communication Committee meetings on September 16 and 30. 
  • Past Action Item:  Scott Perry and David Lucatch volunteered to work on Trademark registration recommendations.
  • Past Action Item: Daniel Bachenheimersaid help with a BLOG about mDL and VCs.
  • Past Action Item: Judith Fleenorto coordinate with Kaliya Youngand Chris Kelly about Cross Collaboration on papers and communications after Thanksgiving.
  • Past Action Item:  Alex Metcalf to post the discussion papers these to LinkedIn
  • Past Action Item: Ajay Madhok create an editorial calendar review/outline a strategy of the efforts for ToIP video content
  • Past Action Item: Alex Walz to provide recommendation on video content material for multi-use purpose.