2024-10-16 All Members Meeting Notes

2024-10-16 All Members Meeting Notes


1 minAgenda Review
1 min

Welcome New Members

10 min

Foundation Wide Updates and Announcements 

Working Group Updates

Open Diccussion

   Recording: Link


All Members Meetings Notes

Judith Fleenor  kicked off the meeting with the AntiTrust policy and shared the agenda with the members. 

New Members Review

TFI Hub (Shwetha Rao)

eIDAS.vn (Peter Nguyen )

Hkdolts (Makki Elfatih)


Internet Identity Workshop (IIW), October 29-31, 2024 Computer History Museum Mountain View CA
ToIP 20 % Discount Code on Registrations: TOIP_XXXIX_20

Steering Committee Member representative will be attending the LFDT Members Summit, Oct. 23rd-24th and attending LF Members Summit, November 19th-21st At both we will be giving ToIP presentations.
Dates announced for this years DICE Conferences in Zurich, March 4th & 5th. Start thinking about your ToIP sessions. Building Capacity & Capability for Ecosystem Adoption of Verifiable Credentials and Authentic Data

September 2nd & 3rd, Zurich Annual gathering for the companies and individuals working on developing and deploying digital identity systems in Europe.


ToIP will be doing its first Webinar with the LFDT support November 13th at 10 am PT.

Verifiable Authenticity:
How Trust Over IP is Answering the Threat of AI Deep Fakes

As generative AI accelerates, it will become all but impossible to detect who and what is authentic online. The only solution is cryptographic proof: digital credentials that prove you are a real person, a real company, or that you have authored real content (sites, documents, photos, videos, etc.) The smartest AI in the world cannot fake such proofs.

Trust Over IP (ToIP) has been laying the foundation to put that capability in the hands of every person, organization, and government using the Internet. This webinar will share the latest developments in the ToIP model for decentralized digital trust infrastructure, including the Trust Spanning Protocol (TSP), the Trust Registry Query Protocol (TRQP), and governance models for digital trust ecosystems. We will also dive into what this means for specific ecosystems such as financial services, CBDCs, workforces, and even nation states like Bhutan and Switzerland.

Linux Foundation News

LF launches LF Decentralized Trust umbrella project

New Opportunities: We will also be looking to leverage the opportunities for promoting ToIP across the range of projects being hosted within the LFDT umbrella and to the greater community.

What can you do to help:

Offer assistance in tools migration
Be a part of the engagement and marketing outreach planning and execution

Create your LFX ID for Project Control Center, if you don’t already have one. This way later we will be able to add you to calendar invites, etc.

Technical Advisory Committee - LFDT

An email was sent out by David Boswell, the LFDT Manager, to all ToIP member
The election for the Technical Advisory Committee for LF Decentralized Trust will be starting soon for the term beginning Jan 1 2025.
On October 14, active contributors of ToIP may nominate themselves to run in the election. The nomination period will end on Oct 31.
On Nov 1 LFDT will open voting to all maintainers of technical projects that have been active in the last year. (For ToIP this would be active WG contributors.)
Six members will be elected by the votes of maintainers and the LFDT Governing Board will pick 5 additional members from the set of people who nominated themselves. These 11 individuals will be the members of the LFDT TAC for 2025.

An email was sent out by David Boswell, the LFDT Manager, on the LFDT Discord, and reposted to the ToIP #General channel on our slack and to the All Members email list.Voting in this year's LF Decentralized Trust Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) election will happen from November 1 to 14, 2024.
The election will include active contributors of a LF Decentralized project or lab who have nominated themselves to run as candidates – check to see if you are eligible to run if you are unsure. The call for nominations opened on October 14 and this process will go through October 31 at the end of the day Pacific time.
To nominate yourself please file an issue on the LFDT Github repo with your nomination statement and include the following information: nominee name, short personal bio and a short personal pitch about why someone should consider voting for you.
If you have any questions about the election process, please feel free to write to election@lists.lfdecentralizedtrust.org.
Thanks, David

ToIP Steering Committee Elections 2025

Because we have joined LFDT, ToIP Steering Committee members will no longer be based on funding status. Thus our current Steering Committee has created an election process to create the ToIP Steering Committee for 2025 and beyond.

There will be an election in December from a slate of candidates.
The slate of candidates will be created by each working group proposing a list of nominees. (Note: that the same person could be nominated by more that one working group. The nominee must have accepted the nomination.)
The ballot will be created from the slate of candidates based on the nominees provided by the working groups.  (The ballot may include the information about which WGs nominated candidates and a brief BIO of each candidate.)
The electorate will be all registered individual who have signed the ToIP JDF membership agreement.
More information on the election process will come out in November.

More information on the election process will come out in November.
Current Action items…
If you are interested in being on the ToIP Steering Committee, please have a conversation with you WG Chairs between now and your next Working Group Plenary meeting.
At each working groups next plenary meeting, the working group should create their list of nominees.
If you have any question or want to learn more about being on the ToIP Steering Committee, reach out to Judith to have a conversation.
Each working group must get their list of nominees to Judith by Nov. 8th

Working Group Updates

Found in the meeting slides. 

Next All Members Meeting

Our Next All Members:

November 20th, 2024 - Canceled due to LF Members Summit
Please attend our ToIP Webinar hosted by LFDT November 13th 10AM PT

Next All Member MeetingDecember 18th

Subscribe on the ToIP Meeting Calendar



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