2022-10-28 All Members Meeting Notes


2 minAntitrust Policy Notice
3 min Website Update
3 minToIP Summit ReCap
10 minEnd of Year - Membership Upgrade Drive
30 min2023 - Editorial Calendar and Marketing Communications Plan
3 minAction Time Update
TBDOpen DiscussionAll 

  • Recording


  • Presentation (Google Slides)



Judith Fleenor kicked off the meeting with the AntiTrust policy and shared the agenda with the members. 

Website Updates:

EOY Membership Upgrade Drive:

2023 - Editorial Calendar and Marketing Communications Plan:

Action Time Update:

  • Judith Fleenor to remove the Dublin recap blog and DIDs Done Right series blogs
  • Jim StClair to connect with Phil Wolff on the Consent is becoming meaningless blog
  • Wenjing Chu to initiate the Design Principles blog series in November (after LFMS), with a partner, to start producing these on a cadence
  • Drummond Reed to lead the Tech Architecture Series to be posted on the following cadence 11/14, 11/28, etc.
  • Daniel Bachenheimer to engage his internal resources for help creating marketing content.
  • Judith Fleenor to sync with Zoe McKenna for marketing help and support
  • Jim StClair to connect with LF Comms to create the topic of LF Identity groups under the LF

Open Discussion: