2024-05-15 All Members Meeting Notes

2024-05-15 All Members Meeting Notes


1 minAgenda Review
1 minWelcome New Members
5 min

Foundation Wide Updates and  Annoucements

Presentation by Findynet

Open Diccussion

     Recording: Link



Judith Fleenor  kicked off the meeting with the AntiTrust policy and shared the agenda with the members. 

All Members Meetings

Findynet Presentation: 

This presentation provides an overview of the Findynet Cooperative, a Finnish non-profit organization known for developing a national public-private network for verifiable data. It will shed light on the origins and mission of Findynet, then review its current state while showcasing a few digital identity use cases that it promotes. The presentation will also describe Findynet's envisioned infrastructure services and its services for trust ecosystems.

Markus Hautala is the CEO of Findynet Cooperative and Head of Digital Identity at Tietoevry Create in Espoo, Finland. With over two decades of experience in commercializing digital services and strategic leadership in the finance and technology sectors, he is a seasoned professional in the field. Markus holds a master's degree in marketing from Tampere University and is renowned for his ability to build strong relationships and guide teams to significant accomplishments.

Samuel Rinnetmäki is the CTO of the Findynet Cooperative. He has worked in various roles and organizations in the fields of management consulting, enterprise architecture, pension insurance, digital healthcare, and internet services. Samuel’s extensive experience, combined with his master’s degree in leadership and bachelor’s degree in media technology, provides him with the tools to solve challenging problems and develop innovative new solutions. Samuel is a hobbyist-level programmer who creates personal data dashboards and watch faces.

Contributor Organizations: 

Nordic Legal Entity Identifier AB


Blerify Inc.


Druk Holding and Investments (DHI)


Data Transfer Initiative

Steering Committee: 

Key State Capital


-European Identity and Cloud Conference - June 4th - 7th

Berlin, Germany  

ToIP Panel: Friday, June 7th at 1:30pm  

The Emerging Trust Layer for the Internet: Using Minimum Viable Protocols to  Achieve Maximum Interoperability  

Panel:  Friday, June 2:30-3:30

Executive Directors Speak - Why we need more collaboration! 

-Identity Week Europe - June 11th -12th

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Decentralized Identity Panel: June 12th - 3:30 pm

-Digital Identity unConference Europe (DICE)- June 18th -20th Zurich, Switzerland

Next All Members Meeting

Our Next All Members Meeting has moved back one week,  to not coincide with the  Digital Identity unConference Europe (DICE)

Plan to join for 
Working Group and Conference Updates on 
June 26th and 10 am PT / 17:00 UTC

Subscribe on the ToIP Meeting Calendar



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